Start starts the passed-in *exec.Cmd command.  It wraps the command in a *gexec.Session.

The session pipes the command's stdout and stderr to two *gbytes.Buffers available as properties on the session: session.Out and session.Err.
These buffers can be used with the gbytes.Say matcher to match against unread output:


In addition, Session satisfies the gbytes.BufferProvider interface and provides the stdout *gbytes.Buffer.  This allows you to replace the first line, above, with:


When outWriter and/or errWriter are non-nil, the session will pipe stdout and/or stderr output both into the session *gybtes.Buffers and to the passed-in outWriter/errWriter.
This is useful for capturing the process's output or logging it to screen.  In particular, when using Ginkgo it can be convenient to direct output to the GinkgoWriter:

	session, err := Start(command, GinkgoWriter, GinkgoWriter)

This will log output when running tests in verbose mode, but - otherwise - will only log output when a test fails.

The session wrapper is responsible for waiting on the *exec.Cmd command.  You *should not* call command.Wait() yourself.
Instead, to assert that the command has exited you can use the gexec.Exit matcher:


When the session exits it closes the stdout and stderr gbytes buffers.  This will short circuit any
Eventuallys waiting fo the buffers to Say something.
func Start(command *exec.Cmd, outWriter io.Writer, errWriter io.Writer) (*Session, error) {
	exited := make(chan struct{})

	session := &Session{
		Command:  command,
		Out:      gbytes.NewBuffer(),
		Err:      gbytes.NewBuffer(),
		Exited:   exited,
		lock:     &sync.Mutex{},
		exitCode: -1,

	var commandOut, commandErr io.Writer

	commandOut, commandErr = session.Out, session.Err

	if outWriter != nil && !reflect.ValueOf(outWriter).IsNil() {
		commandOut = io.MultiWriter(commandOut, outWriter)

	if errWriter != nil && !reflect.ValueOf(errWriter).IsNil() {
		commandErr = io.MultiWriter(commandErr, errWriter)

	command.Stdout = commandOut
	command.Stderr = commandErr

	err := command.Start()
	if err == nil {
		go session.monitorForExit(exited)

	return session, err
package writer_test

import (

	. "github.com/duskhacker/cqrsnu/internal/github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
	. "github.com/duskhacker/cqrsnu/internal/github.com/onsi/ginkgo/internal/writer"
	. "github.com/duskhacker/cqrsnu/internal/github.com/onsi/gomega"

var _ = Describe("Writer", func() {
	var writer *Writer
	var out *gbytes.Buffer

	BeforeEach(func() {
		out = gbytes.NewBuffer()
		writer = New(out)

	It("should stream directly to the outbuffer by default", func() {

	It("should not emit the header when asked to DumpOutWitHeader", func() {
		writer.DumpOutWithHeader("my header")
		Ω(out).ShouldNot(gbytes.Say("my header"))

	newContainer := func(text string, flag types.FlagType, setupNodes ...leafnodes.BasicNode) *containernode.ContainerNode {
		c := containernode.New(text, flag, codeLocation)
		for _, node := range setupNodes {
		return c

	containers := func(containers ...*containernode.ContainerNode) []*containernode.ContainerNode {
		return containers

	BeforeEach(func() {
		buffer = gbytes.NewBuffer()
		failer = Failer.New()
		codeLocation = codelocation.New(0)
		nodesThatRan = []string{}

	Describe("marking specs focused and pending", func() {
		It("should satisfy various caes", func() {
			cases := []struct {
				ContainerFlags []types.FlagType
				SubjectFlag    types.FlagType
				Pending        bool
				Focused        bool
				{[]types.FlagType{}, noneFlag, false, false},
				{[]types.FlagType{}, focusedFlag, false, true},