func parseCmd(in string) []values.String {
	result := []values.String{}
	inEscape := false
	inQuotes := false
	buf := ""
	for i := 0; i < len(in); i++ {
		c := in[i]
		if inEscape {
			buf += string(c)
			inEscape = false
		} else if c == '\\' {
			inEscape = true
		} else if inQuotes {
			if c == '"' {
				inQuotes = false
			} else {
				buf += string(c)
		} else if c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' {
			result = append(result, values.String(buf))
			buf = ""
		} else if c == '"' {
			inQuotes = true
		} else {
			buf += string(c)
	if len(buf) > 0 {
		result = append(result, values.String(buf))
	return result
func (s *ConfigTest) TestNewGenerateToFileConfig(c *C) {
	actual := NewGenerateToFileConfig(ReadOnly, values.String("foo/bar.pem"))
	c.Assert(actual.Type, Equals, GenerateToFile)
	c.Assert(actual.Permission, Equals, ReadOnly)
	c.Assert(actual.PemFile, Equals, values.String("foo/bar.pem"))
	c.Assert(actual.PemFilePermission, Equals, DefaultFilePermission())
	c.Assert(actual.PemFileUser, IsEmpty)
// NewGenerateToFileConfig creates a new Config with the given permission
// and will force a creation of certificates to the given pemFile.
func NewGenerateToFileConfig(permission Permission, pemFile values.String) Config {
	return Config{
		Type:              GenerateToFile,
		Permission:        permission,
		PemFile:           values.String(pemFile),
		PemFileUser:       values.String(""),
		PemFilePermission: DefaultFilePermission(),
func (s *CheckersTest) TestIsEmpty(c *C) {
	c.Assert("abc", Not(IsEmpty))
	c.Assert("", IsEmpty)
	c.Assert(values.String("abc"), Not(IsEmpty))
	c.Assert(values.String(""), IsEmpty)
	c.Assert([]string{"abc"}, Not(IsEmpty))
	c.Assert([]string{}, IsEmpty)
	c.Assert([]int{1}, Not(IsEmpty))
	c.Assert([]int{}, IsEmpty)
	c.Assert(map[string]int{"abc": 1}, Not(IsEmpty))
	c.Assert(map[string]int{}, IsEmpty)
func (s *ConfigTest) TestValidateNotRequiredPemFile(c *C) {
	for _, t := range AllTypes {
		if !t.IsTakingFilename() {
			actual := Config{
				Type:       t,
				Permission: ReadOnly,
				PemFile:    values.String(""),
			c.Assert(actual.Validate(), IsNil)
			actual.PemFile = values.String("foo/bar.pem")
			c.Assert(actual.Validate(), IsNil)
func (s *ConfigTest) TestValidateRequiredPemFile(c *C) {
	for _, t := range AllTypes {
		if t.IsTakingFilename() {
			actual := Config{
				Type:       t,
				Permission: ReadOnly,
				PemFile:    values.String(""),
			c.Assert(actual.Validate(), ErrorMatches, "There is no pemFile set for type "+t.String()+".")
			actual.PemFile = values.String("foo/bar.pem")
			c.Assert(actual.Validate(), IsNil)
func (s *ConfigTest) TestValidateAllowedPemFileUser(c *C) {
	for _, t := range AllTypes {
		if t.IsTakingFileUser() {
			actual := Config{
				Type:       t,
				Permission: ReadOnly,
				PemFile:    values.String("foo/bar.pem"),
			actual.PemFileUser = values.String("")
			c.Assert(actual.Validate(), IsNil)
			actual.PemFileUser = values.String("foo")
			c.Assert(actual.Validate(), IsNil)
func (s *ConfigTest) TestValidateNotAllowedPemFileUser(c *C) {
	for _, t := range AllTypes {
		if !t.IsTakingFileUser() {
			actual := Config{
				Type:       t,
				Permission: ReadOnly,
				PemFile:    values.String(""),
			actual.PemFileUser = values.String("")
			c.Assert(actual.Validate(), IsNil)
			actual.PemFileUser = values.String("foo")
			c.Assert(actual.Validate(), ErrorMatches, "There is no pemFileUser allowed for type "+t.String()+".")
func attachArgsToMasterIfPossible(args []string, to *caretakerd.Config) {
	if len(args) > 0 {
		if masterName, ok := to.Services.GetMasterName(); ok {
			master := to.Services[masterName]
			for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
				master.Command = append(master.Command, values.String(args[i]))
			to.Services[masterName] = master
func (instance *Config) init() {
	(*instance).Logger = logger.NewConfig()
	(*instance).Command = []values.String{}
	(*instance).PreCommands = [][]values.String{}
	(*instance).PostCommands = [][]values.String{}
	(*instance).Type = AutoStart
	(*instance).CronExpression = NewCronExpression()
	(*instance).StartDelayInSeconds = values.NonNegativeInteger(0)
	(*instance).RestartDelayInSeconds = values.NonNegativeInteger(5)
	(*instance).SuccessExitCodes = values.ExitCodes{values.ExitCode(0)}
	(*instance).StopSignal = defaultStopSignal()
	(*instance).StopSignalTarget = values.ProcessGroup
	(*instance).StopCommand = []values.String{}
	(*instance).StopWaitInSeconds = values.NonNegativeInteger(30)
	(*instance).User = values.String("")
	(*instance).Environment = Environments{}
	(*instance).Directory = values.String("")
	(*instance).AutoRestart = values.OnFailures
	(*instance).InheritEnvironment = values.Boolean(true)
	(*instance).Access = access.NewNoneConfig()
// Set sets the given string to the current object from a string.
// Returns an error object if there are problems while transforming the string.
func (instance *ConfigWrapper) Set(value string) error {
	if len(value) == 0 {
		return errors.New("There is an empty filename for configuration provided.")
	filename := values.String(value)
	conf, err := caretakerd.LoadFromYamlFile(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	conf = conf.EnrichFromEnvironment()
	instance.filename = filename
	instance.instance = &conf
	instance.explicitSet = true
	return nil
// Validate validates an action on this object and returns an error object if there is any.
func (instance Config) Validate() error {
	err := instance.Type.Validate()
	if err == nil {
		err = instance.Permission.Validate()
	if err == nil {
		err = instance.validateRequireStringValue(instance.PemFile, "pemFile", instance.Type.IsTakingFilename)
	if err == nil {
		err = instance.validateStringOnlyAllowedValue(instance.PemFileUser, "pemFileUser", instance.Type.IsTakingFileUser, values.String(""))
	if err == nil {
		err = instance.validateUint32OnlyAllowedValue(uint32(instance.PemFilePermission), "pemFilePermission", instance.Type.IsTakingFilePermission, uint32(DefaultFilePermission()))
	return err
package keyStore

import (

var defaults = map[string]interface{}{
	"Type":    Generated,
	"PemFile": values.String(""),
	"Hints":   values.String("algorithm:`rsa` bits:`1024`"),
	"CaFile":  values.String(""),

// # Description
// Defines the keyStore of caretakerd.
type Config struct {
	// @default generated
	// Defines the type of the instance keyStore.
	Type Type `json:"type" yaml:"type"`

	// @default ""
	// Defines the pemFile which contains the key and certificate to be used.
	// This has to be of type PEM and has to contain the certificate and private key.
	// Currently only private keys of type RSA are supported.
	// ListenAddress represents the default address caretakerd listens to.
	ListenAddress values.SocketAddress
	// AuthFileKeyFilename represents the default file name caretakerd uses to store
	// the key for the caretakerctl/control process.
	AuthFileKeyFilename values.String
	// ConfigFilename represents the default location where caretakerd searches for its config file (yaml).
	ConfigFilename values.String

var listenAddress = values.SocketAddress{
	Protocol: values.TCP,
	Target:   "localhost",
	Port:     57955,

const unixAuthFileKeyFilename = values.String("/var/run/caretakerd.key")
const windowsAuthFileKeyFilename = values.String("C:\\ProgramData\\caretakerd\\access.key")
const unixConfigFilename = values.String("/etc/caretakerd.yaml")
const windowsConfigFilename = values.String("C:\\ProgramData\\caretakerd\\config.yaml")

var allDefaults = map[string]Defaults{
	"linux": {
		ListenAddress:       listenAddress,
		AuthFileKeyFilename: unixAuthFileKeyFilename,
		ConfigFilename:      unixConfigFilename,
	"windows": {
		ListenAddress:       listenAddress,
		AuthFileKeyFilename: windowsAuthFileKeyFilename,
		ConfigFilename:      windowsConfigFilename,
package logger

import (

var defaults = map[string]interface{}{
	"Level":        Info,
	"StdoutLevel":  Info,
	"StderrLevel":  Error,
	"Filename":     values.String("console"),
	"MaxSizeInMb":  values.NonNegativeInteger(500),
	"MaxBackups":   values.NonNegativeInteger(5),
	"MaxAgeInDays": values.NonNegativeInteger(1),
	"Pattern":      Pattern("%d{YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss} [%-5.5p] [%c] %m%n%P{%m}"),

// # Description
// A logger handles every output generated by the daemon itself, the process or other parts controlled by the daemon.
type Config struct {
	// @default info
	// Minimal log level the logger uses to log error messages. All levels below are ignored.
	Level Level `json:"level" yaml:"level"`

	// @default info
	// If the service prints something to ``stdout``, the instance will be logged with the corresponding instance level.
	StdoutLevel Level `json:"stdoutLevel" yaml:"stdoutLevel"`