文件: icmp.go 项目: ruflin/beats
func (icmp *icmpPlugin) init(results publish.Transactions, config *icmpConfig) error {

	var err error
	icmp.localIps, err = common.LocalIPAddrs()
	if err != nil {
		logp.Err("icmp", "Error getting local IP addresses: %s", err)
		icmp.localIps = []net.IP{}
	logp.Debug("icmp", "Local IP addresses: %s", icmp.localIps)

	var removalListener = func(k common.Key, v common.Value) {
		icmp.expireTransaction(k.(hashableIcmpTuple), v.(*icmpTransaction))

	icmp.transactions = common.NewCacheWithRemovalListener(


	icmp.results = results

	return nil
文件: procs.go 项目: ruflin/beats
func (proc *ProcessesWatcher) Init(config ProcsConfig) error {

	proc.procPrefix = ""
	proc.portProcMap = make(map[uint16]portProcMapping)
	proc.lastMapUpdate = time.Now()

	proc.readFromProc = config.Enabled
	if proc.readFromProc {
		if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
			proc.readFromProc = false
			logp.Info("Disabled /proc/ reading because not on linux")
		} else {
			logp.Info("Process matching enabled")
	} else {
		logp.Info("Process matching disabled")

	if config.MaxProcReadFreq == 0 {
		proc.maxReadFreq = 10 * time.Millisecond
	} else {
		proc.maxReadFreq = config.MaxProcReadFreq

	if config.RefreshPidsFreq == 0 {
		proc.refreshPidsFreq = 1 * time.Second
	} else {
		proc.refreshPidsFreq = config.RefreshPidsFreq

	// Read the local IP addresses
	var err error
	proc.localAddrs, err = common.LocalIPAddrs()
	if err != nil {
		logp.Err("Error getting local IP addresses: %s", err)
		proc.localAddrs = []net.IP{}

	if proc.readFromProc {
		for _, procConfig := range config.Monitored {

			grepper := procConfig.CmdlineGrep
			if len(grepper) == 0 {
				grepper = procConfig.Process

			p, err := newProcess(proc, procConfig.Process, grepper, time.Tick(proc.refreshPidsFreq))
			if err != nil {
				logp.Err("NewProcess: %s", err)
			} else {
				proc.processes = append(proc.processes, p)

	return nil
文件: partition.go 项目: urso/beats
func findMatchingAddress(
	addr string,
	brokers []string,
) (int, bool) {
	debugf("Try to match broker to: %v", addr)

	// compare connection address to list of broker addresses
	if i, found := indexOf(addr, brokers); found {
		return i, true

	// get connection 'port'
	_, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
	if err != nil || port == "" {
		port = "9092"

	// lookup local machines ips for comparing with broker addresses
	localIPs, err := common.LocalIPAddrs()
	if err != nil || len(localIPs) == 0 {
		return -1, false
	debugf("local machine ips: %v", localIPs)

	// try to find broker by comparing the fqdn for each known ip to list of
	// brokers
	localHosts := lookupHosts(localIPs)
	debugf("local machine addresses: %v", localHosts)
	for _, host := range localHosts {
		debugf("try to match with fqdn: %v (%v)", host, port)
		if i, found := indexOf(net.JoinHostPort(host, port), brokers); found {
			return i, true

	// try to find broker id by comparing the machines local hostname to
	// broker hostnames in metadata
	if host, err := os.Hostname(); err == nil {
		debugf("try to match with hostname only: %v (%v)", host, port)

		tmp := net.JoinHostPort(strings.ToLower(host), port)
		if i, found := indexOf(tmp, brokers); found {
			return i, true

	// lookup ips for all brokers
	debugf("match by ips")
	for i, b := range brokers {
		debugf("test broker address: %v", b)
		bh, bp, err := net.SplitHostPort(b)
		if err != nil {

		// port numbers do not match
		if bp != port {

		// lookup all ips for brokers host:
		ips, err := net.LookupIP(bh)
		debugf("broker %v ips: %v, %v", bh, ips, err)
		if err != nil {

		debugf("broker (%v) ips: %v", bh, ips)

		// check if ip is known
		if anyIPsMatch(ips, localIPs) {
			return i, true

	return -1, false