func (p *parser) parseString(buf *streambuf.Buffer) (common.NetString, bool, bool) {
	line, err := buf.UntilCRLF()
	if err != nil {
		return empty, true, false

	if len(line) == 3 && line[1] == '-' && line[2] == '1' {
		return nilStr, true, true

	length, err := parseInt(line[1:])
	if err != nil {
		logp.Err("Failed to read bulk message: %s", err)
		return empty, false, false

	content, err := buf.CollectWithSuffix(int(length), []byte("\r\n"))
	if err != nil {
		if err != streambuf.ErrNoMoreBytes {
			return common.NetString{}, false, false
		return common.NetString{}, true, false

	return common.NetString(content), true, true
func (p *parser) parseSimpleString(buf *streambuf.Buffer) (common.NetString, bool, bool) {
	line, err := buf.UntilCRLF()
	if err != nil {
		return empty, true, false

	return common.NetString(line[1:]), true, true
func (redis *Redis) newTransaction(requ, resp *redisMessage) common.MapStr {
	error := common.OK_STATUS
	if resp.IsError {
		error = common.ERROR_STATUS

	var returnValue map[string]common.NetString
	if resp.IsError {
		returnValue = map[string]common.NetString{
			"error": resp.Message,
	} else {
		returnValue = map[string]common.NetString{
			"return_value": resp.Message,

	src := &common.Endpoint{
		Ip:   requ.TcpTuple.Src_ip.String(),
		Port: requ.TcpTuple.Src_port,
		Proc: string(requ.CmdlineTuple.Src),
	dst := &common.Endpoint{
		Ip:   requ.TcpTuple.Dst_ip.String(),
		Port: requ.TcpTuple.Dst_port,
		Proc: string(requ.CmdlineTuple.Dst),
	if requ.Direction == tcp.TcpDirectionReverse {
		src, dst = dst, src

	// resp_time in milliseconds
	responseTime := int32(resp.Ts.Sub(requ.Ts).Nanoseconds() / 1e6)

	event := common.MapStr{
		"@timestamp":   common.Time(requ.Ts),
		"type":         "redis",
		"status":       error,
		"responsetime": responseTime,
		"redis":        returnValue,
		"method":       common.NetString(bytes.ToUpper(requ.Method)),
		"resource":     requ.Path,
		"query":        requ.Message,
		"bytes_in":     uint64(requ.Size),
		"bytes_out":    uint64(resp.Size),
		"src":          src,
		"dst":          dst,
	if redis.SendRequest {
		event["request"] = requ.Message
	if redis.SendResponse {
		event["response"] = resp.Message

	return event
func (p *parser) parseArray(depth int, buf *streambuf.Buffer) (common.NetString, bool, bool, bool) {
	line, err := buf.UntilCRLF()
	if err != nil {
		if isDebug {
			debugf("End of line not found, waiting for more data")
		return empty, false, false, false
	if isDebug {
		debugf("line %s: %d", line, buf.BufferConsumed())

	if len(line) == 3 && line[1] == '-' && line[2] == '1' {
		return nilStr, false, true, true

	if len(line) == 2 && line[1] == '0' {
		return emptyArr, false, true, true

	count, err := parseInt(line[1:])
	if err != nil {
		logp.Err("Failed to read number of bulk messages: %s", err)
		return empty, false, false, false
	if count < 0 {
		return nilStr, false, true, true
	} else if count == 0 {
		// should not happen, but handle just in case ParseInt did return 0
		return emptyArr, false, true, true

	// invariant: count > 0

	// try to allocate content array right on stack
	var content [][]byte
	const arrayBufferSize = 32
	if int(count) <= arrayBufferSize {
		var arrayBuffer [arrayBufferSize][]byte
		content = arrayBuffer[:0]
	} else {
		content = make([][]byte, 0, count)

	contentLen := 0
	// read sub elements

	iserror := false
	for i := 0; i < int(count); i++ {
		var value common.NetString
		var ok, complete bool

		value, iserror, ok, complete := p.dispatch(depth+1, buf)
		if !ok || !complete {
			if isDebug {
				debugf("Array incomplete")
			return empty, iserror, ok, complete

		content = append(content, []byte(value))
		contentLen += len(value)

	// handle top-level request command
	if depth == 0 && isRedisCommand(content[0]) {
		p.message.isRequest = true
		p.message.method = content[0]
		if len(content) > 1 {
			p.message.path = content[1]

		var value common.NetString
		if contentLen > 1 {
			tmp := make([]byte, contentLen+(len(content)-1)*1)
			join(tmp, content, []byte(" "))
			value = common.NetString(tmp)
		} else {
			value = common.NetString(content[0])
		return value, iserror, true, true

	// return redis array: [a, b, c]
	tmp := make([]byte, 2+contentLen+(len(content)-1)*2)
	tmp[0] = '['
	join(tmp[1:], content, []byte(", "))
	tmp[len(tmp)-1] = ']'
	value := common.NetString(tmp)
	return value, iserror, true, true
	size      int
	message   common.NetString
	method    common.NetString
	path      common.NetString

	next *redisMessage

const (
	start = iota

var (
	empty    = common.NetString("")
	emptyArr = common.NetString("[]")
	nilStr   = common.NetString("nil")

// Keep sorted for future command addition
var redisCommands = map[string]struct{}{
	"APPEND":           {},
	"AUTH":             {},
	"BGREWRITEAOF":     {},
	"BGSAVE":           {},
	"BITCOUNT":         {},
	"BITOP":            {},
	"BITPOS":           {},
	"BLPOP":            {},
	"BRPOP":            {},
文件: worker.go 项目: ChongFeng/beats
func createEvent(
	ts time.Time, f *biFlow,
	isOver bool,
	intNames, uintNames, floatNames []string,
) common.MapStr {
	event := common.MapStr{
		"@timestamp": common.Time(ts),
		"start_time": common.Time(f.createTS),
		"last_time":  common.Time(f.ts),
		"type":       "flow",
		"flow_id":    common.NetString(f.id.Serialize()),
		"final":      isOver,

	source := common.MapStr{}
	dest := common.MapStr{}

	// add ethernet layer meta data
	if src, dst, ok := f.id.EthAddr(); ok {
		source["mac"] = net.HardwareAddr(src).String()
		dest["mac"] = net.HardwareAddr(dst).String()

	// add vlan
	if vlan := f.id.OutterVLan(); vlan != nil {
		event["outer_vlan"] = binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(vlan)
	if vlan := f.id.VLan(); vlan != nil {
		event["vlan"] = binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(vlan)

	// add icmp
	if icmp := f.id.ICMPv4(); icmp != nil {
		event["icmp_id"] = binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(icmp)
	} else if icmp := f.id.ICMPv6(); icmp != nil {
		event["icmp_id"] = binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(icmp)

	// ipv4 layer meta data
	if src, dst, ok := f.id.OutterIPv4Addr(); ok {
		source["outer_ip"] = net.IP(src).String()
		dest["outer_ip"] = net.IP(dst).String()
	if src, dst, ok := f.id.IPv4Addr(); ok {
		source["ip"] = net.IP(src).String()
		dest["ip"] = net.IP(dst).String()

	// ipv6 layer meta data
	if src, dst, ok := f.id.OutterIPv6Addr(); ok {
		source["outer_ipv6"] = net.IP(src).String()
		dest["outer_ipv6"] = net.IP(dst).String()
	if src, dst, ok := f.id.IPv6Addr(); ok {
		source["ipv6"] = net.IP(src).String()
		dest["ipv6"] = net.IP(dst).String()

	// udp layer meta data
	if src, dst, ok := f.id.UDPAddr(); ok {
		source["port"] = binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(src)
		dest["port"] = binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(dst)
		event["transport"] = "udp"

	// tcp layer meta data
	if src, dst, ok := f.id.TCPAddr(); ok {
		source["port"] = binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(src)
		dest["port"] = binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(dst)
		event["transport"] = "tcp"

	if id := f.id.ConnectionID(); id != nil {
		event["connection_id"] = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(id)

	if f.stats[0] != nil {
		source["stats"] = encodeStats(f.stats[0], intNames, uintNames, floatNames)
	if f.stats[1] != nil {
		dest["stats"] = encodeStats(f.stats[1], intNames, uintNames, floatNames)

	event["source"] = source
	event["dest"] = dest

	return event
func (parser *parser) parseHeader(m *message, data []byte) (bool, bool, int) {
	if m.Headers == nil {
		m.Headers = make(map[string]common.NetString)
	i := bytes.Index(data, []byte(":"))
	if i == -1 {
		// Expected \":\" in headers. Assuming incomplete"
		return true, false, 0

	config := parser.config

	// enabled if required. Allocs for parameters slow down parser big times
	if isDetailed {
		detailedf("Data: %s", data)
		detailedf("Header: %s", data[:i])

	// skip folding line
	for p := i + 1; p < len(data); {
		q := bytes.Index(data[p:], constCRLF)
		if q == -1 {
			// Assuming incomplete
			return true, false, 0
		p += q
		if len(data) > p && (data[p+1] == ' ' || data[p+1] == '\t') {
			p = p + 2
		} else {
			var headerNameBuf [140]byte
			headerName := toLower(headerNameBuf[:], data[:i])
			headerVal := trim(data[i+1 : p])
			if isDebug {
				debugf("Header: '%s' Value: '%s'\n", data[:i], headerVal)

			// Headers we need for parsing. Make sure we always
			// capture their value
			if bytes.Equal(headerName, nameContentLength) {
				m.ContentLength, _ = parseInt(headerVal)
				m.hasContentLength = true
			} else if bytes.Equal(headerName, nameContentType) {
				m.ContentType = headerVal
			} else if bytes.Equal(headerName, nameTransferEncoding) {
				m.TransferEncoding = common.NetString(headerVal)
			} else if bytes.Equal(headerName, nameConnection) {
				m.connection = headerVal
			if len(config.RealIPHeader) > 0 && bytes.Equal(headerName, []byte(config.RealIPHeader)) {
				m.RealIP = headerVal

			if config.SendHeaders {
				if !config.SendAllHeaders {
					_, exists := config.HeadersWhitelist[string(headerName)]
					if !exists {
						return true, true, p + 2
				if val, ok := m.Headers[string(headerName)]; ok {
					composed := make([]byte, len(val)+len(headerVal)+2)
					off := copy(composed, val)
					off = copy(composed[off:], []byte(", "))
					copy(composed[off:], headerVal)

					m.Headers[string(headerName)] = composed
				} else {
					m.Headers[string(headerName)] = headerVal

			return true, true, p + 2

	return true, false, len(data)
func (*parser) parseHTTPLine(s *stream, m *message) (cont, ok, complete bool) {
	m.start = s.parseOffset
	i := bytes.Index(s.data[s.parseOffset:], []byte("\r\n"))
	if i == -1 {
		return false, true, false

	// Very basic tests on the first line. Just to check that
	// we have what looks as an HTTP message
	var version []byte
	var err error
	fline := s.data[s.parseOffset:i]
	if len(fline) < 8 {
		if isDebug {
			debugf("First line too small")
		return false, false, false
	if bytes.Equal(fline[0:5], []byte("HTTP/")) {
		m.IsRequest = false
		version = fline[5:8]
		m.StatusCode, m.StatusPhrase, err = parseResponseStatus(fline[9:])
		if err != nil {
			logp.Warn("Failed to understand HTTP response status: %s", fline[9:])
			return false, false, false

		if isDebug {
			debugf("HTTP status_code=%d, status_phrase=%s", m.StatusCode, m.StatusPhrase)
	} else {
		slices := bytes.Fields(fline)
		if len(slices) != 3 {
			if isDebug {
				debugf("Couldn't understand HTTP request: %s", fline)
			return false, false, false

		m.Method = common.NetString(slices[0])
		m.RequestURI = common.NetString(slices[1])

		if bytes.Equal(slices[2][:5], []byte("HTTP/")) {
			m.IsRequest = true
			version = slices[2][5:]
		} else {
			if isDebug {
				debugf("Couldn't understand HTTP version: %s", fline)
			return false, false, false

	m.version.major, m.version.minor, err = parseVersion(version)
	if err != nil {
		if isDebug {
			debugf("Failed to understand HTTP version: %v", version)
		m.version.major = 1
		m.version.minor = 0
	if isDebug {
		debugf("HTTP version %d.%d", m.version.major, m.version.minor)

	// ok so far
	s.parseOffset = i + 2
	m.headerOffset = s.parseOffset
	s.parseState = stateHeaders

	return true, true, true