func updateCommand(cmd Command) {
	log.Debugln("Updating ", cmd.Target)
	switch cmd.Target {
	case "all":
		cluster := cmd.Object.(string)
	case "agent":
		cluster := cmd.Object.(string)
	case "services":
		cluster := cmd.Object.(string)
	case "policy":
		cluster := cmd.Object.(string)
	case "node-base-services":
		data := cmd.Object.([]interface{})
		upd := []string{}
		for _, item := range data {
			upd = append(upd, item.(string))
		constraints := cfg.GetNodeConstraints()
		constraints.BaseServices = upd
		cfg.WriteNodeConstraints(cfg.GetNodeConfig().Remote, *constraints)
	case "node-cpumin":
		upd := cmd.Object.(float64)
		constraints := cfg.GetNodeConstraints()
		constraints.CpuMin = upd
		cfg.WriteNodeConstraints(cfg.GetNodeConfig().Remote, *constraints)
	case "node-cpumax":
		upd := cmd.Object.(float64)
		constraints := cfg.GetNodeConstraints()
		constraints.CpuMax = upd
		cfg.WriteNodeConstraints(cfg.GetNodeConfig().Remote, *constraints)
	case "service-constraints":
		name := cmd.Object.(string)
		srv, _ := service.GetServiceByName(name)
		upd := cfg.ReadService(srv.Remote)
		srv.Constraints = upd.Constraints
		log.WithField("target", cmd.Target).Errorln("Unrecognized target for command update")
文件: scalein.go 项目: elleFlorio/gru
func (p *scaleinCreator) computeWeight(name string, clusterData data.Shared) float64 {
	service, _ := srv.GetServiceByName(name)
	inst_run := len(service.Instances.Running)
	inst_pen := len(service.Instances.Pending)

	if inst_run < 1 {
		return 0.0

	baseServices := cfg.GetNodeConstraints().BaseServices
	if (inst_pen+inst_run) <= 1 && utils.ContainsString(baseServices, name) {
		return 0.0

	policy := cfg.GetPolicy().Scalein
	metrics := policy.Metrics
	analytics := policy.Analytics
	threshold := policy.Threshold
	weights := []float64{}

	for _, metric := range metrics {
		if value, ok := clusterData.Service[name].Data.BaseShared[metric]; ok {
			weights = append(weights, p.computeMetricWeight(value, threshold))

	for _, analytic := range analytics {
		if value, ok := clusterData.Service[name].Data.UserShared[analytic]; ok {
			weights = append(weights, p.computeMetricWeight(value, threshold))

	policyValue := utils.Mean(weights)

	return policyValue
文件: swap.go 项目: elleFlorio/gru
func (p *swapCreator) computeWeight(running string, candidate string, clusterData data.Shared) float64 {
	srv_run, _ := srv.GetServiceByName(running)
	srv_cand, _ := srv.GetServiceByName(candidate)
	nRun := len(srv_run.Instances.Running)
	baseServices := cfg.GetNodeConstraints().BaseServices

	if utils.ContainsString(baseServices, running) && nRun < 2 {
		return 0.0

	// If the service has the resources to start without stopping the other
	// there is no reason to swap them
	if res.AvailableResourcesService(candidate) > 0 {
		return 0.0

	// TODO now this works only with homogeneous containers
	// and taking into account only the CPUs. This is not a
	// a good thing, so in the feuture the swap policy should
	// be able to compare the resources needed by each containers
	// and evaulte if it is possible to swap a container with
	// more than one that is active, in order to obtain
	// the requested amount of resources.
	if srv_run.Docker.CPUnumber != srv_cand.Docker.CPUnumber {
		return 0.0

	runShared := clusterData.Service[running]
	candShared := clusterData.Service[candidate]
	policy := cfg.GetPolicy().Swap
	metrics := policy.Metrics
	analytics := policy.Analytics
	threshold := policy.Threshold
	weights := []float64{}

	candValue := 0.0
	runValue := 0.0
	for _, metric := range metrics {
		if value, ok := candShared.Data.BaseShared[metric]; ok {
			candValue = value
		} else {
			candValue = -1.0

		if value, ok := runShared.Data.BaseShared[metric]; ok {
			runValue = value
		} else {
			runValue = -1.0

		if candValue != -1.0 && runValue != -1.0 {
			delta := candValue - runValue
			weight := math.Min(1.0, delta/threshold)
			weights = append(weights, weight)
		} else {
				"metric":    metric,
				"running":   running,
				"candidate": candidate,
			}).Warnln("Cannot compare services: metric not present in both services")

	for _, analytic := range analytics {
		if value, ok := candShared.Data.UserShared[analytic]; ok {
			candValue = value
		} else {
			candValue = -1.0

		if value, ok := runShared.Data.UserShared[analytic]; ok {
			runValue = value
		} else {
			runValue = -1.0

		if candValue != -1.0 && runValue != -1.0 {
			delta := candValue - runValue
			weight := math.Min(1.0, delta/threshold)
			weights = append(weights, weight)
		} else {
				"analytic":  analytic,
				"running":   running,
				"candidate": candidate,
			}).Warnln("Cannot compare services: analytic not present in both services")

	policyValue := math.Max(0.0, utils.Mean(weights))

	return policyValue