文件: actor.go 项目: eluleci/dock
func (a *Actor) checkAndSend(c chan messages.Message, m messages.Message) {
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			utils.Log("debug", a.res+"Trying to send on closed channel.")
	c <- m
文件: actor.go 项目: eluleci/dock
func (a *Actor) Run() {
	defer func() {
		utils.Log("debug", a.res+":  Stopped running.")

	utils.Log("debug", a.res+": Started running")

	for {
		select {
		case requestWrapper := <-a.Inbox:

			if requestWrapper.Res == a.res {
				// if the resource of the message is this actor's resource

				messageString, _ := json.Marshal(requestWrapper.Message)
				utils.Log("debug", a.res+": "+string(messageString))

				response := handleRequest(a, requestWrapper)
				a.checkAndSend(requestWrapper.Listener, response)
				utils.Log("debug", "")

				// TODO stop the actor if it belongs to an item and the item is deleted
				// TODO stop the actor if it belongs to an item and the item doesn't exist
				// TODO stop the actor if it belongs to an entity and 'get' returns an empty array (not sure though)

			} else {
				// if the resource belongs to a children actor
				childRes := getChildRes(requestWrapper.Res, a.res)

				actor, exists := a.children[childRes]

				if !exists {
					// if children doesn't exists, create a child actor for the res
					actor = CreateActor(childRes, a.level+1, a.Inbox)
					go actor.Run()
					a.children[childRes] = actor
				//   forward message to the children actor
				actor.Inbox <- requestWrapper