// Returns a handler method for running a module outside of the command
// interface.
func (server WebCmdServer) BareModuleHandler(command string, m modules.Module) func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		template_content, err := resources.Load(BARE_MODULE_FILE)
		if err != nil {
			server.PrintError(w, err)
		var bareModuleTemplate = template.New("Bare module template")
		bareModuleTemplate, err = bareModuleTemplate.Parse(string(template_content))
		if err != nil {
			server.PrintError(w, err)
		body, err := m.RunEvent(req)
		if err != nil {
			server.PrintError(w, err)
		query := req.FormValue("q")
		p := page{
			Title: m.Name(), Body: body, Path: command,
			Command: command, QueryString: query}
		bareModuleTemplate.Execute(w, &p)
// Serves a video player wrapper around a file (via the request URL). The video
// type is set as t. If transcode is true, the video URL will point to the
// transcode handler, otherwise the raw file handler.
func (f *FileHandler) ServeVideoPlayer(t string, transcode bool, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	template_content, err := resources.Load(VIDEO_TEMPLATE_FILE)
	if err != nil {
		f.FallbackHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r)

	var videoTemplate = template.New("Video template")
	videoTemplate, err = videoTemplate.Parse(string(template_content))
	if err != nil {
		f.FallbackHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r)

	// If copyable params are set, replicate them to the destination.
	base_params := url.Values{}
	if len(r.FormValue(PARAM_SEEK)) > 0 {
		base_params.Set(PARAM_SEEK, r.FormValue(PARAM_SEEK))

	transcode_params := base_params
	transcode_params.Set(PARAM_MODE, MODE_TRANSCODE)
	transcode_url := "?" + transcode_params.Encode()

	raw_params := base_params
	raw_params.Set(PARAM_MODE, MODE_RAW)
	raw_url := "?" + raw_params.Encode()

	var v *videoData
	if transcode {
		v = &videoData{Url: transcode_url, DownloadUrl: raw_url,
			TranscodeUrl: transcode_url, Type: t}
	} else {
		v = &videoData{Url: raw_url, DownloadUrl: raw_url, Type: t}
	videoTemplate.Execute(w, v)
// Returns the base handler method for running a page. Based on the query
// or posted data, may run modules within the command interface, and delegate
// to them for producing the page content.
func (server WebCmdServer) RootHandler() func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {

		source := req.FormValue("source")
		query := strings.TrimSpace(req.FormValue("q"))
		var message string
		var command string
		var body template.HTML
		var err error

		if source == "" || (source == "query" && (query == "" || strings.ToLower(query) == "help")) {
			body, err = ModuleList(server.modules)
		} else if source == "query" {
			queryPieces := strings.SplitN(query, " ", 2)
			if len(queryPieces) == 1 {
				queryPieces = append(queryPieces, "")
			if module, has := server.modules[queryPieces[0]]; has {
				command = queryPieces[0]
				body, err = module.RunCommand(queryPieces[0], queryPieces[1])
			} else {
				message = "Module not found for query. Try again?"
		} else {
			if module, has := server.modules[source]; has {
				command = source
				body, err = module.RunEvent(req)
			} else {
				message = "Requested module not found. Try a query instead!"

		if err != nil {
			message = err.Error()

		template_content, err := resources.Load(ROOT_TEMPLATE_FILE)
		if err != nil {
			server.PrintError(w, err)
		var rootTemplate = template.New("Root template")
		rootTemplate, err = rootTemplate.Parse(string(template_content))
		if err != nil {
			server.PrintError(w, err)
		p := page{
			Title: "root", QueryString: query, Message: message, Body: body,
			Command: command}
		rootTemplate.Execute(w, &p)
// Produces a listing in HTML.
func (m *StaticContentModule) List() (template.HTML, error) {
	template_content, err := resources.Load(STATIC_CONTENT_TEMPLATE_FILE)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	var staticContentTemplate = template.New("Static Content template")
	staticContentTemplate, err = staticContentTemplate.Parse(string(template_content))
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	var w HTMLWriter
	staticContentTemplate.Execute(&w, m.server.Roots())
	return w.HTML(), nil
文件: gs.go 项目: EricBurnett/WebCmd
// Composes the control interface form HTML, with an optional message printed.
func (m *GSModule) ComposeForm(message string) (template.HTML, error) {
	template_content, err := resources.Load(GS_TEMPLATE_FILE)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	var gsTemplate = template.New("GS template")
	gsTemplate, err = gsTemplate.Parse(string(template_content))
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	p := &page{Message: message}
	var w HTMLWriter
	gsTemplate.Execute(&w, p)
	return w.HTML(), nil
// Composes a nice list of all installed modules and their handlers, in HTML.
func ModuleList(m map[string]modules.Module) (template.HTML, error) {
	template_content, err := resources.Load(MODULE_LIST_FILE)
	if err != nil {
		return template.HTML(""), err

	var moduleListTemplate = template.New("Module list template")
	moduleListTemplate, err = moduleListTemplate.Parse(string(template_content))
	if err != nil {
		return template.HTML(""), err

	commandsByName := make(map[string][]string)
	for command, module := range m {
		if _, has := commandsByName[module.Name()]; !has {
			commandsByName[module.Name()] = make([]string, 0)
		commandsByName[module.Name()] = append(commandsByName[module.Name()], command)
	moduleList := &moduleList{make([]moduleListItem, 0)}
	names := make([]string, len(commandsByName))
	i := 0
	for k, _ := range commandsByName {
		names[i] = k
	for _, name := range names {
		moduleList.Modules = append(moduleList.Modules,
			moduleListItem{name, commandsByName[name]})
	var w modules.HTMLWriter
	moduleListTemplate.Execute(&w, &moduleList)
	return w.HTML(), nil