func init() {
	// Check the github repo and set these options properly when the site
	// goes live.
	secureOpts = secure.New(secure.Options{
		AllowedHosts:         []string{"localhost"},
		SSLRedirect:          false,
		SSLHost:              "ssl.example.com",
		SSLProxyHeaders:      map[string]string{"X-Forwarded-Proto": "https"},
		STSSeconds:           315360000,
		STSIncludeSubdomains: true,
		STSPreload:           true,
		FrameDeny:            true,
		ContentTypeNosniff:   true,
		BrowserXssFilter:     true,
		// ContentSecurityPolicy: "default-src 'self'",
		IsDevelopment: true,

	// Logging (in conjunction with compression).
	opts := useful.DefaultOptions()
	opts.LogDestination = useful.File
	opts.LogName = filepath.Join("log", "access.log")
	opts.ArchiveDir = filepath.Join("log", "archives")

	cleanup.Register("glog", glog.Flush)             // Make sure logs flush before we exit.
	cleanup.Register("useful", useful.LogFile.Close) // Close our log file.

func init() {
	// Generate the reverse of our enum so we can work backwards and reload
	// a file with the name instead of the enum.
	// The issue arises because we've decided to use an array instead of a map
	// to describe our in-memory templates. While this is more efficient, it
	// causes issues with our hot reloading because the name of the file
	// given to us from inotify is the string representation of the file's
	// name, and we can't match that up with the enum on the fly (or generate
	// code that does that using //go: generate). So, we run an init func that
	// generates a map of the names to the enum so we can work backwards to
	// reload the file.
	for i := 0; i < len(_TmplName_index)-1; i++ {
		key := _TmplName_name[_TmplName_index[i]:_TmplName_index[i+1]]
		TmplMap[key] = TmplName(i)

	// Set up our watcher for hot reloads of modified files.
	watcher, err := inotify.NewWatcher()
	if err != nil {

	err = watcher.Watch(templatePath)
	if err != nil {

	Tmpls.Watcher = watcher

	cleanup.Register("reload", watcher.Close) // Close watcher.