// Try a new transaction in the mempool.
// Potentially blocking if we're blocking on Update() or Reap().
func (mem *Mempool) AddTx(tx types.Tx) (err error) {
	defer mem.mtx.Unlock()

	if _, exists := mem.cacheMap[mem.TxID(tx)]; exists {
		return nil
	if mem.cacheList.Len() >= cacheSize {
		popped := mem.cacheList.Front()
		poppedTx := popped.Value.(types.Tx)
		delete(mem.cacheMap, mem.TxID(poppedTx))
	mem.cacheMap[mem.TxID(tx)] = struct{}{}

	err = sm.ExecTx(mem.cache, tx, false, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Info("AddTx() error", "tx", tx, "error", err)
		return err
	} else {
		log.Info("AddTx() success", "tx", tx)
		memTx := &mempoolTx{
			counter: mem.counter,
			height:  int64(mem.height),
			tx:      tx,
		return nil
	return nil
// NOTE: pass in goodTxs because mem.txs can mutate concurrently.
func (mem *Mempool) recheckTxs(goodTxs []types.Tx) {
	if len(goodTxs) == 0 {
	atomic.StoreInt32(&mem.rechecking, 1)
	mem.recheckCursor = mem.txs.Front()
	mem.recheckEnd = mem.txs.Back()

	for _, tx := range goodTxs {
		err := sm.ExecTx(mem.cache, tx, false, nil)
		if err != nil {
			// Tx became invalidated due to newly committed block.
		if mem.recheckCursor == mem.recheckEnd {
			mem.recheckCursor = nil
		} else {
			mem.recheckCursor = mem.recheckCursor.Next()
		if mem.recheckCursor == nil {
			// Done!
			atomic.StoreInt32(&mem.rechecking, 0)
// Apply tx to the state and remember it.
func (mem *Mempool) AddTx(tx types.Tx) (err error) {
	defer mem.mtx.Unlock()
	err = sm.ExecTx(mem.cache, tx, false, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Info("AddTx() error", "tx", tx, "error", err)
		return err
	} else {
		log.Info("AddTx() success", "tx", tx)
		mem.txs = append(mem.txs, tx)
		return nil
// "block" is the new block being committed.
// "state" is the result of state.AppendBlock("block").
// Txs that are present in "block" are discarded from mempool.
// Txs that have become invalid in the new "state" are also discarded.
func (mem *Mempool) ResetForBlockAndState(block *types.Block, state *sm.State) ResetInfo {
	defer mem.mtx.Unlock()
	mem.state = state.Copy()
	mem.cache = sm.NewBlockCache(mem.state)

	// First, create a lookup map of txns in new block.
	blockTxsMap := make(map[string]struct{})
	for _, tx := range block.Data.Txs {
		blockTxsMap[string(types.TxID(state.ChainID, tx))] = struct{}{}

	// Now we filter all txs from mem.txs that are in blockTxsMap,
	// and ExecTx on what remains. Only valid txs are kept.
	// We track the ranges of txs included in the block and invalidated by it
	// so we can tell peer routines
	var ri = ResetInfo{Height: block.Height}
	var validTxs []types.Tx
	includedStart, invalidStart := -1, -1
	for i, tx := range mem.txs {
		txID := types.TxID(state.ChainID, tx)
		if _, ok := blockTxsMap[string(txID)]; ok {
			startRange(&includedStart, i)           // start counting included txs
			endRange(&invalidStart, i, &ri.Invalid) // stop counting invalid txs
			log.Info("Filter out, already committed", "tx", tx, "txID", txID)
		} else {
			endRange(&includedStart, i, &ri.Included) // stop counting included txs
			err := sm.ExecTx(mem.cache, tx, false, nil)
			if err != nil {
				startRange(&invalidStart, i) // start counting invalid txs
				log.Info("Filter out, no longer valid", "tx", tx, "error", err)
			} else {
				endRange(&invalidStart, i, &ri.Invalid) // stop counting invalid txs
				log.Info("Filter in, new, valid", "tx", tx, "txID", txID)
				validTxs = append(validTxs, tx)
	endRange(&includedStart, len(mem.txs)-1, &ri.Included) // stop counting included txs
	endRange(&invalidStart, len(mem.txs)-1, &ri.Invalid)   // stop counting invalid txs

	// We're done!
	log.Info("New txs", "txs", validTxs, "oldTxs", mem.txs)
	mem.txs = validTxs
	return ri
// "block" is the new block being committed.
// "state" is the result of state.AppendBlock("block").
// Txs that are present in "block" are discarded from mempool.
// Txs that have become invalid in the new "state" are also discarded.
func (mem *Mempool) ResetForBlockAndState(block *types.Block, state *sm.State) {
	defer mem.mtx.Unlock()
	mem.state = state.Copy()
	mem.cache = sm.NewBlockCache(mem.state)

	// First, create a lookup map of txns in new block.
	blockTxsMap := make(map[string]struct{})
	for _, tx := range block.Data.Txs {
		blockTxsMap[string(types.TxID(state.ChainID, tx))] = struct{}{}

	// Next, filter all txs from mem.txs that are in blockTxsMap
	txs := []types.Tx{}
	for _, tx := range mem.txs {
		txID := types.TxID(state.ChainID, tx)
		if _, ok := blockTxsMap[string(txID)]; ok {
			log.Debug("Filter out, already committed", "tx", tx, "txID", txID)
		} else {
			log.Debug("Filter in, still new", "tx", tx, "txID", txID)
			txs = append(txs, tx)

	// Next, filter all txs that aren't valid given new state.
	validTxs := []types.Tx{}
	for _, tx := range txs {
		err := sm.ExecTx(mem.cache, tx, false, nil)
		if err == nil {
			log.Debug("Filter in, valid", "tx", tx)
			validTxs = append(validTxs, tx)
		} else {
			// tx is no longer valid.
			log.Debug("Filter out, no longer valid", "tx", tx, "error", err)

	// We're done!
	log.Debug("New txs", "txs", validTxs, "oldTxs", mem.txs)
	mem.txs = validTxs