文件: peer.go 项目: GrimDerp/eth-go
// Inbound handler. Inbound messages are received here and passed to the appropriate methods
func (p *Peer) HandleInbound() {

	for atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnect) == 0 {
		// HMM?
		time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)

		// Wait for a message from the peer
		msgs, err := ethwire.ReadMessages(p.conn)
		if err != nil {
		for _, msg := range msgs {
			switch msg.Type {
			case ethwire.MsgHandshakeTy:
				// Version message

				if p.caps.IsCap(CapPeerDiscTy) {
					p.QueueMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgGetPeersTy, ""))
			case ethwire.MsgDiscTy:
				ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("Disconnect peer:", DiscReason(msg.Data.Get(0).Uint()))
			case ethwire.MsgPingTy:
				// Respond back with pong
				p.QueueMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgPongTy, ""))
			case ethwire.MsgPongTy:
				// If we received a pong back from a peer we set the
				// last pong so the peer handler knows this peer is still
				// active.
				p.lastPong = time.Now().Unix()
			case ethwire.MsgBlockTy:
				// Get all blocks and process them
				var block, lastBlock *ethchain.Block
				var err error
				for i := msg.Data.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
					block = ethchain.NewBlockFromRlpValue(msg.Data.Get(i))
					err = p.ethereum.BlockManager.ProcessBlock(block)

					if err != nil {
						if ethutil.Config.Debug {
							ethutil.Config.Log.Infof("[PEER] Block %x failed\n", block.Hash())
							ethutil.Config.Log.Infof("[PEER] %v\n", err)
					} else {
						lastBlock = block

				if err != nil {
					// If the parent is unknown try to catch up with this peer
					if ethchain.IsParentErr(err) {
						ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("Attempting to catch up")
						p.catchingUp = false
					} else if ethchain.IsValidationErr(err) {
						// TODO
				} else {
					// XXX Do we want to catch up if there were errors?
					// If we're catching up, try to catch up further.
					if p.catchingUp && msg.Data.Len() > 1 {
						if ethutil.Config.Debug && lastBlock != nil {
							blockInfo := lastBlock.BlockInfo()
							ethutil.Config.Log.Infof("Synced to block height #%d %x %x\n", blockInfo.Number, lastBlock.Hash(), blockInfo.Hash)
						p.catchingUp = false
			case ethwire.MsgTxTy:
				// If the message was a transaction queue the transaction
				// in the TxPool where it will undergo validation and
				// processing when a new block is found
				for i := 0; i < msg.Data.Len(); i++ {
			case ethwire.MsgGetPeersTy:
				// Flag this peer as a 'requested of new peers' this to
				// prevent malicious peers being forced.
				p.requestedPeerList = true
				// Peer asked for list of connected peers
			case ethwire.MsgPeersTy:
				// Received a list of peers (probably because MsgGetPeersTy was send)
				// Only act on message if we actually requested for a peers list
				//if p.requestedPeerList {
				data := msg.Data
				// Create new list of possible peers for the ethereum to process
				peers := make([]string, data.Len())
				// Parse each possible peer
				for i := 0; i < data.Len(); i++ {
					value := data.Get(i)
					peers[i] = unpackAddr(value.Get(0), value.Get(1).Uint())

				// Connect to the list of peers
				// Mark unrequested again
				p.requestedPeerList = false

			case ethwire.MsgGetChainTy:
				var parent *ethchain.Block
				// Length minus one since the very last element in the array is a count
				l := msg.Data.Len() - 1
				// Ignore empty get chains
				if l == 0 {

				// Amount of parents in the canonical chain
				//amountOfBlocks := msg.Data.Get(l).AsUint()
				amountOfBlocks := uint64(100)
				// Check each SHA block hash from the message and determine whether
				// the SHA is in the database
				for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
					if data := msg.Data.Get(i).Bytes(); p.ethereum.BlockManager.BlockChain().HasBlock(data) {
						parent = p.ethereum.BlockManager.BlockChain().GetBlock(data)

				// If a parent is found send back a reply
				if parent != nil {
					chain := p.ethereum.BlockManager.BlockChain().GetChainFromHash(parent.Hash(), amountOfBlocks)
					p.QueueMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgBlockTy, chain))
				} else {
					// If no blocks are found we send back a reply with msg not in chain
					// and the last hash from get chain
					lastHash := msg.Data.Get(l - 1)
					//log.Printf("Sending not in chain with hash %x\n", lastHash.AsRaw())
					p.QueueMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgNotInChainTy, []interface{}{lastHash.Raw()}))
			case ethwire.MsgNotInChainTy:
				ethutil.Config.Log.Infof("Not in chain %x\n", msg.Data)
				// TODO

				// Unofficial but fun nonetheless
			case ethwire.MsgTalkTy:
				ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("%v says: %s\n", p.conn.RemoteAddr(), msg.Data.Str())

文件: peer.go 项目: vmatekole/eth-go
// Inbound handler. Inbound messages are received here and passed to the appropriate methods
func (p *Peer) HandleInbound() {
	for atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnect) == 0 {

		// HMM?
		time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
		// Wait for a message from the peer
		msgs, err := ethwire.ReadMessages(p.conn)
		if err != nil {
		for _, msg := range msgs {
			peerlogger.DebugDetailf("(%v) => %v %v\n", p.conn.RemoteAddr(), msg.Type, msg.Data)

			switch msg.Type {
			case ethwire.MsgHandshakeTy:
				// Version message

				if p.caps.IsCap(CapPeerDiscTy) {
					p.QueueMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgGetPeersTy, ""))

			case ethwire.MsgDiscTy:
				peerlogger.Infoln("Disconnect peer: ", DiscReason(msg.Data.Get(0).Uint()))
			case ethwire.MsgPingTy:
				// Respond back with pong
				p.QueueMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgPongTy, ""))
			case ethwire.MsgPongTy:
				// If we received a pong back from a peer we set the
				// last pong so the peer handler knows this peer is still
				// active.
				p.lastPong = time.Now().Unix()
				p.pingTime = time.Since(p.pingStartTime)
			case ethwire.MsgTxTy:
				// If the message was a transaction queue the transaction
				// in the TxPool where it will undergo validation and
				// processing when a new block is found
				for i := 0; i < msg.Data.Len(); i++ {
					tx := ethchain.NewTransactionFromValue(msg.Data.Get(i))
			case ethwire.MsgGetPeersTy:
				// Peer asked for list of connected peers
			case ethwire.MsgPeersTy:
				// Received a list of peers (probably because MsgGetPeersTy was send)
				data := msg.Data
				// Create new list of possible peers for the ethereum to process
				peers := make([]string, data.Len())
				// Parse each possible peer
				for i := 0; i < data.Len(); i++ {
					value := data.Get(i)
					peers[i] = unpackAddr(value.Get(0), value.Get(1).Uint())

				// Connect to the list of peers
			case ethwire.MsgGetTxsTy:
				// Get the current transactions of the pool
				txs := p.ethereum.TxPool().CurrentTransactions()
				// Get the RlpData values from the txs
				txsInterface := make([]interface{}, len(txs))
				for i, tx := range txs {
					txsInterface[i] = tx.RlpData()
				// Broadcast it back to the peer
				p.QueueMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgTxTy, txsInterface))

			case ethwire.MsgGetBlockHashesTy:
				if msg.Data.Len() < 2 {
					peerlogger.Debugln("err: argument length invalid ", msg.Data.Len())

				hash := msg.Data.Get(0).Bytes()
				amount := msg.Data.Get(1).Uint()

				hashes := p.ethereum.BlockChain().GetChainHashesFromHash(hash, amount)

				p.QueueMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgBlockHashesTy, ethutil.ByteSliceToInterface(hashes)))

			case ethwire.MsgGetBlocksTy:
				// Limit to max 300 blocks
				max := int(math.Min(float64(msg.Data.Len()), 300.0))
				var blocks []interface{}

				for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
					hash := msg.Data.Get(i).Bytes()
					block := p.ethereum.BlockChain().GetBlock(hash)
					if block != nil {
						blocks = append(blocks, block.Value().Raw())

				p.QueueMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgBlockTy, blocks))

			case ethwire.MsgBlockHashesTy:
				p.catchingUp = true

				blockPool := p.ethereum.blockPool

				foundCommonHash := false

				it := msg.Data.NewIterator()
				for it.Next() {
					hash := it.Value().Bytes()

					if blockPool.HasCommonHash(hash) {
						foundCommonHash = true



					p.lastReceivedHash = hash

					p.lastBlockReceived = time.Now()

				if foundCommonHash {
				} else {

			case ethwire.MsgBlockTy:
				p.catchingUp = true

				blockPool := p.ethereum.blockPool

				it := msg.Data.NewIterator()

				for it.Next() {
					block := ethchain.NewBlockFromRlpValue(it.Value())


					p.lastBlockReceived = time.Now()

				linked := blockPool.CheckLinkAndProcess(func(block *ethchain.Block) {
					p.ethereum.StateManager().Process(block, false)

				if !linked {
