func TestTaskToJQL(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Given a task with with two failed tests and one successful test, "+
		"the jql should contian only the failed test names", t, func() {
		task1 := model.Task{}
		task1.TestResults = []model.TestResult{
			{Status: "fail", TestFile: "foo.js"},
			{Status: "success", TestFile: "bar.js"},
			{Status: "fail", TestFile: "baz.js"},
		task1.DisplayName = "foobar"
		jQL1 := taskToJQL(&task1)
		referenceJQL1 := fmt.Sprintf(JQLBFQuery, "summary~\"foo.js\" or summary~\"baz.js\"")
		So(jQL1, ShouldEqual, referenceJQL1)

	Convey("Given a task with with oo failed tests, "+
		"the jql should contian only the failed task name", t, func() {
		task2 := model.Task{}
		task2.TestResults = []model.TestResult{}
		task2.DisplayName = "foobar"
		jQL2 := taskToJQL(&task2)
		referenceJQL2 := fmt.Sprintf(JQLBFQuery, "summary~\"foobar\"")
		So(jQL2, ShouldEqual, referenceJQL2)