// FetchChainByHash gets a chain by chainID
func (db *LevelDb) FetchChainByHash(chainID *common.Hash) (*common.EChain, error) {
	var key []byte = []byte{byte(TBL_CHAIN_HASH)}
	key = append(key, chainID.Bytes()...)
	data, err := db.lDb.Get(key, db.ro)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	chain := common.NewEChain()
	if data != nil {
		_, err := chain.UnmarshalBinaryData(data)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	return chain, nil
// FetchAllChains get all of the cahins
func (db *LevelDb) FetchAllChains() (chains []*common.EChain, err error) {
	defer db.dbLock.RUnlock()

	var fromkey []byte = []byte{byte(TBL_CHAIN_HASH)}   // Table Name (1 bytes)
	var tokey []byte = []byte{byte(TBL_CHAIN_HASH + 1)} // Table Name (1 bytes)

	chainSlice := make([]*common.EChain, 0, 10)

	iter := db.lDb.NewIterator(&util.Range{Start: fromkey, Limit: tokey}, db.ro)
	for iter.Next() {
		chain := common.NewEChain()
		_, err := chain.UnmarshalBinaryData(iter.Value())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		chainSlice = append(chainSlice, chain)
	err = iter.Error()

	return chainSlice, err
// processRevealEntry validates the MsgRevealEntry and adds it to processlist
func processRevealEntry(msg *wire.MsgRevealEntry) error {
	e := msg.Entry
	bin, _ := e.MarshalBinary()
	h, _ := wire.NewShaHash(e.Hash().Bytes())

	// Check if the chain id is valid
	if e.ChainID.IsSameAs(zeroHash) || e.ChainID.IsSameAs(dchain.ChainID) || e.ChainID.IsSameAs(achain.ChainID) ||
		e.ChainID.IsSameAs(ecchain.ChainID) || e.ChainID.IsSameAs(fchain.ChainID) {
		return fmt.Errorf("This entry chain is not supported: %s", e.ChainID.String())

	if c, ok := commitEntryMap[e.Hash().String()]; ok {
		if chainIDMap[e.ChainID.String()] == nil {
			fMemPool.addOrphanMsg(msg, h)
			return fmt.Errorf("This chain is not supported: %s",

		// Calculate the entry credits required for the entry
		cred, err := util.EntryCost(bin)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if c.Credits < cred {
			fMemPool.addOrphanMsg(msg, h)
			return fmt.Errorf("Credit needs to paid first before an entry is revealed: %s", e.Hash().String())

		// Add the msg to the Mem pool
		fMemPool.addMsg(msg, h)

		// Add to MyPL if Server Node
		if nodeMode == common.SERVER_NODE {
			if plMgr.IsMyPListExceedingLimit() {
				procLog.Warning("Exceeding MyProcessList size limit!")
				return fMemPool.addOrphanMsg(msg, h)

			ack, err := plMgr.AddMyProcessListItem(msg, h,
			if err != nil {
				return err
			} else {
				// Broadcast the ack to the network if no errors
				outMsgQueue <- ack

		delete(commitEntryMap, e.Hash().String())
		return nil
	} else if c, ok := commitChainMap[e.Hash().String()]; ok { //Reveal chain ---------------------------
		if chainIDMap[e.ChainID.String()] != nil {
			fMemPool.addOrphanMsg(msg, h)
			return fmt.Errorf("This chain is not supported: %s",

		// add new chain to chainIDMap
		newChain := common.NewEChain()
		newChain.ChainID = e.ChainID
		newChain.FirstEntry = e
		chainIDMap[e.ChainID.String()] = newChain

		// Calculate the entry credits required for the entry
		cred, err := util.EntryCost(bin)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// 10 credit is additional for the chain creation
		if c.Credits < cred+10 {
			fMemPool.addOrphanMsg(msg, h)
			return fmt.Errorf("Credit needs to paid first before an entry is revealed: %s", e.Hash().String())

		//validate chain id for the first entry
		expectedChainID := common.NewChainID(e)
		if !expectedChainID.IsSameAs(e.ChainID) {
			return fmt.Errorf("Invalid ChainID for entry: %s", e.Hash().String())

		//validate chainid hash in the commitChain
		chainIDHash := common.DoubleSha(e.ChainID.Bytes())
		if !bytes.Equal(c.ChainIDHash.Bytes()[:], chainIDHash[:]) {
			return fmt.Errorf("RevealChain's chainid hash does not match with CommitChain: %s", e.Hash().String())

		//validate Weld in the commitChain
		weld := common.DoubleSha(append(c.EntryHash.Bytes(), e.ChainID.Bytes()...))
		if !bytes.Equal(c.Weld.Bytes()[:], weld[:]) {
			return fmt.Errorf("RevealChain's weld does not match with CommitChain: %s", e.Hash().String())

		// Add the msg to the Mem pool
		fMemPool.addMsg(msg, h)

		// Add to MyPL if Server Node
		if nodeMode == common.SERVER_NODE {
			if plMgr.IsMyPListExceedingLimit() {
				procLog.Warning("Exceeding MyProcessList size limit!")
				return fMemPool.addOrphanMsg(msg, h)
			ack, err := plMgr.AddMyProcessListItem(msg, h,
			if err != nil {
				return err
			} else {
				// Broadcast the ack to the network if no errors
				outMsgQueue <- ack

		delete(commitChainMap, e.Hash().String())
		return nil
	} else {
		return fmt.Errorf("No commit for entry")

	return nil