func createAction(context *cli.Context) { if !context.Args().Present() { println("You must specify a 'name' for the box you want to create.\nSee 'farmer create --help' for more info.") return } if context.String("repo") == "" { println("You must specify a 'repo' (Git repository Url) to clone code on the box.\nSee 'farmer create --help' for more info.") return } if context.String("pathspec") == "" { println("Warning: Box will clone 'master' branch of the provided repository.") return } stream := hub.Stream{} request := request.CreateRequest{ Name: context.Args().First(), RepoUrl: context.String("repo"), Pathspec: context.String("pathspec"), } if err := api.Post("/boxes", &request, &stream); err != nil { println(err.Error()) return } if err := stream.Consume(); err != nil { println("Could not consume the stream from Farmer server.") return } }
func addDomainAction(context *cli.Context) { if !context.Args().Present() { println("You must specify a 'name' for the box you want to assign domain to.\nSee 'farmer domain_add --help' for more info.") return } if context.String("domain") == "" { println("You must specify a 'domain' URL.\nSee 'farmer domain_add --help' for more info.") return } request := request.Domain{ Url: context.String("domain"), Port: context.String("port"), } if err := api.Post("/boxes/"+context.Args().First()+"/domain", &request, nil); err != nil { println(err.Error()) return } println("Domain " + context.String("domain") + " assigned to port " + context.String("port") + " of box " + context.Args().First() + ".") }