func main() {
	// parse command line options

	// create pipeline
	pipeline := falcore.NewPipeline()

	// setup file server for public directory
	if *flagPath != "" {
		// Serve files from public directory
			BasePath:       *flagPath,
			DirectoryIndex: "index.html",
	} else {
		falcore.Warn("Path to public directory is missing")

	// parse upstream list and create the upstream pool
	upStrings := regexp.MustCompile("[0-9]+").FindAllString(*flagUpstream, -1)
	ups := make([]*filter.UpstreamEntry, len(upStrings))
	for i, s := range upStrings {
		port, _ := strconv.Atoi(s)
		ups[i] = &filter.UpstreamEntry{
			Upstream: filter.NewUpstream(filter.NewUpstreamTransport("localhost", port, 0, nil)),
			Weight:   1,

	// create upstream pool and add to pipeline
	if len(ups) > 0 {
		pipeline.Upstream.PushBack(filter.NewUpstreamPool("railsdemo", ups))
	} else {
		falcore.Warn("No upstream ports provided")

	// add any downstream filters you might want such as etag support or compression

	// setup server
	server := falcore.NewServer(*flagPort, pipeline)

	// start the server
	// this is normally blocking forever unless you send lifecycle commands
	if err := server.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Could not start server:", err)

// Logs the number of pending requests at WARN level every :interval
// :name is included in log line
// Does not log if nothing is being throttled.
func (t *Throttler) StartReporter(name string, interval time.Duration) {
	go func() {
		var waiting int64
		for {
			waiting = t.Pending()
			if waiting > 0 {
				falcore.Warn("%v: %v requests waiting", name, waiting)
func (up UpstreamPool) pingUpstreams() {
	pingable := true
	for pingable {
		select {
		case <-up.shutdown:
		case <-up.pinger.C:
			gotone := false
			for i, ups := range up.pool {
				if ups.Upstream.PingPath != "" {
					go up.pingUpstream(ups, i)
					gotone = true
			if !gotone {
				pingable = false
	falcore.Warn("Stopping ping for %v", up.Name)