func qd_privmsg(bot *bot.Sp0rkle, line *base.Line) { qd := bot.GetDriver(driverName).(*quoteDriver) if !line.Addressed { return } nl := line.Copy() switch { // Quote add: qadd | quote add | add quote case util.StripAnyPrefix(&nl.Args[1], []string{"quote add ", "qadd ", "add quote "}): qd_add(bot, qd, nl) // Quote delete: qdel | quote del | del quote #?QID case util.StripAnyPrefix(&nl.Args[1], []string{"quote del ", "qdel ", "del quote "}): // Strip optional # before qid if nl.Args[1][0] == '#' { nl.Args[1] = nl.Args[1][1:] } qd_delete(bot, qd, nl) // Quote lookup: quote #QID case util.StripAnyPrefix(&nl.Args[1], []string{"quote #"}): qd_fetch(bot, qd, nl) // Quote lookup: quote | quote regex case strings.ToLower(nl.Args[1]) == "quote": nl.Args[1] = "" fallthrough // This needs to come after the other cases as it will strip just "quote " case util.StripAnyPrefix(&nl.Args[1], []string{"quote "}): qd_lookup(bot, qd, nl) } }
func ud_privmsg(bot *bot.Sp0rkle, line *base.Line) { ud := bot.GetDriver(driverName).(*urlDriver) // If we're not being addressed directly, short-circuit to scan. if !line.Addressed { ud_scan(bot, ud, line) return } nl := line.Copy() switch { case util.StripAnyPrefix(&nl.Args[1], []string{"url find ", "urlfind ", "url search ", "urlsearch "}): ud_find(bot, ud, nl) case util.HasAnyPrefix(nl.Args[1], []string{"random url", "randurl"}): nl.Args[1] = "" ud_find(bot, ud, nl) case util.StripAnyPrefix(&nl.Args[1], []string{"shorten that", "shorten"}): ud_shorten(bot, ud, nl) case util.StripAnyPrefix(&nl.Args[1], []string{"cache that", "save that", "cache ", "save "}): ud_cache(bot, ud, nl) default: ud_scan(bot, ud, line) } }
func sd_record_kick(bot *bot.Sp0rkle, line *base.Line) { sd := bot.GetDriver(driverName).(*seenDriver) n, c := line.Storable() kn := db.StorableNick{Nick: line.Args[1]} // SeenNickFromLine doesn't work with the hacks for KICKING and KICKED // First, handle KICKING kr := sd.LastSeenDoing(line.Nick, "KICKING") if kr == nil { kr = seen.SawNick(n, c, "KICKING", line.Args[2]) } else { kr.StorableNick, kr.StorableChan = n, c kr.Timestamp, kr.Text = time.Now(), line.Args[2] } kr.OtherNick = kn _, err := sd.Upsert(kr.Index(), kr) if err != nil { bot.Reply(line, "Failed to store seen data: %v", err) } // Now, handle KICKED ke := sd.LastSeenDoing(line.Args[1], "KICKED") if ke == nil { ke = seen.SawNick(kn, c, "KICKED", line.Args[2]) } else { ke.StorableNick, ke.StorableChan = kn, c ke.Timestamp, ke.Text = time.Now(), line.Args[2] } ke.OtherNick = n _, err = sd.Upsert(ke.Index(), ke) if err != nil { bot.Reply(line, "Failed to store seen data: %v", err) } }
func sd_record_pm(bot *bot.Sp0rkle, line *base.Line) { sd := bot.GetDriver(driverName).(*seenDriver) sn := sd.SeenNickFromLine(line) sn.Text = line.Args[1] _, err := sd.Upsert(sn.Index(), sn) if err != nil { bot.Reply(line, "Failed to store seen data: %v", err) } }
func sd_record_nick(bot *bot.Sp0rkle, line *base.Line) { sd := bot.GetDriver(driverName).(*seenDriver) sn := sd.SeenNickFromLine(line) sn.Chan = "" sn.Text = line.Args[0] _, err := sd.Upsert(sn.Index(), sn) if err != nil { // We don't have anyone to reply to in this case, so log instead. sd.l.Warn("Failed to store seen data: %v", err) } }
func nd_privmsg(bot *bot.Sp0rkle, line *base.Line) { nd := bot.GetDriver(driverName).(*netDriver) idx := strings.Index(line.Args[1], " ") if !line.Addressed || idx == -1 { return } svc, query := line.Args[1][:idx], line.Args[1][idx+1:] if s, ok :=[svc]; ok { bot.ReplyN(line, "%s", s.LookupResult(query)) } }
func sd_record_chan(bot *bot.Sp0rkle, line *base.Line) { sd := bot.GetDriver(driverName).(*seenDriver) sn := sd.SeenNickFromLine(line) if len(line.Args) > 1 { // If we have a PART message sn.Text = line.Args[1] } _, err := sd.Upsert(sn.Index(), sn) if err != nil { bot.Reply(line, "Failed to store seen data: %v", err) } }
func sd_privmsg(bot *bot.Sp0rkle, line *base.Line) { if !line.Addressed { return } sd := bot.GetDriver(driverName).(*seenDriver) switch { case strings.HasPrefix(line.Args[1], "seen "): sd_seen_lookup(bot, sd, line) case strings.HasPrefix(line.Args[1], "lines"): sd_lines_lookup(bot, sd, line) case util.HasAnyPrefix(line.Args[1], []string{"topten", "top10"}): sd_topten(bot, sd, line) } }
func fd_privmsg(bot *bot.Sp0rkle, line *base.Line) { fd := bot.GetDriver(driverName).(*factoidDriver) // If we're not being addressed directly, short-circuit to lookup. if !line.Addressed { fd_lookup(bot, fd, line) return } nl := line.Copy() // Test for various possible courses of action. switch { // Factoid add: 'key := value' or 'key :is value' case util.ContainsAny(nl.Args[1], []string{":=", ":is"}): fd_add(bot, fd, nl) // Factoid delete: 'forget|delete that' => deletes fd.lastseen[chan] case util.HasAnyPrefix(nl.Args[1], []string{"forget that", "delete that"}): fd_delete(bot, fd, nl) // Factoid replace: 'replace that with' => updates fd.lastseen[chan] case util.StripAnyPrefix(&nl.Args[1], []string{"replace that with "}): fd_replace(bot, fd, nl) // Factoid chance: 'chance of that is' => sets chance of fd.lastseen[chan] case util.StripAnyPrefix(&nl.Args[1], []string{"chance of that is "}): fd_chance(bot, fd, nl) // Factoid literal: 'literal key' => info about factoid case util.StripAnyPrefix(&nl.Args[1], []string{"literal "}): fd_literal(bot, fd, nl) // Factoid search: 'fact search regexp' => list of possible key matches case util.StripAnyPrefix(&nl.Args[1], []string{"fact search "}): fd_search(bot, fd, nl) // Factoid info: 'fact info key' => some information about key case util.StripAnyPrefix(&nl.Args[1], []string{"fact info "}): fd_info(bot, fd, nl) // If we get to here, none of the other FD command possibilities // have matched, so try a lookup... default: fd_lookup(bot, fd, nl) } }
func sd_smoke(bot *bot.Sp0rkle, line *base.Line) { if !smokeRx.MatchString(line.Args[1]) { return } sd := bot.GetDriver(driverName).(*seenDriver) sn := sd.LastSeenDoing(line.Nick, "SMOKE") n, c := line.Storable() if sn != nil { bot.ReplyN(line, "You last went for a smoke %s ago...", util.TimeSince(sn.Timestamp)) sn.StorableNick, sn.StorableChan = n, c sn.Timestamp = time.Now() } else { sn = seen.SawNick(n, c, "SMOKE", "") } if _, err := sd.Upsert(sn.Index(), sn); err != nil { bot.Reply(line, "Failed to store smoke data: %v", err) } }
func sd_record_lines(bot *bot.Sp0rkle, line *base.Line) { sd := bot.GetDriver(driverName).(*seenDriver) sn := sd.LinesFor(line.Nick, line.Args[0]) if sn == nil { n, c := line.Storable() sn = seen.SawNick(n, c, "LINES", "") } sn.Lines++ for _, n := range milestones { if sn.Lines == n { bot.Reply(line, "%s has said %d lines in this channel and"+ "should now shut the f**k up and do something useful", line.Nick, sn.Lines) } } _, err := sd.Upsert(sn.Index(), sn) if err != nil { bot.Reply(line, "Failed to store seen data: %v", err) } }
func fd_action(bot *bot.Sp0rkle, line *base.Line) { fd := bot.GetDriver(driverName).(*factoidDriver) // Actions just trigger a lookup. fd_lookup(bot, fd, line) }