func (s *TagStore) CmdViz(job *engine.Job) engine.Status {
	images, _ := s.graph.Map()
	if images == nil {
		return engine.StatusOK
	job.Stdout.Write([]byte("digraph docker {\n"))

	var (
		parentImage *image.Image
		err         error
	for _, image := range images {
		parentImage, err = image.GetParent()
		if err != nil {
			return job.Errorf("Error while getting parent image: %v", err)
		if parentImage != nil {
			job.Stdout.Write([]byte(" \"" + parentImage.ID + "\" -> \"" + image.ID + "\"\n"))
		} else {
			job.Stdout.Write([]byte(" base -> \"" + image.ID + "\" [style=invis]\n"))

	for id, repos := range s.GetRepoRefs() {
		job.Stdout.Write([]byte(" \"" + id + "\" [label=\"" + id + "\\n" + strings.Join(repos, "\\n") + "\",shape=box,fillcolor=\"paleturquoise\",style=\"filled,rounded\"];\n"))
	job.Stdout.Write([]byte(" base [style=invisible]\n}\n"))
	return engine.StatusOK
// release an interface for a select ip
func Release(job *engine.Job) engine.Status {
	var (
		id                 = job.Args[0]
		containerInterface = currentInterfaces.Get(id)

	if containerInterface == nil {
		return job.Errorf("No network information to release for %s", id)

	for _, nat := range containerInterface.PortMappings {
		if err := portmapper.Unmap(nat); err != nil {
			log.Infof("Unable to unmap port %s: %s", nat, err)

	if err := ipallocator.ReleaseIP(bridgeNetwork, containerInterface.IP); err != nil {
		log.Infof("Unable to release ip %s", err)
	return engine.StatusOK
func LinkContainers(job *engine.Job) engine.Status {
	var (
		action       = job.Args[0]
		nfAction     iptables.Action
		childIP      = job.Getenv("ChildIP")
		parentIP     = job.Getenv("ParentIP")
		ignoreErrors = job.GetenvBool("IgnoreErrors")
		ports        = job.GetenvList("Ports")

	switch action {
	case "-A":
		nfAction = iptables.Append
	case "-I":
		nfAction = iptables.Insert
	case "-D":
		nfAction = iptables.Delete
		return job.Errorf("Invalid action '%s' specified", action)

	ip1 := net.ParseIP(parentIP)
	if ip1 == nil {
		return job.Errorf("parent IP '%s' is invalid", parentIP)
	ip2 := net.ParseIP(childIP)
	if ip2 == nil {
		return job.Errorf("child IP '%s' is invalid", childIP)

	chain := iptables.Chain{Name: "DOCKER", Bridge: bridgeIface}
	for _, p := range ports {
		port := nat.Port(p)
		if err := chain.Link(nfAction, ip1, ip2, port.Int(), port.Proto()); !ignoreErrors && err != nil {
			return job.Error(err)
	return engine.StatusOK
func (s *TagStore) CmdLoad(job *engine.Job) engine.Status {
	return job.Errorf("CmdLoad is not supported on this platform")
// CmdImageExport exports all images with the given tag. All versions
// containing the same tag are exported. The resulting output is an
// uncompressed tar ball.
// name is the set of tags to export.
// out is the writer where the images are written to.
func (s *TagStore) CmdImageExport(job *engine.Job) engine.Status {
	if len(job.Args) < 1 {
		return job.Errorf("Usage: %s IMAGE [IMAGE...]\n", job.Name)
	// get image json
	tempdir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "docker-export-")
	if err != nil {
		return job.Error(err)
	defer os.RemoveAll(tempdir)

	rootRepoMap := map[string]Repository{}
	addKey := func(name string, tag string, id string) {
		log.Debugf("add key [%s:%s]", name, tag)
		if repo, ok := rootRepoMap[name]; !ok {
			rootRepoMap[name] = Repository{tag: id}
		} else {
			repo[tag] = id
	for _, name := range job.Args {
		log.Debugf("Serializing %s", name)
		rootRepo := s.Repositories[name]
		if rootRepo != nil {
			// this is a base repo name, like 'busybox'
			for tag, id := range rootRepo {
				addKey(name, tag, id)
				if err := s.exportImage(job.Eng, id, tempdir); err != nil {
					return job.Error(err)
		} else {
			img, err := s.LookupImage(name)
			if err != nil {
				return job.Error(err)

			if img != nil {
				// This is a named image like 'busybox:latest'
				repoName, repoTag := parsers.ParseRepositoryTag(name)

				// check this length, because a lookup of a truncated has will not have a tag
				// and will not need to be added to this map
				if len(repoTag) > 0 {
					addKey(repoName, repoTag, img.ID)
				if err := s.exportImage(job.Eng, img.ID, tempdir); err != nil {
					return job.Error(err)

			} else {
				// this must be an ID that didn't get looked up just right?
				if err := s.exportImage(job.Eng, name, tempdir); err != nil {
					return job.Error(err)
		log.Debugf("End Serializing %s", name)
	// write repositories, if there is something to write
	if len(rootRepoMap) > 0 {
		rootRepoJson, _ := json.Marshal(rootRepoMap)
		if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path.Join(tempdir, "repositories"), rootRepoJson, os.FileMode(0644)); err != nil {
			return job.Error(err)
	} else {
		log.Debugf("There were no repositories to write")

	fs, err := archive.Tar(tempdir, archive.Uncompressed)
	if err != nil {
		return job.Error(err)
	defer fs.Close()

	if _, err := io.Copy(job.Stdout, fs); err != nil {
		return job.Error(err)
	log.Debugf("End export job: %s", job.Name)
	return engine.StatusOK
func InitDriver(job *engine.Job) engine.Status {
	var (
		network        *net.IPNet
		enableIPTables = job.GetenvBool("EnableIptables")
		icc            = job.GetenvBool("InterContainerCommunication")
		ipMasq         = job.GetenvBool("EnableIpMasq")
		ipForward      = job.GetenvBool("EnableIpForward")
		bridgeIP       = job.Getenv("BridgeIP")
		fixedCIDR      = job.Getenv("FixedCIDR")

	if defaultIP := job.Getenv("DefaultBindingIP"); defaultIP != "" {
		defaultBindingIP = net.ParseIP(defaultIP)

	bridgeIface = job.Getenv("BridgeIface")
	usingDefaultBridge := false
	if bridgeIface == "" {
		usingDefaultBridge = true
		bridgeIface = DefaultNetworkBridge

	addr, err := networkdriver.GetIfaceAddr(bridgeIface)
	if err != nil {
		// If we're not using the default bridge, fail without trying to create it
		if !usingDefaultBridge {
			return job.Error(err)
		// If the bridge interface is not found (or has no address), try to create it and/or add an address
		if err := configureBridge(bridgeIP); err != nil {
			return job.Error(err)

		addr, err = networkdriver.GetIfaceAddr(bridgeIface)
		if err != nil {
			return job.Error(err)
		network = addr.(*net.IPNet)
	} else {
		network = addr.(*net.IPNet)
		// validate that the bridge ip matches the ip specified by BridgeIP
		if bridgeIP != "" {
			bip, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(bridgeIP)
			if err != nil {
				return job.Error(err)
			if !network.IP.Equal(bip) {
				return job.Errorf("bridge ip (%s) does not match existing bridge configuration %s", network.IP, bip)

	// Configure iptables for link support
	if enableIPTables {
		if err := setupIPTables(addr, icc, ipMasq); err != nil {
			return job.Error(err)

	if ipForward {
		// Enable IPv4 forwarding
		if err := ioutil.WriteFile("/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward", []byte{'1', '\n'}, 0644); err != nil {
			job.Logf("WARNING: unable to enable IPv4 forwarding: %s\n", err)

	// We can always try removing the iptables
	if err := iptables.RemoveExistingChain("DOCKER", iptables.Nat); err != nil {
		return job.Error(err)

	if enableIPTables {
		_, err := iptables.NewChain("DOCKER", bridgeIface, iptables.Nat)
		if err != nil {
			return job.Error(err)
		chain, err := iptables.NewChain("DOCKER", bridgeIface, iptables.Filter)
		if err != nil {
			return job.Error(err)

	bridgeNetwork = network
	if fixedCIDR != "" {
		_, subnet, err := net.ParseCIDR(fixedCIDR)
		if err != nil {
			return job.Error(err)
		log.Debugf("Subnet: %v", subnet)
		if err := ipallocator.RegisterSubnet(bridgeNetwork, subnet); err != nil {
			return job.Error(err)

	// https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/2768
	job.Eng.Hack_SetGlobalVar("httpapi.bridgeIP", bridgeNetwork.IP)

	for name, f := range map[string]engine.Handler{
		"allocate_interface": Allocate,
		"release_interface":  Release,
		"allocate_port":      AllocatePort,
		"link":               LinkContainers,
	} {
		if err := job.Eng.Register(name, f); err != nil {
			return job.Error(err)
	return engine.StatusOK
// Allocate an external port and map it to the interface
func AllocatePort(job *engine.Job) engine.Status {
	var (
		err error

		ip            = defaultBindingIP
		id            = job.Args[0]
		hostIP        = job.Getenv("HostIP")
		hostPort      = job.GetenvInt("HostPort")
		containerPort = job.GetenvInt("ContainerPort")
		proto         = job.Getenv("Proto")
		network       = currentInterfaces.Get(id)

	if hostIP != "" {
		ip = net.ParseIP(hostIP)
		if ip == nil {
			return job.Errorf("Bad parameter: invalid host ip %s", hostIP)

	// host ip, proto, and host port
	var container net.Addr
	switch proto {
	case "tcp":
		container = &net.TCPAddr{IP: network.IP, Port: containerPort}
	case "udp":
		container = &net.UDPAddr{IP: network.IP, Port: containerPort}
		return job.Errorf("unsupported address type %s", proto)

	// Try up to 10 times to get a port that's not already allocated.
	// In the event of failure to bind, return the error that portmapper.Map
	// yields.

	var host net.Addr
	for i := 0; i < MaxAllocatedPortAttempts; i++ {
		if host, err = portmapper.Map(container, ip, hostPort); err == nil {
		// There is no point in immediately retrying to map an explicitly
		// chosen port.
		if hostPort != 0 {
			job.Logf("Failed to allocate and map port %d: %s", hostPort, err)
		job.Logf("Failed to allocate and map port: %s, retry: %d", err, i+1)

	if err != nil {
		return job.Error(err)

	network.PortMappings = append(network.PortMappings, host)

	out := engine.Env{}
	switch netAddr := host.(type) {
	case *net.TCPAddr:
		out.Set("HostIP", netAddr.IP.String())
		out.SetInt("HostPort", netAddr.Port)
	case *net.UDPAddr:
		out.Set("HostIP", netAddr.IP.String())
		out.SetInt("HostPort", netAddr.Port)
	if _, err := out.WriteTo(job.Stdout); err != nil {
		return job.Error(err)

	return engine.StatusOK
func (s *TagStore) CmdPull(job *engine.Job) engine.Status {
	if n := len(job.Args); n != 1 && n != 2 {
		return job.Errorf("Usage: %s IMAGE [TAG]", job.Name)

	var (
		localName   = job.Args[0]
		tag         string
		sf          = utils.NewStreamFormatter(job.GetenvBool("json"))
		authConfig  = &registry.AuthConfig{}
		metaHeaders map[string][]string
		mirrors     []string

	if len(job.Args) > 1 {
		tag = job.Args[1]

	job.GetenvJson("authConfig", authConfig)
	job.GetenvJson("metaHeaders", &metaHeaders)

	c, err := s.poolAdd("pull", localName+":"+tag)
	if err != nil {
		if c != nil {
			// Another pull of the same repository is already taking place; just wait for it to finish
			job.Stdout.Write(sf.FormatStatus("", "Repository %s already being pulled by another client. Waiting.", localName))
			return engine.StatusOK
		return job.Error(err)
	defer s.poolRemove("pull", localName+":"+tag)

	// Resolve the Repository name from fqn to endpoint + name
	hostname, remoteName, err := registry.ResolveRepositoryName(localName)
	if err != nil {
		return job.Error(err)

	endpoint, err := registry.NewEndpoint(hostname, s.insecureRegistries)
	if err != nil {
		return job.Error(err)

	r, err := registry.NewSession(authConfig, registry.HTTPRequestFactory(metaHeaders), endpoint, true)
	if err != nil {
		return job.Error(err)

	var isOfficial bool
	if endpoint.VersionString(1) == registry.IndexServerAddress() {
		// If pull "index.docker.io/foo/bar", it's stored locally under "foo/bar"
		localName = remoteName

		isOfficial = isOfficialName(remoteName)
		if isOfficial && strings.IndexRune(remoteName, '/') == -1 {
			remoteName = "library/" + remoteName

		// Use provided mirrors, if any
		mirrors = s.mirrors

	logName := localName
	if tag != "" {
		logName += ":" + tag

	if len(mirrors) == 0 && (isOfficial || endpoint.Version == registry.APIVersion2) {
		j := job.Eng.Job("trust_update_base")
		if err = j.Run(); err != nil {
			return job.Errorf("error updating trust base graph: %s", err)

		if err := s.pullV2Repository(job.Eng, r, job.Stdout, localName, remoteName, tag, sf, job.GetenvBool("parallel")); err == nil {
			if err = job.Eng.Job("log", "pull", logName, "").Run(); err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Error logging event 'pull' for %s: %s", logName, err)
			return engine.StatusOK
		} else if err != registry.ErrDoesNotExist {
			log.Errorf("Error from V2 registry: %s", err)

	if err = s.pullRepository(r, job.Stdout, localName, remoteName, tag, sf, job.GetenvBool("parallel"), mirrors); err != nil {
		return job.Error(err)

	if err = job.Eng.Job("log", "pull", logName, "").Run(); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error logging event 'pull' for %s: %s", logName, err)

	return engine.StatusOK