// Compile or copy in our assets from src into the public assets folder, for use by the app
func setupAssets(server *server.Server) {
	defer server.Timef("#info Finished loading assets in %s", time.Now())

	// Compilation of assets is done on deploy
	// We just load them here
	assetsCompiled := server.ConfigBool("assets_compiled")
	appAssets = assets.New(assetsCompiled)

	// Load asset details from json file on each run
	err := appAssets.Load()
	if err != nil {
		// Compile assets for the first time
		server.Logf("#info Compiling assets")
		err := appAssets.Compile("src", "public")
		if err != nil {
			server.Fatalf("#error compiling assets %s", err)

	// Set up helpers which are aware of fingerprinted assets
	// These behave differently depending on the compile flag above
	// when compile is set to no, they use precompiled assets
	// otherwise they serve all files in a group separately
	view.Helpers["style"] = appAssets.StyleLink
	view.Helpers["script"] = appAssets.ScriptLink
