func TestV1DataVersioningBiggerToEmpty(t *testing.T) {

	//expTwoSet := CapnpEncode("(mylist = [(val = 27, duo = 26),(val = 42, duo = 41)])", "HoldsVerTwoDataList")
	//expOneDataOneDefault := CapnpEncode("(mylist = [(val = 27, duo = 0),(val = 42, duo = 0)])", "HoldsVerTwoDataList")
	//expTwoEmpty := CapnpEncode("(mylist = [(),()])", "HoldsVerTwoDataList")

	//expEmpty := CapnpEncode("(mylist = [(),()])", "HoldsVerEmptyList")
	//expOne := CapnpEncode("(mylist = [(val = 27),(val = 42)])", "HoldsVerOneDataList")

	cv.Convey("Given a struct with 0 data/0 ptr fields, and a newer version of the struct with 2 data fields", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("then reading serialized bigger-struct-list into the smaller (empty or one data-member) list should work, truncating/ignoring the new fields", func() {

			seg := capn.NewBuffer(nil)
			scratch := capn.NewBuffer(nil)
			holder := air.NewRootHoldsVerTwoDataList(seg)

			twolist := air.NewVerTwoDataList(scratch, 2)
			plist := capn.PointerList(twolist)

			d0 := air.NewVerTwoData(scratch)
			d1 := air.NewVerTwoData(scratch)
			plist.Set(0, capn.Object(d0))
			plist.Set(1, capn.Object(d1))


			ShowSeg("     before serializing out, segment scratch is:", scratch)
			ShowSeg("     before serializing out, segment seg is:", seg)

			// serialize out
			buf := bytes.Buffer{}
			segbytes := buf.Bytes()

			// and read-back in using smaller expectations
			reseg, _, err := capn.ReadFromMemoryZeroCopy(segbytes)
			if err != nil {
			ShowSeg("      after re-reading segbytes, segment reseg is:", reseg)
			fmt.Printf("segbytes decoded by capnp as HoldsVerEmptyList: '%s'\n", string(CapnpDecode(segbytes, "HoldsVerEmptyList")))
			fmt.Printf("segbytes decoded by capnp as HoldsVerOneDataList: '%s'\n", string(CapnpDecode(segbytes, "HoldsVerOneDataList")))
			fmt.Printf("segbytes decoded by capnp as HoldsVerTwoDataList: '%s'\n", string(CapnpDecode(segbytes, "HoldsVerTwoDataList")))

			reHolder := air.ReadRootHoldsVerEmptyList(reseg)
			elist := reHolder.Mylist()
			lene := elist.Len()
			cv.So(lene, cv.ShouldEqual, 2)

			reHolder1 := air.ReadRootHoldsVerOneDataList(reseg)
			onelist := reHolder1.Mylist()
			lenone := onelist.Len()
			cv.So(lenone, cv.ShouldEqual, 2)

			for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
				ele := onelist.At(i)
				val := ele.Val()
				cv.So(val, cv.ShouldEqual, twolist.At(i).Val())

			reHolder2 := air.ReadRootHoldsVerTwoDataList(reseg)
			twolist2 := reHolder2.Mylist()
			lentwo2 := twolist2.Len()
			cv.So(lentwo2, cv.ShouldEqual, 2)

			for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
				ele := twolist2.At(i)
				val := ele.Val()
				duo := ele.Duo()
				cv.So(val, cv.ShouldEqual, twolist.At(i).Val())
				cv.So(duo, cv.ShouldEqual, twolist.At(i).Duo())

func TestV1DataVersioningEmptyToBigger(t *testing.T) {

	//expOneSet := CapnpEncode("(mylist = [(val = 27),(val = 42)])", "HoldsVerOneDataList")
	//expOneZeroed := CapnpEncode("(mylist = [(val = 0),(val = 0)])", "HoldsVerOneDataList")
	//expOneEmpty := CapnpEncode("(mylist = [(),()])", "HoldsVerOneDataList")
	expEmpty := CapnpEncode("(mylist = [(),()])", "HoldsVerEmptyList")

	cv.Convey("Given a struct with 0 data/0 ptr fields, and a newer version of the struct with 1 data fields", t, func() {
		cv.Convey("then reading from serialized form the small list into the bigger (one or two data values) list should work, getting default value 0 for val/duo.", func() {

			seg := capn.NewBuffer(nil)
			scratch := capn.NewBuffer(nil)

			emptyholder := air.NewRootHoldsVerEmptyList(seg)
			elist := air.NewVerEmptyList(scratch, 2)

			actEmpty := ShowSeg("          after NewRootHoldsVerEmptyList(seg) and SetMylist(elist), segment seg is:", seg)
			actEmptyCap := string(CapnpDecode(actEmpty, "HoldsVerEmptyList"))
			expEmptyCap := string(CapnpDecode(expEmpty, "HoldsVerEmptyList"))
			cv.So(actEmptyCap, cv.ShouldResemble, expEmptyCap)

			fmt.Printf("\n actEmpty is \n")
			ShowBytes(actEmpty, 10)
			fmt.Printf("actEmpty decoded by capnp: '%s'\n", string(CapnpDecode(actEmpty, "HoldsVerEmptyList")))
			cv.So(actEmpty, cv.ShouldResemble, expEmpty)

			// seg is set, now read into bigger list
			buf := bytes.Buffer{}
			segbytes := buf.Bytes()

			reseg, _, err := capn.ReadFromMemoryZeroCopy(segbytes)
			if err != nil {
			ShowSeg("      after re-reading segbytes, segment reseg is:", reseg)
			fmt.Printf("segbytes decoded by capnp as HoldsVerOneDataList: '%s'\n", string(CapnpDecode(segbytes, "HoldsVerOneDataList")))

			reHolder := air.ReadRootHoldsVerOneDataList(reseg)
			onelist := reHolder.Mylist()
			lenone := onelist.Len()
			cv.So(lenone, cv.ShouldEqual, 2)
			for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
				ele := onelist.At(i)
				val := ele.Val()
				cv.So(val, cv.ShouldEqual, 0)

			reHolder2 := air.ReadRootHoldsVerTwoDataList(reseg)
			twolist := reHolder2.Mylist()
			lentwo := twolist.Len()
			cv.So(lentwo, cv.ShouldEqual, 2)
			for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
				ele := twolist.At(i)
				val := ele.Val()
				cv.So(val, cv.ShouldEqual, 0)
				duo := ele.Duo()
				cv.So(duo, cv.ShouldEqual, 0)
