func Test011TranslationOfArraysWorks(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey(`Given a parent Snoopy struct that has an array of`+ ` concrete types, these should be translated from Sexp`+ ` correctly.`, t, func() { env := NewGlisp() defer env.parser.Stop() env.StandardSetup() x, err := env.EvalString(` (def snoop (snoopy pack:[8 9 4])) `) panicOn(err) cv.So(x.SexpString(), cv.ShouldEqual, ` (snoopy pack:[8 9 4])`) var sn Snoopy _, err = SexpToGoStructs(x, &sn, env) panicOn(err) VPrintf("\n sn = %#v\n", sn) cv.So(&sn, cv.ShouldResemble, &Snoopy{Pack: []int{8, 9, 4}}) }) }
func Test004SingleSlice(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey("Given a parsable golang source file with type Vector struct { M []int }", t, func() { cv.Convey("then we should generate translation utility methods for List(Int64) <-> []int in the capnp output", func() { ex0 := ` type Vector struct { M []int }` cv.So(ExtractString2String(ex0), ShouldContainModuloWhiteSpace, ` func Int64ListToSliceInt(p capn.Int64List) []int { v := make([]int, p.Len()) for i := range v { v[i] = int(p.At(i)) } return v } `) cv.So(ExtractString2String(ex0), ShouldContainModuloWhiteSpace, ` func SliceIntToInt64List(seg *capn.Segment, m []int) capn.Int64List { lst := seg.NewInt64List(len(m)) for i := range m { lst.Set(i, int64(m[i])) } return lst } `) }) }) }
func confirmOneJobRunningOneWaiting(cfg *Config) { snapmap := HelperSnapmap(cfg) running, ok := snapmap["runQlen"] if !ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("server stat must include runQlen")) } irunning, err := strconv.Atoi(running) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("\n We should see one running job now, and we see: %d. snapmap: %#v\n", irunning, snapmap) cv.So(irunning, cv.ShouldEqual, 1) waiting, ok := snapmap["waitingJobs"] if !ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("server stat must include waitingJobs")) } iwaiting, err := strconv.Atoi(waiting) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("\n We should see one waiting job now, and we see: %d. snapmap: %#v\n", iwaiting, snapmap) cv.So(iwaiting, cv.ShouldEqual, 1) }
func TestEnvCannotContainKey(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey("To avoid transmitting the clusterid, the Env sent to the shepard/worker cannot contain COG_ variables or the clusterid", t, func() { cv.Convey("The 8 GOQ env var should all be subtracted by GetNonGOQEnv(), as well as any variable that has the specified cid in it", func() { // *** universal test cfg setup skipbye := false cfg := NewTestConfig() defer cfg.ByeTestConfig(&skipbye) // *** end universal test setup e := make(map[string]string) cfg.InjectConfigIntoMap(&e) e["UNTOUCHED"] = "sane" randomCid := RandomClusterId() e["SHALLNOTPASS"] = randomCid env2 := MapToEnv(e) cv.So(len(env2), cv.ShouldEqual, 11) // the 8 from cfg + UNTOUCHED and SHALLNOTPASS res := GetNonGOQEnv(env2, randomCid) cv.So(len(res), cv.ShouldEqual, 1) cv.So(res[0], cv.ShouldEqual, "UNTOUCHED=sane") }) }) }
func Test003WriteReadThroughGeneratedTranslationCode(t *testing.T) { tdir := NewTempDir() // comment the defer out to debug any rw test failures. defer tdir.Cleanup() err := exec.Command("cp", "rw.go.txt", tdir.DirPath+"/rw.go").Run() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("cp rw.go.txt %s/rw.go failed: '%s'\n", tdir.DirPath, err) panic(err) } MainArgs([]string{os.Args[0], "-o", tdir.DirPath, "rw.go.txt"}) cv.Convey("Given bambam generated go bindings, \n"+ " then we should be able to write to disk, and read back the same structure", t, func() { cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil) tdir.MoveTo() err = exec.Command("capnpc", "-ogo", "schema.capnp").Run() cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil) err = exec.Command("go", "build").Run() cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil) // run it err = exec.Command("./" + tdir.DirPath).Run() cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil) }) }
func Test017WriteRead_StructPointerWithinStruct(t *testing.T) { tdir := NewTempDir() // comment the defer out to debug any rw test failures. defer tdir.Cleanup() err := exec.Command("cp", "rw3.go.txt", tdir.DirPath+"/rw3.go").Run() if err != nil { panic(err) } MainArgs([]string{os.Args[0], "-o", tdir.DirPath, "rw3.go.txt"}) cv.Convey("Given bambam generated go bindings: with a struct pointer within a struct", t, func() { cv.Convey("then we should be able to write to disk, and read back the same structure", func() { cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil) tdir.MoveTo() err = exec.Command("capnpc", "-ogo", "schema.capnp").Run() cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil) err = exec.Command("go", "build").Run() cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil) // run it err = exec.Command("./" + tdir.DirPath).Run() cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil) }) }) }
func TestCreationOfZData(t *testing.T) { const n = 20 seg, _ := zdataFilledSegment(n) text := CapnpDecodeSegment(seg, "", "aircraftlib/aircraft.capnp", "Z") expectedText := `(zdata = (data = "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\a\b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13"))` cv.Convey("Given a go-capnproto created Zdata DATA element with n=20", t, func() { cv.Convey("When we decode it with capnp", func() { cv.Convey(fmt.Sprintf("Then we should get the expected text '%s'", expectedText), func() { cv.So(text, cv.ShouldEqual, expectedText) }) cv.Convey("And our data should contain Z_ZDATA with contents 0,1,2,...,n", func() { z := air.ReadRootZ(seg) cv.So(z.Which(), cv.ShouldEqual, air.Z_ZDATA) var data []byte = z.Zdata().Data() cv.So(len(data), cv.ShouldEqual, n) for i := range data { cv.So(data[i], cv.ShouldEqual, i) } }) }) }) }
func TestWebGoesUpAndDown(t *testing.T) { // *** universal test cfg setup skipbye := false cfg := NewTestConfig() // bumps cfg.TestportBump so cfg.GetWebPort() is different in test. defer cfg.ByeTestConfig(&skipbye) // *** end universal test setup s := NewWebServer() cv.Convey("NewWebServer() should bring up a debug web-server", t, func() { cv.So(PortIsBound(s.Addr), cv.ShouldEqual, true) by, err := FetchUrl("http://" + s.Addr + "/debug/pprof") cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil) //fmt.Printf("by:'%s'\n", string(by)) cv.So(strings.HasPrefix(string(by), `<html> <head> <title>/debug/pprof/</title> </head> /debug/pprof/<br> <br>`), cv.ShouldEqual, true) }) cv.Convey("WebServer::Stop() should bring down the debug web-server", t, func() { s.Stop() cv.So(PortIsBound(s.Addr), cv.ShouldEqual, false) }) }
func Test002ListListStructList(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey("Given type RWTest struct { NestMatrix [][]Nester1; } in go, where Nester1 is a struct, and a mirror/parallel capnp struct air.RWTestCapn { nestMatrix @0: List(List(Nester1Capn)); } defined in the aircraftlib schema", t, func() { cv.Convey("When we Save() RWTest to capn and then Load() it back, the data should match, so that we have working List(List(Struct)) serialization and deserializatoin in go-capnproto", func() { // full RWTest rw := RWTest{ NestMatrix: [][]Nester1{[]Nester1{Nester1{Strs: []string{"z", "w"}}, Nester1{Strs: []string{"q", "r"}}}, []Nester1{Nester1{Strs: []string{"zebra", "wally"}}, Nester1{Strs: []string{"qubert", "rocks"}}}}, } var o bytes.Buffer rw.Save(&o) seg, n, err := capn.ReadFromMemoryZeroCopy(o.Bytes()) cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil) cv.So(n, cv.ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0) text := CapnpDecodeSegment(seg, "", "aircraftlib/aircraft.capnp", "RWTestCapn") if false { fmt.Printf("text = '%s'\n", text) } rw2 := &RWTest{} rw2.Load(&o) //fmt.Printf("rw = '%#v'\n", rw) //fmt.Printf("rw2 = '%#v'\n", rw2) same := reflect.DeepEqual(&rw, rw2) cv.So(same, cv.ShouldEqual, true) }) }) }
func TestPrint(t *testing.T) { seg := capn.NewBuffer(nil) z := air.NewRootZ(seg) airc := air.AutoNewAircraft(seg) b737 := air.AutoNewB737(seg) base := air.AutoNewPlaneBase(seg) base.SetName("helen") base.SetMaxSpeed(0.5) homes := air.NewAirportList(seg, 2) homes.Set(0, air.AIRPORT_JFK) homes.Set(1, air.AIRPORT_SFO) base.SetHomes(homes) b737.SetBase(base) airc.SetB737(b737) z.SetAircraft(airc) lit, err := z.MarshalCapLit() panicOn(err) json, err := z.MarshalJSON() panicOn(err) cv.Convey("Given the aircraftlib schema (and an Aircraft value), we should generate a MarshalCapLit() function that returns a literal representation in bytes for the given Aircraft value. And the MarshalJSON() should return the expected format too.", t, func() { cv.So(string(lit), cv.ShouldEqual, `(aircraft = (b737 = (base = (name = "helen", homes = [jfk, sfo], rating = 0, canFly = false, capacity = 0, maxSpeed = 0.5))))`) cv.So(string(json), cv.ShouldEqual, `{"aircraft":{"b737":{"base":{"name":"helen","homes":["jfk", "sfo"],"rating":0,"canFly":false,"capacity":0,"maxSpeed":0.5}}}}`) }) }
// start with smaller Struct(List) func Test001StructList(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey("Given type Nester1 struct { Strs []string } in go, where Nester1 is a struct, and a mirror/parallel capnp struct air.Nester1Capn { strs @0: List(Text); } defined in the aircraftlib schema", t, func() { cv.Convey("When we Save() Nester to capn and then Load() it back, the data should match, so that we have working Struct(List) serialization and deserializatoin in go-capnproto", func() { // Does Nester1 alone serialization and deser okay? rw := Nester1{Strs: []string{"xenophilia", "watchowski"}} var o bytes.Buffer rw.Save(&o) seg, n, err := capn.ReadFromMemoryZeroCopy(o.Bytes()) cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil) cv.So(n, cv.ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0) text := CapnpDecodeSegment(seg, "", "aircraftlib/aircraft.capnp", "Nester1Capn") if false { fmt.Printf("text = '%s'\n", text) } rw2 := &Nester1{} rw2.Load(&o) //fmt.Printf("rw = '%#v'\n", rw) //fmt.Printf("rw2 = '%#v'\n", rw2) same := reflect.DeepEqual(&rw, rw2) cv.So(same, cv.ShouldEqual, true) }) }) }
func TestDecompressorVerbosely(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey("Testing the go-capnproto Decompressor.Read() function:", t, func() { for _, test := range compressionTests { fmt.Printf("\n\nGiven compressed text '%#v'\n", test.compressed) // fmt.Printf(" test.original = %#v\n test.compressed = %#v\n", test.original, test.compressed) for readSize := 1; readSize <= 8+2*len(test.original); readSize++ { fmt.Printf("\n When we use go-capnproto NewDecompressor, with readSize: %d\n Then we should get the original text back.", readSize) r := bytes.NewReader(test.compressed) d := capn.NewDecompressor(r) buf := make([]byte, readSize) var actual []byte for { n, err := d.Read(buf) actual = append(actual, buf[:n]...) if err != nil { if err == io.EOF { break } t.Fatalf("Read: %v", err) } } cv.So(len(actual), cv.ShouldResemble, len(test.original)) if len(test.original) > 0 { cv.So(actual, cv.ShouldResemble, test.original) } } // end readSize loop } fmt.Printf("\n\n") }) }
func TestDecodeOnKnownWellPackedData(t *testing.T) { // length 17 byteSliceIn := []byte{0x10, 0x5, 0x50, 0x2, 0x1, 0x1, 0x25, 0x0, 0x0, 0x11, 0x1, 0xc, 0xf, 0xd4, 0x7, 0xc, 0x7} fmt.Printf("len of byteSliceIn is %d\n", len(byteSliceIn)) // annotated: byteSliceIn := []byte{tag:0x10, 0x5, tag:0x50, 0x2, 0x1, tag:0x1, 0x25, tag:0x0, 0x0, tag:0x11, 0x1, 0xc, tag:0xf, 0xd4, 0x7, 0xc, 0x7} // length 48 expectedOut := []byte{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x25, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xd4, 0x7, 0xc, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0} r := bytes.NewReader(byteSliceIn) actual, err := ioutil.ReadAll(capn.NewDecompressor(r)) if err != nil { panic(err) } cv.Convey("Given a known-to-be-correctly packed 17-byte long sequence for a ZdateVector holding a single Zdate", t, func() { cv.Convey("When we use go-capnproto NewDecompressor", func() { cv.Convey("Then we should get the same unpacked bytes as capnp provides", func() { cv.So(len(actual), cv.ShouldResemble, len(expectedOut)) cv.So(actual, cv.ShouldResemble, expectedOut) }) }) }) }
func Test014TranslationOfArraysOfInterfacesEmbeddedWorks(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey(`Given a parent Snoopy struct that has an array of Flyer interfaces that are embedded inside Plane, these should be translated from Sexp correctly.`, t, func() { env := NewGlisp() env.StandardSetup() x, err := env.EvalString(` (def he (hellcat speed:567)) (def ho (hornet SpanCm:12)) (def snoop (snoopy friends:[he ho])) `) panicOn(err) cv.So(x.SexpString(), cv.ShouldEqual, ` (snoopy friends:[ (hellcat speed:567) (hornet SpanCm:12)])`) var sn Snoopy _, err = SexpToGoStructs(x, &sn, env) panicOn(err) fmt.Printf("\n sn = %#v\n", sn) cv.So(&sn, cv.ShouldResemble, &Snoopy{ Plane: Plane{ Friends: []Flyer{ &Hellcat{Plane: Plane{Speed: 567}}, &Hornet{Plane: Plane{ Wings: Wings{ SpanCm: 12, }, }, }, }, }, }) }) }
func Test030LexingPauseAndResume(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey(`to enable the repl to properly detect the end of a multiline expression (or an expression containing quoted parentheses), the lexer should be able to pause and resume when more input is available.`, t, func() { str := `(defn hello [] "greetings!(((")` str1 := `(defn hel` str2 := `lo [] "greetings!(((")` env := NewGlisp() defer env.parser.Stop() stream := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(str1)) env.parser.ResetAddNewInput(stream) ex, err := env.parser.ParseTokens() P("\n In lexer_test, after parsing with incomplete input, we should get 0 expressions back.\n") cv.So(len(ex), cv.ShouldEqual, 0) P("\n In lexer_test, after ParseTokens on incomplete fragment, expressions = '%v' and err = '%v'\n", (&SexpArray{Val: ex, Env: env}).SexpString(nil), err) P("\n In lexer_test: calling parser.NewInput() to provide str2='%s'\n", str2) env.parser.NewInput(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(str2))) P("\n In lexer_test: done with parser.NewInput(), now calling parser.ParseTokens()\n") ex, err = env.parser.ParseTokens() P(` in lexer test: After providing the 2nd half of the input, we returned from env.parser.ParseTokens() with expressions = %v with err = %v `, (&SexpArray{Val: ex, Env: env}).SexpString(nil), err) cv.So(len(ex), cv.ShouldEqual, 1) panicOn(err) P("str=%s\n", str) }) }
func Test018ReflectCallOnGoMethodsComplexReturnType(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey(`Given a translated to Go structs, we should be able`+ ` to invoke methods on them that return struct pointers`, t, func() { env := NewGlisp() defer env.parser.Stop() env.StandardSetup() x, err := env.EvalString(` (def he (hellcat speed:567)) (def ho (hornet SpanCm:12)) (def snoop (snoopy friends:[he ho] cry:"yowza")) `) panicOn(err) cv.So(x.SexpString(), cv.ShouldEqual, ` (snoopy friends:`+ `[ (hellcat speed:567) (hornet SpanCm:12)] cry:"yowza")`) var sn Snoopy _, err = SexpToGoStructs(x, &sn, env) panicOn(err) VPrintf("\n sn = %#v\n", sn) invok, err := env.EvalString(` (_method snoop EchoWeather: (weather time:(now) size:12 ` + `type:"sunny" details:(raw "123"))) `) panicOn(err) VPrintf("got invoke = '%s'\n", invok.SexpString()) cv.So(invok.SexpString(), cv.ShouldEqual, `[ (weather time:()`+ ` size:12 type:"sunny" details:[]byte{0x31, 0x32, 0x33})]`) }) }
func Test010WriteIntoSingleInterfaceValueWorks(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey(`Given a parent Snoopy struct that has an interface scalar`+ ` value, this should translate from Sexp to Go correctly.`, t, func() { env := NewGlisp() defer env.parser.Stop() env.StandardSetup() x, err := env.EvalString(` (def he (hellcat speed:567)) (def ho (hornet)) (def snoop (snoopy chld:he)) `) panicOn(err) cv.So(x.SexpString(), cv.ShouldEqual, ` (snoopy chld: (hellcat speed:567))`) var sn Snoopy _, err = SexpToGoStructs(x, &sn, env) panicOn(err) VPrintf("\n sn = %#v\n", sn) cv.So(sn.Chld, cv.ShouldResemble, &Hellcat{Plane: Plane{Speed: 567}}) }) }
func Test007ParentChildRecordsTranslateToGo(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey(`Given a tree of three records (hashes in zygomys); a snoopy`+ ` containing a hellcat, then SexpToGoStructs() should translate`+ ` that parent-child relationship faithfully into a Go Snoopy{}`+ ` containing a Go Hellcat{}.`, t, func() { env := NewGlisp() defer env.parser.Stop() env.StandardSetup() x, err := env.EvalString(` (def he (hellcat speed:567)) (def snoop (snoopy chld:he)) `) panicOn(err) cv.So(x.SexpString(), cv.ShouldEqual, ` (snoopy chld: (hellcat speed:567))`) var sn Snoopy _, err = SexpToGoStructs(x, &sn, env) panicOn(err) VPrintf("\n sn = %#v\n", sn) cv.So(sn.Chld, cv.ShouldResemble, &Hellcat{Plane: Plane{Speed: 567}}) }) }
func Test009CallByReflectionWorksWithoutNestingWithoutEmbeds(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey(`Given an un-nested record without references to other`+ ` records; and without embedded structs; we should translate`+ ` from record to Go struct correctly`, t, func() { env := NewGlisp() defer env.parser.Stop() env.StandardSetup() x, err := env.EvalString(` (def ho (hornet nickname:"Bob" mass:4.2)) `) panicOn(err) cv.So(x.SexpString(), cv.ShouldEqual, ` (hornet nickname:"Bob" mass:4.2)`) ho := &Hornet{} res, err := SexpToGoStructs(x, ho, env) panicOn(err) VPrintf("\n ho = %#v\n", ho) VPrintf("\n res = %#v\n", res) cv.So(ho, cv.ShouldResemble, &Hornet{Nickname: "Bob", Mass: 4.2}) }) }
func Test008CallByReflectionWorksWithoutNesting(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey(`Given an un-nested record without references to`+ ` other records; we should translate from record to Go`+ ` struct correctly`, t, func() { env := NewGlisp() defer env.parser.Stop() env.StandardSetup() x, err := env.EvalString(` (def ho (hornet speed:567 nickname:"Bob" mass:4.2 SpanCm:8877)) `) panicOn(err) cv.So(x.SexpString(), cv.ShouldEqual, ` (hornet speed:567 nickname:"Bob" mass:4.2 SpanCm:8877)`) ho := &Hornet{} res, err := SexpToGoStructs(x, ho, env) panicOn(err) VPrintf("\n ho = %#v\n", ho) VPrintf("\n res = %#v\n", res) cv.So(ho, cv.ShouldResemble, &Hornet{Plane: Plane{ Wings: Wings{SpanCm: 8877}, Speed: 567}, Nickname: "Bob", Mass: 4.2}) }) }
func TestStripNanoAddr(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey("StripNanomsgAddressPrefix should omit the 'tcp://' stuff", t, func() { strip, err := StripNanomsgAddressPrefix("tcp://a.b.c.d:9090") cv.So(strip, cv.ShouldEqual, "a.b.c.d:9090") cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil) }) }
func TestGeistRequiresArg1(t *testing.T) { Build() cv.Convey("Given the geist executable, when geist is invoked, it must require one argument (the path to the script it should execute) or fail complaining a path is required.", t, func() { _, errbuf, err := Run(".", "./geist") cv.So(err, cv.ShouldNotEqual, nil) cv.So(errbuf.String(), cv.ShouldEqual, "geist error: missing path to script to run as argument to geist.") }) }
func TestMarshal(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey("Given go struct Extra", t, func() { cv.Convey("then the generated ExtraCapntoGo() code should copy content from an ExtraCapn to an Extra struct.", func() { cv.Convey("and should handle int fields", func() { ex0 := ` type Extra struct { A int B int }` toGoCode := ExtractCapnToGoCode(ex0, "Extra") cv.So(toGoCode, ShouldMatchModuloWhiteSpace, ` func ExtraCapnToGo(src ExtraCapn, dest *Extra) *Extra { if dest == nil { dest = &Extra{} } dest.A = int(src.A()) dest.B = int(src.B()) return dest } `) toCapnCode := ExtractGoToCapnCode(ex0, "Extra") cv.So(toCapnCode, ShouldMatchModuloWhiteSpace, ` func ExtraGoToCapn(seg *capn.Segment, src *Extra) ExtraCapn { dest := AutoNewExtraCapn(seg) dest.SetA(int64(src.A)) dest.SetB(int64(src.B)) return dest } `) }) cv.Convey("and should handle uint fields", func() { ex0 := ` type Extra struct { A uint64 }` toGoCode := ExtractCapnToGoCode(ex0, "Extra") cv.So(toGoCode, ShouldMatchModuloWhiteSpace, ` func ExtraCapnToGo(src ExtraCapn, dest *Extra) *Extra { if dest == nil { dest = &Extra{} } dest.A = src.A() return dest } `) toCapnCode := ExtractGoToCapnCode(ex0, "Extra") cv.So(toCapnCode, ShouldMatchModuloWhiteSpace, ` func ExtraGoToCapn(seg *capn.Segment, src *Extra) ExtraCapn { dest := AutoNewExtraCapn(seg) dest.SetA(src.A) return dest } `) }) }) }) }
func Test028FloatingPointRegex(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey("our lexer should recognize negative floating point and negative integers", t, func() { ans := DecimalRegex.MatchString(`-1`) cv.So(ans, cv.ShouldEqual, true) ans = FloatRegex.MatchString(`-1e-10`) cv.So(ans, cv.ShouldEqual, true) }) }
func Test030DedupStreams(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey(`given a stream with some duplicate frames repeating previously seen frames, Dedup() filter out duplicates within the given window`, t, func() { // setup the test streams, with duplicated Frames nFrame := 100 expectedPath := "test.dedup.expected" frames, _, _ := GenTestFrames(nFrame, &expectedPath) // prep to write out duplicates dupsPath := "test.dups" writeMe, err := os.Create(dupsPath) panicOn(err) ds := NewFrameWriter(writeMe, 64*1024) // generate duplicates, randomly fold := 4 tot := nFrame * fold k := 0 // first be sure we've seen all our frames, so we // aren't jumping completely backwards before the first frame. for i := 0; i < nFrame; i++ { ds.Append(frames[i]) k++ } for i := 1; i <= tot; i++ { fr := frames[cryptoRandNonNegInt()%((i%(nFrame-1))+1)] ds.Append(fr) k++ } ds.Flush() ds.Sync() writeMe.Seek(0, 0) hasDupsFd := writeMe obsPath := "test.dedup.obs" dedupFd, err := os.Create(obsPath) // dedup the stream // all of it, so we give the full total as the window p("k = %v", k) err = Dedup(hasDupsFd, dedupFd, k+1, nil, false) cv.So(err, cv.ShouldEqual, nil) // check diff := FilesDiff(expectedPath, obsPath) if diff { panic(fmt.Errorf("dedup failed, '%s' != '%s'", obsPath, expectedPath)) } cv.So(diff, cv.ShouldBeFalse) os.Remove(obsPath) os.Remove(expectedPath) }) }
func Test040MakeFloat64Frames(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey("MakeFloat64Frames should generate a sequence of frames of equal spacing, yet omit frames with 0 specified in the delta sequence, to allow us to generate test sequences with gaps", t, func() { tm, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2016-03-10T00:00:00Z") panicOn(err) spacing := time.Second wa := int64(4) pa := int64(1) seq := []float64{-1, -5, -10, 0, -5, 15, 0, -2} typ := []int64{wa, wa, wa, 0, wa, pa, 0, wa} sec := []int64{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6} frames := MakeTwo64Frames(tm, seq, typ, sec) // for i := range frames { // p("frames[%v] = %s", i, *(frames[i])) // } cv.So(len(frames), cv.ShouldEqual, 6) cv.So(frames[0].TmTime(), cv.ShouldResemble, tm) cv.So(frames[0].GetV0(), cv.ShouldResemble, float64(-1)) cv.So(frames[1].GetV0(), cv.ShouldResemble, float64(-5)) cv.So(frames[2].GetV0(), cv.ShouldResemble, float64(-10)) cv.So(frames[3].GetV0(), cv.ShouldResemble, float64(-5)) cv.So(frames[4].GetV0(), cv.ShouldResemble, float64(15)) cv.So(frames[5].GetV0(), cv.ShouldResemble, float64(-2)) cv.So(frames[5].TmTime(), cv.ShouldResemble, tm.Add(6*spacing)) }) }
func TestSubmitRemote(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey("remotely, over nanomsg, goq should be able to submit job to the server", t, func() { cv.Convey("and then server should get back the expected output from the job run", func() { // allow all child processes to communicate // *** universal test cfg setup skipbye := false cfg := NewTestConfig() defer cfg.ByeTestConfig(&skipbye) // *** end universal test setup // ensure any previous test has released our port before proceeding. WaitUntilAddrAvailable(cfg.JservAddr()) cfg.DebugMode = true childpid, err := NewExternalJobServ(cfg) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("[pid %d] spawned a new external JobServ with pid %d\n", os.Getpid(), childpid) j := NewJob() j.Cmd = "bin/" sub, err := NewSubmitter(GenAddress(), cfg, false) if err != nil { panic(err) } sub.SubmitJob(j) worker, err := NewWorker(GenAddress(), cfg, nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } jobout, err := worker.DoOneJob() if err != nil { panic(err) } worker.Destroy() // *important* cleanup, and wait for cleanup to finish, so the next test can run. // has no Fromaddr, so crashes: SendShutdown(cfg.JservAddr, cfg) sub.SubmitShutdownJob() WaitForShutdownWithTimeout(childpid, cfg) cv.So(len(jobout.Out), cv.ShouldEqual, 2) cv.So(jobout.Out[0], cv.ShouldEqual, "I'm starting some work") cv.So(jobout.Out[1], cv.ShouldEqual, "I'm done with my work") }) }) }
func Test026RegexpSplittingOfDotSymbols(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey("our DotPartsRegex should split dot-symbol `.a.b.c` into `.a`, `.b`, and `.c`", t, func() { target := ".a.b.c" path := DotPartsRegex.FindAllString(target, -1) fmt.Printf("path = %#v\n", path) cv.So(len(path), cv.ShouldEqual, 3) cv.So(path[0], cv.ShouldEqual, ".a") cv.So(path[1], cv.ShouldEqual, ".b") cv.So(path[2], cv.ShouldEqual, ".c") }) }
func TestTagAnnotationWorks(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey("Given a golang struct with an invalid capnp field name 'Union', but with a field tag: `capname:\"MyNewFieldName\"`", t, func() { cv.Convey("then we should use the capname MyNewFieldName for the field, and not stop the run.", func() { ex0 := "type S struct { Union string `capname:\"MyNewFieldName\"` \n}" cv.So(ExtractString2String(ex0), ShouldStartWithModuloWhiteSpace, `struct SCapn { MyNewFieldName @0: Text; } `) ex1 := "type S struct { Union string `capname: \t \t \"MyNewFieldName\"` \n}" cv.So(ExtractString2String(ex1), ShouldStartWithModuloWhiteSpace, `struct SCapn { MyNewFieldName @0: Text; } `) }) }) }
func TestEnumFromString(t *testing.T) { cv.Convey("Given an enum tag string matching a constant", t, func() { cv.Convey("FromString should return the corresponding matching constant value", func() { cv.So(air.AirportFromString("jfk"), cv.ShouldEqual, air.AIRPORT_JFK) }) }) cv.Convey("Given an enum tag string that does not match a constant", t, func() { cv.Convey("FromString should return 0", func() { cv.So(air.AirportFromString("notEverMatching"), cv.ShouldEqual, 0) }) }) }