// Return the given interface as a YAML byte slice.
func toYaml(i interface{}) []byte {
	data, err := yaml.Marshal(i)
	if err != nil {
	return data
文件: template.go 项目: tyrken/rocker
func yamlFn(v interface{}) (string, error) {
	data, err := yaml.Marshal(v)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return string(data), nil
func (metadata *RightScriptMetadata) WriteTo(script io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
	if metadata.Comment == "" {
		metadata.Comment = "#"

	if metadata.Inputs == nil {
		metadata.Inputs = InputMap{}

	c, err := fmt.Fprintf(script, "%s ---\n", metadata.Comment)
	if n += int64(c); err != nil {

	yml, err := yaml.Marshal(metadata)
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewBuffer(yml))

	for scanner.Scan() {
		c, err = fmt.Fprintf(script, "%s %s\n", metadata.Comment, scanner.Text())
		if n += int64(c); err != nil {
	if err = scanner.Err(); err != nil {

	c, err = fmt.Fprintf(script, "%s ...\n", metadata.Comment)
	if n += int64(c); err != nil {

// Execute runs the command
func (c *CommandPush) Execute(b *Build) (State, error) {
	if len(c.cfg.args) != 1 {
		return b.state, fmt.Errorf("PUSH requires exactly one argument")

	if b.state.ImageID == "" {
		return b.state, fmt.Errorf("Cannot PUSH empty image")

	if err := b.client.TagImage(b.state.ImageID, c.cfg.args[0]); err != nil {
		return b.state, err

	image := imagename.NewFromString(c.cfg.args[0])
	artifact := imagename.Artifact{
		Name:      image,
		Pushed:    b.cfg.Push,
		Tag:       image.GetTag(),
		ImageID:   b.state.ImageID,
		BuildTime: time.Now(),

	// push image and add some lines to artifacts
	if b.cfg.Push {
		digest, err := b.client.PushImage(image.String())
		if err != nil {
			return b.state, err
		artifact.Digest = digest
		artifact.Addressable = fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", image.NameWithRegistry(), digest)
	} else {
		log.Infof("| Don't push. Pass --push flag to actually push to the registry")

	// Publish artifact files
	if b.cfg.ArtifactsPath != "" {
		if err := os.MkdirAll(b.cfg.ArtifactsPath, 0755); err != nil {
			return b.state, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create directory %s for the artifacts, error: %s", b.cfg.ArtifactsPath, err)

		filePath := filepath.Join(b.cfg.ArtifactsPath, artifact.GetFileName())

		artifacts := imagename.Artifacts{
		content, err := yaml.Marshal(artifacts)
		if err != nil {
			return b.state, err

		if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filePath, content, 0644); err != nil {
			return b.state, fmt.Errorf("Failed to write artifact file %s, error: %s", filePath, err)

		log.Infof("| Saved artifact file %s", filePath)
		log.Debugf("Artifact properties: %# v", pretty.Formatter(artifact))

	return b.state, nil
func yamlFn(args ...interface{}) (result string, err error) {
	var (
		i     = 0
		input interface{}

	if len(args) == 1 {
		input = args[0]
	} else if len(args) == 2 {
		if i, err = interfaceToInt(args[0]); err != nil {
			return "", err
		input = args[1]
	} else {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("yaml helper expects from 1 to 2 arguments, %d given", len(args))

	data, err := yaml.Marshal(input)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	result = string(data)

	if i > 0 {
		result = indent(strings.Repeat("  ", i), result)

	return result, nil
// CreateContainerOptions returns create configuration eatable by go-dockerclient
func (a *Container) CreateContainerOptions() (*docker.CreateContainerOptions, error) {
	apiConfig := a.Config.GetAPIConfig()

	yamlData, err := yaml.Marshal(a.Config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Copy labels because we want to assign some extra stuff
	labels := map[string]string{}
	for k, v := range apiConfig.Labels {
		labels[k] = v
	labels["rocker-compose-id"] = util.GenerateRandomID()
	labels["rocker-compose-config"] = string(yamlData)

	apiConfig.Labels = labels
	apiConfig.Image = a.Image.String()

	return &docker.CreateContainerOptions{
		Name:       a.Name.String(),
		Config:     apiConfig,
		HostConfig: a.Config.GetAPIHostConfig(),
	}, nil
文件: inspect.go 项目: ikravets/ev
func (c *Config) Dump() (yamlDoc string, err error) {
	defer errs.PassE(&err)
	buf, err := yaml.Marshal(c.ast)
	yamlDoc = string(buf)
func TestYamlLink(t *testing.T) {
	assertions := map[string]string{
		"platform.statsd":          "platform.statsd:statsd",
		"platform.statsd:metrics":  "platform.statsd:metrics",
		"/platform.statsd":         "platform.statsd:statsd",
		"/platform.statsd:metrics": "platform.statsd:metrics",
		"statsd":                   "statsd:statsd",
		"statsd:metrics":           "statsd:metrics",
		".statsd":                  "statsd:statsd",
		".statsd:metrics":          "statsd:metrics",
		"":                         "\"\"",

	for inYaml, outYaml := range assertions {
		v := Link{}
		if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(inYaml), &v); err != nil {
		data, err := yaml.Marshal(v)
		if err != nil {
		assert.Equal(t, outYaml, strings.TrimSpace(string(data)))
文件: web.go 项目: codeskyblue/gosuv
func (s *Supervisor) saveDB() error {
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	data, err := yaml.Marshal(s.programs())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return ioutil.WriteFile(s.programPath(), data, 0644)
func TestImagename_ToYaml(t *testing.T) {
	value := struct {
		Name *ImageName

	data, err := yaml.Marshal(value)
	if err != nil {

	assert.Equal(t, "name: hub/ns/name:1\n", string(data))
func (config *ConfigViper) ShowConfiguration(output io.Writer) error {
	// Check if config file exists
	if _, err := os.Stat(config.ConfigFileUsed()); err != nil {
		return err

	yml, err := yaml.Marshal(config.AllSettings())
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
func (a *yamlTestCases) run(t *testing.T) error {
	for inYaml, outYaml := range a.assertions {
		v := &Container{}
		if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(inYaml), v); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Failed unmarshal for test %q, error: %s", inYaml, err)
		data, err := yaml.Marshal(v)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Failed marshal for test %q, error: %s", inYaml, err)
		assert.Equal(t, outYaml, strings.TrimSpace(string(data)))
	return nil
func compareYaml(name string, a, b *Container) (bool, error) {
	av := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(a)).FieldByName(name)
	bv := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(b)).FieldByName(name)

	isSlice := av.Type().Kind() == reflect.Slice
	isMap := av.Type().Kind() == reflect.Map

	// empty values and nil pointer should be considered equal
	if av.IsNil() && !isSlice && !isMap {
		av = reflect.New(av.Type().Elem())
	if bv.IsNil() && !isSlice && !isMap {
		bv = reflect.New(bv.Type().Elem())

	// sort lists which should not consider different order to be a change
	if isSlice && name != "Entrypoint" && name != "Cmd" {
		aSorted := newYamlSortable(av)
		av = reflect.ValueOf(aSorted)

		bSorted := newYamlSortable(bv)
		bv = reflect.ValueOf(bSorted)

	yml1, err := yaml.Marshal(av.Interface())
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	yml2, err := yaml.Marshal(bv.Interface())
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	return string(yml1) == string(yml2), nil
文件: api.go 项目: YoSmudge/graphatmo
func (self *Api) UpdateAuth(token *oauth2.Token) error {
	// Save auth data

	log.WithFields(log.Fields{"Target": self.AuthFile}).Debug("Saving authentication data")

	yml, err := yaml.Marshal(&token)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = ioutil.WriteFile(self.AuthFile, yml, 0600)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
文件: config.go 项目: romana/core
// WriteConfig writes config from file to structure
func WriteConfig(config Config, fname string) error {
	yamlConfig := &yamlConfig{}
	yamlConfig.Services = make([]yamlServiceConfig, len(config.Services))
	i := 0
	for k, v := range config.Services {
		ysc := &yamlServiceConfig{}
		ysc.Service = k
		ysc.Api = v.Common.Api
		ysc.Config = v.ServiceSpecific
		yamlConfig.Services[i] = *ysc

	b, err := yaml.Marshal(yamlConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return ioutil.WriteFile(fname, b, 0777)
func readConf(filename string) (c Configuration, err error) {
	// initial default value
	c.Server.Addr = ":11313" // in memory of 08-31 13:13
	c.Client.ServerURL = "http://localhost:11313"

	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
	if err != nil {
		data = []byte("")
	err = yaml.Unmarshal(data, &c)
	if err != nil {
	cfgDir := filepath.Dir(filename)
	if !IsDir(cfgDir) {
		os.MkdirAll(cfgDir, 0755)
	data, _ = yaml.Marshal(c)
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(filename, data, 0644)
func TestYamlPortBinding(t *testing.T) {
	assertions := map[string]string{
		"":                      "\"\"",
		"8000":                  "8000/tcp",
		"8125/udp":              "8125/udp",
		"8081:8000":             "8081:8000/tcp",
		"8126:8125/udp":         "8126:8125/udp",
		"":         "",
		"":       "",
		"": "",

	for inYaml, outYaml := range assertions {
		v := PortBinding{}
		if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(inYaml), &v); err != nil {
		data, err := yaml.Marshal(v)
		if err != nil {
		assert.Equal(t, outYaml, strings.TrimSpace(string(data)))
文件: code.go 项目: romana/core
// Process processes the code yielding a []byte of the YAML
// representation of the Swagger defintion. The processing rules are
// as follows:
// 1. For each common.Service found, go over its Routes (whatever Routes() method yields)
//    and based on that create the paths and operations.
// 2. For structs, field-level comments are taken from the description value of
//    "romana" structure tag. For example:
//      type Policy struct {
//          Direction string `json:"direction,omitempty" romana:"desc:Direction is one of 'ingress' or egress'."`
//          ...
//      }
func (rd *Swaggerer) Process() ([]byte, error) {
	rd.swagger.Paths = rd.getPaths()
	json, err := yaml.Marshal(rd.swagger)
	return json, err
func (items yamlSortable) Less(i, j int) bool {
	yml1, _ := yaml.Marshal(items[i])
	yml2, _ := yaml.Marshal(items[j])
	return string(yml1) < string(yml2)
// Obtain input via STDIN then print out to config file
// Example of config file
// login:
//   default_account: acct1
//   accounts:
//     acct1:
//       id: 67972
//       host: us-3.rightscale.com
//       refresh_token: abc123abc123abc123abc123abc123abc123abc1
//     acct2:
//       id: 60073
//       host: us-4.rightscale.com
//       refresh_token: zxy987zxy987zxy987zxy987xzy987zxy987xzy9
func (config *ConfigViper) SetAccount(name string, setDefault bool, input io.Reader, output io.Writer) error {
	// if the default account isn't set we should set it to the account we are setting
	if !config.IsSet("login.default_account") {
		setDefault = true

	// get the settings and specifically the login settings into a map we can manipulate and marshal to YAML unhindered
	// by the meddling of the Viper
	settings := config.AllSettings()
	loginSettings := settings["login"].(map[interface{}]interface{})

	// set the default account if we want or need to
	if setDefault {
		loginSettings["default_account"] = name

	// get the previous value for the named account if it exists and construct a new account to populate
	oldAccount, ok := config.Accounts[name]
	newAccount := &Account{}

	// prompt for the account ID and use the old value if nothing is entered
	fmt.Fprint(output, "Account ID")
	if ok {
		fmt.Fprintf(output, " (%d)", oldAccount.Id)
	fmt.Fprint(output, ": ")
	fmt.Fscanln(input, &newAccount.Id)
	if ok && newAccount.Id == 0 {
		newAccount.Id = oldAccount.Id

	// prompt for the API endpoint host and use the old value if nothing is entered
	fmt.Fprint(output, "API endpoint host")
	if ok {
		fmt.Fprintf(output, " (%s)", oldAccount.Host)
	fmt.Fprint(output, ": ")
	fmt.Fscanln(input, &newAccount.Host)
	if ok && newAccount.Host == "" {
		newAccount.Host = oldAccount.Host

	// prompt for the refresh token and use the old value if nothing is entered
	fmt.Fprint(output, "Refresh token")
	if ok {
		fmt.Fprintf(output, " (%s)", oldAccount.RefreshToken)
	fmt.Fprint(output, ": ")
	fmt.Fscanln(input, &newAccount.RefreshToken)
	if ok && newAccount.RefreshToken == "" {
		newAccount.RefreshToken = oldAccount.RefreshToken

	// add the new account to the map of accounts overwriting any old value
	accounts := loginSettings["accounts"].(map[interface{}]interface{})
	accounts[name] = newAccount

	// render the settings map as YAML
	yml, err := yaml.Marshal(settings)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	configPath := config.ConfigFileUsed()
	// back up the current config file before writing a new one or if one does not exist, make sure the directory exists
	if err := os.Rename(configPath, configPath+".bak"); err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(configPath), 0700); err != nil {
				return err
		} else {
			return err

	// create a new config file which only the current user can read or write
	configFile, err := os.OpenFile(configPath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0600)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer configFile.Close()

	// write the YAML into the config file
	if _, err := configFile.Write(yml); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
func pinCommand(ctx *cli.Context) {

	var (
		vars   template.Vars
		data   []byte
		output = ctx.String("output")
		format = ctx.String("type")
		local  = ctx.BoolT("local")
		hub    = ctx.BoolT("hub")
		fd     = os.Stdout

	if output == "-" && !ctx.GlobalIsSet("verbose") {

	dockerCli := initDockerClient(ctx)
	config := initComposeConfig(ctx, dockerCli)
	auth := initAuthConfig(ctx)

	compose, err := compose.New(&compose.Config{
		Manifest: config,
		Docker:   dockerCli,
		Auth:     auth,
	if err != nil {

	if vars, err = compose.PinAction(local, hub); err != nil {

	if output != "-" {
		if fd, err = os.Create(output); err != nil {
		defer fd.Close()

		if ext := filepath.Ext(output); !ctx.IsSet("type") && ext == ".json" {
			format = "json"

	switch format {
	case "yaml":
		if data, err = yaml.Marshal(vars); err != nil {
	case "json":
		if data, err = json.Marshal(vars); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Possible tyoes are `yaml` and `json`, unknown type `%s`", format)

	if _, err := io.Copy(fd, bytes.NewReader(data)); err != nil {
func main() {
	func() {
		rs := make(map[string]interface{})
		rs["Go"] = "Google"
		d, err := yaml.Marshal(rs)
		if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("yaml.Marshal with map: %+v\n", string(d))
		// yaml.Marshal with map: Go: Google

	func() {
		rs := make(map[interface{}]interface{})
		if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(sourceData), &rs); err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("yaml.Unmarshal with map: %+v\n", rs)
		// yaml.Unmarshal with map: map[platform:map[desktop:map[] mobile:map[]
		// ...

		for k := range rs {
			switch t := k.(type) {
			case string:

	func() {
		rs := struct {
			Name     string
			Number   int `num`
			Category struct {
				Location string
			} `Category`
		rs.Name = "Google"
		rs.Category = struct {
			Location string
			Location: "USA",
		d, err := yaml.Marshal(rs)
		if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("yaml.Marshal with struct:\n%+v\n", string(d))
		// yaml.Marshal with struct:
		   name: Google
		   num: 0
		     location: USA

	func() {
		rs := data{}
		if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(sourceData), &rs); err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("yaml.Unmarshal with struct: %+v\n", rs)
		// yaml.Unmarshal with struct: {ProductType:[{PartID:6496293} {PartID:6493671}]}

	fmt.Println("isJSON:", isJSON([]byte(sourceData)))
	// false
文件: migration.go 项目: C2FO/gull
func (m *Migration) ConvertToYaml() (string, error) {
	yamlBytes, err := yaml.Marshal(m.Content)
	return string(yamlBytes), err

func stDownload(href, downloadTo string, usePublished bool, downloadMciSettings bool, scriptPath string) {
	client, _ := Config.Account.Client15()

	stLocator := client.ServerTemplateLocator(href)
	st, err := stLocator.Show(rsapi.APIParams{"view": "inputs_2_0"})

	if err != nil {
		fatalError("Could not find ServerTemplate with href %s: %s", href, err.Error())

	if downloadTo == "" {
		downloadTo = cleanFileName(st.Name) + ".yml"
	} else if isDirectory(downloadTo) {
		downloadTo = filepath.Join(downloadTo, cleanFileName(st.Name)+".yml")
	fmt.Printf("Downloading '%s' to '%s'\n", st.Name, downloadTo)

	// MultiCloudImages
	mcis, err := downloadMultiCloudImages(st, downloadMciSettings)
	if err != nil {
		fatalError("Could not get MCIs from API: %s", err.Error())

	// RightScripts
	rbLocator := client.RunnableBindingLocator(getLink(st.Links, "runnable_bindings"))
	rbs, err := rbLocator.Index(rsapi.APIParams{})
	if err != nil {
		fatalError("Could not find attached RightScripts with href %s: %s", rbLocator.Href, err.Error())
	rightScripts := make(map[string][]*RightScript)
	countBySequence := make(map[string]int)
	seenRightscript := make(map[string]*RightScript)
	for _, rb := range rbs {
		countBySequence[strings.Title(rb.Sequence)] += 1
		seenRightscript[getLink(rb.Links, "right_script")] = nil
	for sequenceType, count := range countBySequence {
		rightScripts[sequenceType] = make([]*RightScript, count)
	fmt.Printf("Downloading %d attached RightScripts:\n", len(seenRightscript))
	for _, rb := range rbs {
		rsHref := getLink(rb.Links, "right_script")
		if rsHref == "" {
			fatalError("Could not download ServerTemplate, it has attached cookbook recipes, which are not supported by this tool.\n")

		if scr, ok := seenRightscript[rsHref]; ok && scr != nil {
			rightScripts[strings.Title(rb.Sequence)][rb.Position-1] = scr

		newScript := RightScript{
			Type: LocalRightScript,
			Path: cleanFileName(rb.RightScript.Name),
		if usePublished {
			// We repull the rightscript here to get the description field, which we need to break ties between
			// similarly named publications!
			rsLoc := client.RightScriptLocator(rsHref)
			rs, err := rsLoc.Show(rsapi.APIParams{})
			if err != nil {
				fatalError("Could not get RightScript %s: %s\n", rsHref, err.Error())
			pub, err := findPublication("RightScript", rs.Name, rs.Revision, map[string]string{`Description`: rs.Description})
			if err != nil {
				fatalError("Error finding publication: %s\n", err.Error())
			if pub != nil {
				fmt.Printf("Not downloading '%s' to disk, using Revision %s, Publisher '%s' from the MultiCloud Marketplace\n",
					rs.Name, formatRev(rs.Revision), pub.Publisher)
				newScript = RightScript{
					Type:      PublishedRightScript,
					Name:      pub.Name,
					Revision:  pub.Revision,
					Publisher: pub.Publisher,

		rightScripts[strings.Title(rb.Sequence)][rb.Position-1] = &newScript

		if newScript.Type == LocalRightScript {
			if scriptPath == "" {
				downloadedTo := rightScriptDownload(rsHref, filepath.Dir(downloadTo))
				newScript.Path = strings.TrimPrefix(downloadedTo, filepath.Dir(downloadTo)+string(filepath.Separator))
			} else {
				// Create scripts directory
				err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(downloadTo), scriptPath), 0755)
				if err != nil {
					fatalError("Error creating directory: %s", err.Error())
				downloadedTo := rightScriptDownload(rsHref, filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(downloadTo), scriptPath))
				newScript.Path = strings.TrimPrefix(downloadedTo, filepath.Dir(downloadTo)+string(filepath.Separator))
		seenRightscript[rsHref] = &newScript

	// Alerts
	alerts, err := downloadAlerts(st)
	if err != nil {
		fatalError("Could not get Alerts from API: %s", err.Error())

	// Inputs
	stInputs := make(map[string]*InputValue)
	for _, inputHash := range st.Inputs {
		iv, err := parseInputValue(inputHash["value"])

		if err != nil {
			fatalError("Error parsing input value from API:", err.Error())
		// The API returns "inherit" values as "blank" values. Blank really means an
		// empty text string, which is usually not what was meant -- usually people
		// didn't mean to set the input at the ST level, in which case the
		// RightScript sets the value. Note that the user can still set the input to
		// blank at the RightScript level so it isn't much of a limitation this
		// occassionally doesn't always get set correctly on download
		// TBD: this can be improved slightly -- we can cross check the input with
		// the rightscript it came form. If its the same, we inherit. If we can
		// assume the ST overrides and use that value.
		if iv.Type != "blank" {
			stInputs[inputHash["name"]] = iv

	// ServerTemplate YAML itself finally
	stDef := ServerTemplate{
		Name:             st.Name,
		Description:      removeCarriageReturns(st.Description),
		Inputs:           stInputs,
		MultiCloudImages: mcis,
		RightScripts:     rightScripts,
		Alerts:           alerts,
	bytes, err := yaml.Marshal(&stDef)
	if err != nil {
		fatalError("Creating yaml failed: %s", err.Error())
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(downloadTo, bytes, 0644)
	if err != nil {
		fatalError("Could not create file: %s", err.Error())
	fmt.Printf("Finished downloading '%s' to '%s'\n", st.Name, downloadTo)

// MarshalYAML serializes ImageName to YAML string
func (img ImageName) MarshalYAML() ([]byte, error) {
	return yaml.Marshal(img.String())