func GetCache(key string, to interface{}) error { if cc == nil { return errors.New("cc is nil") } defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { log.Redf("get cache error caught: %v\n", r) cc = nil } }() data := cc.Get(key) if data == nil { return errors.New("Cache不存在") } // log.Pinkln(data) err := Decode(data.([]byte), to) if err != nil { log.Warnln("获取Cache失败", key, err) } else { log.Greenln("获取Cache成功", key) } return err }
func InitCache() { cacheConfig := beego.AppConfig.String("cache") if "redis" == cacheConfig { initRedis() } else { initMemcache() } log.Greenln("[cache] use", cacheConfig) }
func GetCache(key string, to interface{}) error { data := cc.Get(key) if data == nil { return errors.New("Cache不存在") } // log.Pinkln(data) err := Decode(data.([]byte), to) if err != nil { log.Warnln("获取Cache失败", key, err) } else { log.Greenln("获取Cache成功", key) } return err }
func TestTemplate(t *testing.T) { log.Debug = true header := `{{define "header.tpl"}}this is a header template{{end}}` index := `{{define "index.tpl"}}this is index file. {{template "header.tpl"}}{{end}}` Convey("Template sections", t, func() { templates["header.tpl"] = header templates["index.tpl"] = index getTemplateNames() log.Greenln(templatesName) So(templatesName, ShouldContain, "header.tpl") So(templatesName, ShouldContain, "index.tpl") b := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0)) t, _ := parseFiles(templatesName...) t.ExecuteTemplate(b, "index.tpl", nil) result := fmt.Sprintf("%s", b) So(result, ShouldEqual, "this is index file. this is a header template") }) }
func TestRouter(t *testing.T) { log.Debug = true Convey("Router sections", t, func() { e := Web() e.Router("/:hello/:world/123", 123, 456) e.Router("/:hello/123", 1234) e.Router("/", "index") node1 := getController("/param1/param2/123").(uriMode) ctrl1 := param1 := node1.argsMap node2 := getController("/param1/123").(uriMode) ctrl2 := param2 := node2.argsMap node3 := getController("/").(uriMode) ctrl3 := param3 := node3.argsMap log.Greenln(ctrl1) log.Greenln(param1) log.Greenln(ctrl2) log.Greenln(param2) log.Greenln(ctrl3) log.Greenln(param3) getArgs("/param1/param2/123", "/:hello/:world/123") uri := parseURI("/test?hello=world") log.Greenln(uri) So(ctrl1, ShouldContain, 123) So(ctrl1, ShouldContain, 456) So(ctrl2, ShouldContain, 1234) So(ctrl3, ShouldContain, "index") So(param1["hello"], ShouldEqual, "param1") So(param1["world"], ShouldEqual, "param2") So(uri, ShouldEqual, "/test") }) }
func TestConfig(t *testing.T) { Convey("Test Config sections", t, func() { conf := NewConfig("etc/test.ini") content, err := conf.readConfigFile() if err != nil { log.Redln(err) } else { log.Greenln("raw content") log.Pinkln("==============") log.Blueln(content) content = conf.filterComment() log.Greenln("filter comment") log.Pinkln("==============") log.Blueln(content) arraylize := conf.arraylize() log.Greenln("arraylize") log.Pinkln("==============") count := len(arraylize) log.Bluef("[%d]\n", count) for i := 0; i < count; i++ { log.Bluef("[%d]\t%s\n", i, arraylize[i]) } log.Greenln("parse items") log.Pinkln("==============") conf.parseItems() log.Greenln("warning stack") log.Pinkln("==============") log.Blueln(conf.GetWarnings()) log.Greenln("mistake value") log.Pinkln("==============") log.Blueln(conf.GetString("mysql", "host")) log.Greenln("about bool") log.Pinkln("==============") conf.SetBool("test", "dev", true) dev, _ := conf.GetBool("_", "dev") log.Blueln("%v", dev) content = conf.serialize() log.Greenln("serialize value") log.Pinkln("==============") log.Blueln(content) log.Greenln("hex") log.Pinkln("==============") hex, _ := conf.GetInt("_", "hex") log.Blueln(hex) log.Greenln("get empty") log.Pinkln("==============") _, err = conf.GetInt("_", "heloo") if err != nil { log.Blueln(err) } log.Greenln("save config file") log.Pinkln("==============") err := conf.Save("tmp/test.ini") if err == nil { log.Blueln("done!") } } val1, _ := conf.Get("_", "port") So(val1, ShouldEqual, 80) val2, _ := conf.GetString("_", "appname") So(val2, ShouldEqual, "my application") val3, _ := conf.GetString("mysql", "password") So(val3, ShouldEqual, "\"liju") val4, _ := conf.GetString("mysql", "host") So(val4, ShouldEqual, `"" = GHJ`) val5, _ := conf.GetBool("_", "dev") So(val5, ShouldEqual, true) val6, _ := conf.GetFloat("_", "pi") So(val6, ShouldEqual, 3.14) val7, _ := conf.GetInt("_", "hex") So(val7, ShouldEqual, 0x24) val8 := conf.GetIntDefault("section", "key", 100) So(val8, ShouldEqual, 100) val9 := conf.GetStringDefault("mysql", "key", "") So(val9, ShouldEqual, "") }) }