// startingStepSize implements the algorithm for estimating the starting step
// size as described in:
//  - Hairer, E., Wanner, G., Nørsett, S.: Solving Ordinary Differential
//    Equations I: Nonstiff Problems. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (1993)
func startingStepSize(rhs Function, init, tmp *State, weight Weighting, w []float64, order float64, s *Settings) float64 {
	// Store 1 / (rtol * |Y_i| + atol) into w.
	weight(init.Y, w)
	d0 := s.Norm(init.Y, w)
	d1 := s.Norm(init.YDot, w)

	var h0 float64
	if math.Min(d0, d1) < 1e-5 {
		h0 = 1e-6
	} else {
		// Make the increment of an explicit Euler step small compared to the
		// size of the initial value.
		h0 = 0.01 * d0 / d1

	// Perform one explicit Euler step.
	floats.AddScaledTo(tmp.Y, init.Y, h0, init.YDot)
	// Evaluate the right-hand side f(init.Time+h, tmp.Y).
	rhs(tmp.YDot, init.Time+h0, tmp.Y)
	// Estimate the second derivative of the solution.
	floats.Sub(tmp.YDot, init.YDot)
	d2 := s.Norm(tmp.YDot, w) / h0

	var h1 float64
	if math.Max(d1, d2) < 1e-15 {
		h1 = math.Max(1e-6, 1e-3*h0)
	} else {
		h1 = math.Pow(0.01/math.Max(d1, d2), 1/(order+1))

	return math.Min(100*h0, h1)
文件: fitnesses.go 项目: akiross/gogp
func fitnessRMSE(ind, targ *imgut.Image) float64 {
	// Images to vector
	dataInd := imgut.ToSlice(ind)
	dataTarg := imgut.ToSlice(targ)
	// (root mean square) error
	floats.Sub(dataInd, dataTarg)
	// (root mean) square error
	floats.Mul(dataInd, dataInd)
	// (root) mean square error
	totErr := floats.Sum(dataInd)
	return math.Sqrt(totErr / float64(len(dataInd)))
func MakeFitMSE(targetImage *imgut.Image) func(*imgut.Image) float64 {
	dataTarg := imgut.ToSliceChans(targetImage, "R")
	return func(indImage *imgut.Image) float64 {
		// Get data
		dataImg := imgut.ToSliceChans(indImage, "R")
		// Difference (X - Y)
		floats.Sub(dataImg, dataTarg)
		// Squared (X - Y)^2
		floats.Mul(dataImg, dataImg)
		// Summation
		return floats.Sum(dataImg) / float64(len(dataImg))
func MakeFitLinScale(targetImage *imgut.Image) func(*imgut.Image) float64 {
	// Pre-compute image to slice of floats
	dataTarg := imgut.ToSlice(targetImage)
	// Pre-compute average
	avgt := floats.Sum(dataTarg) / float64(len(dataTarg))
	return func(indImage *imgut.Image) float64 {
		// Images to vector
		dataInd := imgut.ToSlice(indImage)
		// Compute average pixels
		avgy := floats.Sum(dataInd) / float64(len(dataInd))
		// Difference y - avgy
		y_avgy := make([]float64, len(dataInd))
		copy(y_avgy, dataInd)
		floats.AddConst(-avgy, y_avgy)
		// Difference t - avgt
		t_avgt := make([]float64, len(dataTarg))
		copy(t_avgt, dataTarg)
		floats.AddConst(-avgt, t_avgt)
		// Multuplication (t - avgt)(y - avgy)
		floats.Mul(t_avgt, y_avgy)
		// Summation
		numerator := floats.Sum(t_avgt)
		// Square (y - avgy)^2
		floats.Mul(y_avgy, y_avgy)
		denomin := floats.Sum(y_avgy)
		// Compute b-value
		b := numerator / denomin
		// Compute a-value
		a := avgt - b*avgy

		// Compute now the scaled RMSE, using y' = a + b*y
		floats.Scale(b, dataInd)      // b*y
		floats.AddConst(a, dataInd)   // a + b*y
		floats.Sub(dataInd, dataTarg) // (a + b * y - t)
		floats.Mul(dataInd, dataInd)  // (a + b * y - t)^2
		total := floats.Sum(dataInd)  // Sum(...)
		return math.Sqrt(total / float64(len(dataInd)))
func (lbfgs *Lbfgs) Iterate(loc *multi.Location, obj *uni.Objective, grad *multi.Gradient, fun optimize.MultiObjGrad) (status.Status, error) {
	counter := lbfgs.counter
	q := lbfgs.q
	a := lbfgs.a
	b := lbfgs.b
	rhoHist := lbfgs.rhoHist
	sHist := lbfgs.sHist
	yHist := lbfgs.yHist
	gamma_k := lbfgs.gamma_k
	tmp := lbfgs.tmp
	p_k := lbfgs.p_k
	s_k := lbfgs.s_k
	y_k := lbfgs.y_k
	z := lbfgs.z

	// Calculate search direction
	for i, val := range grad.Curr() {
		q[i] = val
	for i := counter - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		a[i] = rhoHist[i] * floats.Dot(sHist[i], q)
		copy(tmp, yHist[i])
		floats.Scale(a[i], tmp)
		floats.Sub(q, tmp)
	for i := lbfgs.NumStore - 1; i >= counter; i-- {
		a[i] = rhoHist[i] * floats.Dot(sHist[i], q)
		copy(tmp, yHist[i])
		floats.Scale(a[i], tmp)
		floats.Sub(q, tmp)

	// Assume H_0 is the identity times gamma_k
	copy(z, q)
	floats.Scale(gamma_k, z)
	// Second loop for update, going oldest to newest
	for i := counter; i < lbfgs.NumStore; i++ {
		b[i] = rhoHist[i] * floats.Dot(yHist[i], z)
		copy(tmp, sHist[i])
		floats.Scale(a[i]-b[i], tmp)
		floats.Add(z, tmp)
	for i := 0; i < counter; i++ {
		b[i] = rhoHist[i] * floats.Dot(yHist[i], z)
		copy(tmp, sHist[i])
		floats.Scale(a[i]-b[i], tmp)
		floats.Add(z, tmp)

	lbfgs.a = a
	lbfgs.b = b

	copy(p_k, z)
	floats.Scale(-1, p_k)
	normP_k := floats.Norm(p_k, 2)

	// Perform line search -- need to find some way to implement this, especially bookkeeping function values
	linesearchResult, err := linesearch.Linesearch(fun, lbfgs.LinesearchMethod, lbfgs.LinesearchSettings, lbfgs.Wolfe, p_k, loc.Curr(), obj.Curr(), grad.Curr())

	// In the future add a check to switch to a different linesearcher?
	if err != nil {
		return status.LinesearchFailure, err
	x_kp1 := linesearchResult.Loc
	f_kp1 := linesearchResult.Obj
	g_kp1 := linesearchResult.Grad
	alpha_k := linesearchResult.Step

	// Update hessian estimate
	copy(s_k, p_k)
	floats.Scale(alpha_k, s_k)

	copy(y_k, g_kp1)
	floats.Sub(y_k, grad.Curr())
	skDotYk := floats.Dot(s_k, y_k)

	// Bookkeep the results
	stepSize := alpha_k * normP_k


	copy(sHist[counter], s_k)
	copy(yHist[counter], y_k)
	rhoHist[counter] = 1 / skDotYk

	lbfgs.gamma_k = skDotYk / floats.Dot(y_k, y_k)

	lbfgs.counter += 1
	if lbfgs.counter == lbfgs.NumStore {
		lbfgs.counter = 0
	return status.Continue, nil
// findInitialBasic finds an initial basic solution, and returns the basic
// indices, ab, and xb.
func findInitialBasic(A mat64.Matrix, b []float64) ([]int, *mat64.Dense, []float64, error) {
	m, n := A.Dims()
	basicIdxs := findLinearlyIndependent(A)
	if len(basicIdxs) != m {
		return nil, nil, nil, ErrSingular

	// It may be that this linearly independent basis is also a feasible set. If
	// so, the Phase I problem can be avoided.
	ab := extractColumns(A, basicIdxs)
	xb, err := initializeFromBasic(ab, b)
	if err == nil {
		return basicIdxs, ab, xb, nil

	// This set was not feasible. Instead the "Phase I" problem must be solved
	// to find an initial feasible set of basis.
	// Method: Construct an LP whose optimal solution is a feasible solution
	// to the original LP.
	// 1) Introduce an artificial variable x_{n+1}.
	// 2) Let x_j be the most negative element of x_b (largest constraint violation).
	// 3) Add the artificial variable to A with:
	//      a_{n+1} = b - \sum_{i in basicIdxs} a_i + a_j
	//    swap j with n+1 in the basicIdxs.
	// 4) Define a new LP:
	//   minimize  x_{n+1}
	//   subject to [A A_{n+1}][x_1 ... x_{n+1}] = b
	//          x, x_{n+1} >= 0
	// 5) Solve this LP. If x_{n+1} != 0, then the problem is infeasible, otherwise
	// the found basis can be used as an initial basis for phase II.
	// The extra column in Step 3 is defined such that the vector of 1s is an
	// initial feasible solution.

	// Find the largest constraint violator.
	// Compute a_{n+1} = b - \sum{i in basicIdxs}a_i + a_j. j is in basicIDx, so
	// instead just subtract the basicIdx columns that are not minIDx.
	minIdx := floats.MinIdx(xb)
	aX1 := make([]float64, m)
	copy(aX1, b)
	col := make([]float64, m)
	for i, v := range basicIdxs {
		if i == minIdx {
		mat64.Col(col, v, A)
		floats.Sub(aX1, col)

	// Construct the new LP.
	// aNew = [A, a_{n+1}]
	// bNew = b
	// cNew = 1 for x_{n+1}
	aNew := mat64.NewDense(m, n+1, nil)
	aNew.SetCol(n, aX1)
	basicIdxs[minIdx] = n // swap minIdx with n in the basic set.
	c := make([]float64, n+1)
	c[n] = 1

	// Solve the Phase 2 linear program.
	_, xOpt, newBasic, err := simplex(basicIdxs, c, aNew, b, 1e-10)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("lp: error finding feasible basis: %s", err))

	// If n+1 is part of the solution basis then the problem is infeasible. If
	// not, then the problem is feasible and newBasic is an initial feasible
	// solution.
	if math.Abs(xOpt[n]) > phaseIZeroTol {
		return nil, nil, nil, ErrInfeasible

	// The value is zero. First, see if it's not in the basis (feasible solution).
	basicIdx := -1
	basicMap := make(map[int]struct{})
	for i, v := range newBasic {
		if v == n {
			basicIdx = i
		basicMap[v] = struct{}{}
		xb[i] = xOpt[v]
	if basicIdx == -1 {
		// Not in the basis.
		ab = extractColumns(A, newBasic)
		return newBasic, ab, xb, nil

	// The value is zero, but it's in the basis. See if swapping in another column
	// finds a feasible solution.
	for i := range xOpt {
		if _, inBasic := basicMap[i]; inBasic {
		newBasic[basicIdx] = i
		ab := extractColumns(A, newBasic)
		xb, err := initializeFromBasic(ab, b)
		if err == nil {
			return newBasic, ab, xb, nil
	return nil, nil, nil, ErrInfeasible