func addCommand(parent *c.Commander, cmd *c.Command) {
	if parent == nil {
		parent = baseCommand
	parent.Commands = append(parent.Commands, cmd)
func addSubCommand(parent *c.Commander, subcmd *c.Commander) *c.Commander {
	if parent == nil {
		parent = baseCommand
	subcmd.Parent = parent
	subcmd.Commands = make([]*c.Command, 0, 2)
	subcmd.Commanders = make([]*c.Commander, 0, 1)
	parent.Commanders = append(parent.Commanders, subcmd)
	return subcmd
文件: commander.go 项目: sbinet/romba
func newCommander(writer io.Writer, rs *RombaService) *commander.Commander {
	cmd := new(commander.Commander)
	cmd.Name = "Romba"
	cmd.Commands = make([]*commander.Command, 14)
	cmd.Flag = flag.NewFlagSet("romba", flag.ContinueOnError)
	cmd.Stdout = writer
	cmd.Stderr = writer

	cmd.Commands[0] = &commander.Command{
		Run:       rs.startRefreshDats,
		UsageLine: "refresh-dats",
		Short:     "Refreshes the DAT index from the files in the DAT master directory tree.",
		Long: `
Refreshes the DAT index from the files in the DAT master directory tree.
Detects any changes in the DAT master directory tree and updates the DAT index
accordingly, marking deleted or overwritten dats as orphaned and updating
contents of any changed dats.`,
		Flag:   *flag.NewFlagSet("romba-refresh-dats", flag.ContinueOnError),
		Stdout: writer,
		Stderr: writer,

	cmd.Commands[1] = &commander.Command{
		Run:       rs.startArchive,
		UsageLine: "archive [-only-needed] [-include-zips] [-resume resumelog] <space-separated list of directories of ROM files>",
		Short:     "Adds ROM files from the specified directories to the ROM archive.",
		Long: `
Adds ROM files from the specified directories to the ROM archive.
Traverses the specified directory trees looking for zip files and normal files.
Unpacked files will be stored as individual entries. Prior to unpacking a zip
file, the external SHA1 is checked against the DAT index. 
If -only-needed is set, only those files are put in the ROM archive that
have a current entry in the DAT index.`,

		Flag:   *flag.NewFlagSet("romba-archive", flag.ContinueOnError),
		Stdout: writer,
		Stderr: writer,

	cmd.Commands[1].Flag.Bool("only-needed", false, "only archive ROM files actually referenced by DAT files from the DAT index")
	cmd.Commands[1].Flag.String("resume", "", "resume a previously interrupted archive operation from the specified path")
	cmd.Commands[1].Flag.Bool("include-zips", false, "add zip files themselves into the depot in addition to their contents")

	cmd.Commands[2] = &commander.Command{
		Run:       runCmd,
		UsageLine: "purge-delete <list of DAT files or folders with DAT files>",
		Short:     "Deletes DAT index entries for orphaned DATs.",
		Long: `
Deletes DAT index entries for orphaned DATs and deletes ROM files that are no
longer associated with any current DATs. Deletes ROM files that are only
associated with the specified DATs. It also deletes the specified DATs from
the DAT index.`,
		Flag:   *flag.NewFlagSet("romba-purge-delete", flag.ContinueOnError),
		Stdout: writer,
		Stderr: writer,

	cmd.Commands[3] = &commander.Command{
		Run:       runCmd,
		UsageLine: "purge-backup -backup <backupdir> <list of DAT files or folders with DAT files>",
		Short:     "Moves DAT index entries for orphaned DATs.",
		Long: `
Deletes DAT index entries for orphaned DATs and moves ROM files that are no
longer associated with any current DATs to the specified backup folder.
Moves to the specified backup folder those ROM files that are only associated
with the specified DATs. The files will be placed in the backup location using
a folder structure according to the original DAT master directory tree
structure. It also deletes the specified DATs from the DAT index.`,
		Flag:   *flag.NewFlagSet("romba-purge-backup", flag.ContinueOnError),
		Stdout: writer,
		Stderr: writer,

	cmd.Commands[3].Flag.String("backup", "", "backup directory where backup files are moved to")

	cmd.Commands[4] = &commander.Command{
		Run:       rs.dir2dat,
		UsageLine: "dir2dat -out <outputfile> -source <sourcedir>",
		Short:     "Creates a DAT file for the specified input directory and saves it to the -out filename.",
		Long: `
Walks the specified input directory and builds a DAT file that mirrors its
structure. Saves this DAT file in specified output filename.`,
		Flag:   *flag.NewFlagSet("romba-dir2dat", flag.ContinueOnError),
		Stdout: writer,
		Stderr: writer,

	cmd.Commands[4].Flag.String("out", "", "output filename")
	cmd.Commands[4].Flag.String("source", "", "source directory")
	cmd.Commands[4].Flag.String("name", "", "name value in DAT header")
	cmd.Commands[4].Flag.String("description", "", "description value in DAT header")
	cmd.Commands[4].Flag.String("category", "", "category value in DAT header")
	cmd.Commands[4].Flag.String("version", "", "vesrion value in DAT header")
	cmd.Commands[4].Flag.String("author", "", "author value in DAT header")

	cmd.Commands[5] = &commander.Command{
		Run:       runCmd,
		UsageLine: "diffdat -old <datfile> -new <datfile> -out <outputfile>",
		Short:     "Creates a DAT file with those entries that are in -new DAT.",
		Long: `
Creates a DAT file with those entries that are in -new DAT file and not
in -old DAT file. Ignores those entries in -old that are not in -new.`,
		Flag:   *flag.NewFlagSet("romba-diffdat", flag.ContinueOnError),
		Stdout: writer,
		Stderr: writer,

	cmd.Commands[5].Flag.String("out", "", "output filename")
	cmd.Commands[5].Flag.String("old", "", "old DAT file")
	cmd.Commands[5].Flag.String("new", "", "new DAT file")

	cmd.Commands[6] = &commander.Command{
		Run:       runCmd,
		UsageLine: "fixdat -out <outputdir> <list of DAT files or folders with DAT files>",
		Short:     "For each specified DAT file it creates a fix DAT.",
		Long: `
For each specified DAT file it creates a fix DAT with the missing entries for
that DAT. If nothing is missing it doesn't create a fix DAT for that
particular DAT.`,
		Flag:   *flag.NewFlagSet("romba-fixdat", flag.ContinueOnError),
		Stdout: writer,
		Stderr: writer,

	cmd.Commands[6].Flag.String("out", "", "output dir")

	cmd.Commands[7] = &commander.Command{
		Run:       runCmd,
		UsageLine: "miss -out <outputdir> <list of DAT files or folders with DAT files>",
		Short:     "For each specified DAT file it creates a miss file and a have file.",
		Long: `
For each specified DAT file it creates a miss file and a have file in the
specified output dir. The files will be placed in the specified location using
a folder structure according to the original DAT master directory
tree structure.`,
		Flag:   *flag.NewFlagSet("romba-miss", flag.ContinueOnError),
		Stdout: writer,
		Stderr: writer,

	cmd.Commands[7].Flag.String("out", "", "output dir")

	cmd.Commands[8] = &commander.Command{
		Run:       rs.build,
		UsageLine: "build -out <outputdir> <list of DAT files or folders with DAT files>",
		Short:     "For each specified DAT file it creates the torrentzip files.",
		Long: `
For each specified DAT file it creates the torrentzip files in the specified
output dir. The files will be placed in the specified location using a folder
structure according to the original DAT master directory tree structure.`,
		Flag:   *flag.NewFlagSet("romba-build", flag.ContinueOnError),
		Stdout: writer,
		Stderr: writer,

	cmd.Commands[8].Flag.String("out", "", "output dir")

	cmd.Commands[9] = &commander.Command{
		Run:       rs.lookup,
		UsageLine: "lookup <list of hashes>",
		Short:     "For each specified hash it looks up any available information.",
		Long: `
For each specified hash it looks up any available information (dat or rom).`,
		Flag:   *flag.NewFlagSet("romba-lookup", flag.ContinueOnError),
		Stdout: writer,
		Stderr: writer,

	cmd.Commands[10] = &commander.Command{
		Run:       rs.progress,
		UsageLine: "progress",
		Short:     "Shows progress of the currently running command.",
		Long: `
Shows progress of the currently running command.`,
		Flag:   *flag.NewFlagSet("romba-progress", flag.ContinueOnError),
		Stdout: writer,
		Stderr: writer,

	cmd.Commands[11] = &commander.Command{
		Run:       rs.shutdown,
		UsageLine: "shutdown",
		Short:     "Gracefully shuts down server.",
		Long: `
Gracefully shuts down server saving all the cached data.`,
		Flag:   *flag.NewFlagSet("romba-shutdown", flag.ContinueOnError),
		Stdout: writer,
		Stderr: writer,

	cmd.Commands[12] = &commander.Command{
		Run:       rs.memstats,
		UsageLine: "memstats",
		Short:     "Prints memory stats.",
		Long: `
Print memory stats.`,
		Flag:   *flag.NewFlagSet("romba-memstats", flag.ContinueOnError),
		Stdout: writer,
		Stderr: writer,

	cmd.Commands[13] = &commander.Command{
		Run:       rs.dbstats,
		UsageLine: "dbstats",
		Short:     "Prints db stats.",
		Long: `
Print db stats.`,
		Flag:   *flag.NewFlagSet("romba-dbstats", flag.ContinueOnError),
		Stdout: writer,
		Stderr: writer,
	return cmd