func NewPrinterManager(cups *cups.CUPS, gcp *gcp.GoogleCloudPrint, xmpp *xmpp.XMPP, snmp *snmp.SNMPManager, printerPollInterval string, gcpMaxConcurrentDownload, cupsQueueSize uint, jobFullUsername, ignoreRawPrinters bool, shareScope string) (*PrinterManager, error) {
	// Get the GCP printer list.
	gcpPrinters, queuedJobsCount, err := allGCPPrinters(gcp)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Organize the GCP printers into a map.
	for i := range gcpPrinters {
		gcpPrinters[i].CUPSJobSemaphore = lib.NewSemaphore(cupsQueueSize)
	gcpPrintersByGCPID := lib.NewConcurrentPrinterMap(gcpPrinters)

	// Construct.
	pm := PrinterManager{
		cups: cups,
		gcp:  gcp,
		xmpp: xmpp,
		snmp: snmp,

		gcpPrintersByGCPID: gcpPrintersByGCPID,
		downloadSemaphore:  lib.NewSemaphore(gcpMaxConcurrentDownload),

		jobStatsMutex: sync.Mutex{},
		jobsDone:      0,
		jobsError:     0,

		jobsInFlightMutex: sync.Mutex{},
		jobsInFlight:      make(map[string]struct{}),

		cupsQueueSize:     cupsQueueSize,
		jobFullUsername:   jobFullUsername,
		ignoreRawPrinters: ignoreRawPrinters,
		shareScope:        shareScope,

		quit: make(chan struct{}),

	// Sync once before returning, to make sure things are working.
	if err = pm.syncPrinters(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ppi, err := time.ParseDuration(printerPollInterval)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for gcpID := range queuedJobsCount {
		go pm.handlePrinterNewJobs(gcpID)

	return &pm, nil
// NewGoogleCloudPrint establishes a connection with GCP, returns a new GoogleCloudPrint object.
func NewGoogleCloudPrint(baseURL, robotRefreshToken, userRefreshToken, proxyName, oauthClientID, oauthClientSecret, oauthAuthURL, oauthTokenURL string, maxConcurrentDownload uint, jobs chan<- *lib.Job) (*GoogleCloudPrint, error) {
	robotClient, err := newClient(oauthClientID, oauthClientSecret, oauthAuthURL, oauthTokenURL, robotRefreshToken, ScopeCloudPrint, ScopeGoogleTalk)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var userClient *http.Client
	if userRefreshToken != "" {
		userClient, err = newClient(oauthClientID, oauthClientSecret, oauthAuthURL, oauthTokenURL, userRefreshToken, ScopeCloudPrint)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	gcp := &GoogleCloudPrint{
		baseURL:           baseURL,
		robotClient:       robotClient,
		userClient:        userClient,
		proxyName:         proxyName,
		jobs:              jobs,
		downloadSemaphore: lib.NewSemaphore(maxConcurrentDownload),

	return gcp, nil
// NewSNMPManager creates a new SNMP manager.
func NewSNMPManager(community string, maxConnections uint) (*SNMPManager, error) {
	s := SNMPManager{
		inUse:          lib.NewSemaphore(1),
		community:      C.CString(community),
		maxConnections: maxConnections,
	return &s, nil
// NewSNMPManager creates a new SNMP manager.
func NewSNMPManager(community string, maxConnections uint) (*SNMPManager, error) {
	if community == "" || maxConnections == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New(
			"SNMP values not set in config file; run connector-util -update-config-file")

	s := SNMPManager{
		inUse:          lib.NewSemaphore(1),
		community:      C.CString(community),
		maxConnections: maxConnections,
	return &s, nil
// getPrinters gets all printer SNMP information for each hostname, concurrently.
func (s *SNMPManager) getPrinters(hostnames []string) (map[string]*oid.VariableSet, error) {
	if !s.inUse.TryAcquire() {
		return nil, errors.New("Tried to query printers via SNMP twice")
	defer s.inUse.Release()

	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}

	results := make(map[string]*oid.VariableSet, len(hostnames))
	for _, hostname := range hostnames {
		results[hostname] = &oid.VariableSet{}

	semaphore := lib.NewSemaphore(s.maxConnections)

	for _, hostname := range hostnames {
		go func(hostname string) {
			r := results[hostname]
			h := C.CString(hostname)
			defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(h))

			defer semaphore.Release()

			response := C.bulkwalk(h, s.community)
			for o := response.ov_root; o != nil; o = o.next {
				r.AddVariable(intArrayToOID((*o).name, (*o).name_length), C.GoString((*o).value))
				defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer((*o).name))
				defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer((*o).value))
				defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(o))
			if response.errors_len > 0 {
				for _, err := range charArrayToSlice(response.errors, response.errors_len) {
					// Ignore errors. Not all printers support SNMP, so this is best effort.


	return results, nil
func (pm *PrinterManager) applyDiff(diff *lib.PrinterDiff, ch chan<- lib.Printer) {
	switch diff.Operation {
	case lib.RegisterPrinter:
		if err := pm.gcp.Register(&diff.Printer); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to register printer %s: %s", diff.Printer.Name, err)
		glog.Infof("Registered %s", diff.Printer.Name)

		if pm.gcp.CanShare() {
			if err := pm.gcp.Share(diff.Printer.GCPID, pm.shareScope); err != nil {
				glog.Errorf("Failed to share printer %s: %s", diff.Printer.Name, err)
			} else {
				glog.Infof("Shared %s", diff.Printer.Name)

		diff.Printer.CUPSJobSemaphore = lib.NewSemaphore(pm.cupsQueueSize)

		ch <- diff.Printer

	case lib.UpdatePrinter:
		if err := pm.gcp.Update(diff); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to update %s: %s", diff.Printer.Name, err)
		} else {
			glog.Infof("Updated %s", diff.Printer.Name)

		ch <- diff.Printer

	case lib.DeletePrinter:
		if err := pm.gcp.Delete(diff.Printer.GCPID); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to delete a printer %s: %s", diff.Printer.GCPID, err)
		glog.Infof("Deleted %s", diff.Printer.Name)

	case lib.NoChangeToPrinter:
		ch <- diff.Printer

	ch <- lib.Printer{}
func newCUPSCore(maxConnections uint, connectTimeout time.Duration) (*cupsCore, error) {
	host := C.cupsServer()
	port := C.ippPort()
	encryption := C.cupsEncryption()
	timeout := C.int(connectTimeout / time.Millisecond)

	var e string
	switch encryption {
		e = "encrypting ALWAYS"
		e = "encrypting IF REQUESTED"
		e = "encrypting NEVER"
		e = "encryption REQUIRED"
		e = "encrypting REQUIRED"

	var hostIsLocal bool
	if h := C.GoString(host); strings.HasPrefix(h, "/") || h == "localhost" {
		hostIsLocal = true

	cs := lib.NewSemaphore(maxConnections)
	cp := make(chan *C.http_t)

	cc := &cupsCore{host, port, encryption, timeout, cs, cp, hostIsLocal}

	// This connection isn't used, just checks that a connection is possible
	// before returning from the constructor.
	http, err := cc.connect()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	log.Infof("connected to CUPS server %s:%d %s\n", C.GoString(host), int(port), e)

	return cc, nil
glibc < 2.20 and OSX 10.10 have problems when C.getaddrinfo is called many
times concurrently. When the connector shares more than about 230 printers, and
GCP is called once per printer in concurrent goroutines, http.Client.Do starts
to fail with a lookup error.

This solution, a semaphore, limits the quantity of concurrent HTTP requests,
which also limits the quantity of concurrent calls to net.LookupHost (which
calls C.getaddrinfo()).

I would rather wait for the Go compiler to solve this problem than make this a
configurable option, hence this long-winded comment.

var lock *lib.Semaphore = lib.NewSemaphore(100)

// newClient creates an instance of http.Client, wrapped with OAuth
// credentials.
func newClient(oauthClientID, oauthClientSecret, oauthAuthURL, oauthTokenURL, refreshToken string, scopes ...string) (*http.Client, error) {
	config := &oauth2.Config{
		ClientID:     oauthClientID,
		ClientSecret: oauthClientSecret,
		Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
			AuthURL:  oauthAuthURL,
			TokenURL: oauthTokenURL,
		RedirectURL: RedirectURL,
		Scopes:      scopes,
func NewPrinterManager(cups *cups.CUPS, gcp *gcp.GoogleCloudPrint, privet *privet.Privet, snmp *snmp.SNMPManager, printerPollInterval string, cupsQueueSize uint, jobFullUsername, ignoreRawPrinters bool, shareScope string, jobs <-chan *lib.Job, xmppNotifications <-chan xmpp.PrinterNotification) (*PrinterManager, error) {
	var printers *lib.ConcurrentPrinterMap
	var queuedJobsCount map[string]uint

	var err error
	if gcp != nil {
		// Get all GCP printers.
		var gcpPrinters []lib.Printer
		gcpPrinters, queuedJobsCount, err = gcp.ListPrinters()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// Organize the GCP printers into a map.
		for i := range gcpPrinters {
			gcpPrinters[i].CUPSJobSemaphore = lib.NewSemaphore(cupsQueueSize)
		printers = lib.NewConcurrentPrinterMap(gcpPrinters)
	} else {
		printers = lib.NewConcurrentPrinterMap(nil)

	// Construct.
	pm := PrinterManager{
		cups:   cups,
		gcp:    gcp,
		privet: privet,
		snmp:   snmp,

		printers: printers,

		jobStatsMutex: sync.Mutex{},
		jobsDone:      0,
		jobsError:     0,

		jobsInFlightMutex: sync.Mutex{},
		jobsInFlight:      make(map[string]struct{}),

		cupsQueueSize:     cupsQueueSize,
		jobFullUsername:   jobFullUsername,
		ignoreRawPrinters: ignoreRawPrinters,
		shareScope:        shareScope,

		quit: make(chan struct{}),

	// Sync once before returning, to make sure things are working.
	// Ignore privet updates this first time because Privet always starts
	// with zero printers.
	if err = pm.syncPrinters(true); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Initialize Privet printers.
	if privet != nil {
		for _, printer := range pm.printers.GetAll() {
			err := privet.AddPrinter(printer, pm.printers.GetByCUPSName)
			if err != nil {
				glog.Warningf("Failed to register %s locally: %s", printer.Name, err)
			} else {
				glog.Infof("Registered %s locally", printer.Name)

	ppi, err := time.ParseDuration(printerPollInterval)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	pm.listenNotifications(jobs, xmppNotifications)

	if gcp != nil {
		for gcpPrinterID := range queuedJobsCount {
			p, _ := printers.GetByGCPID(gcpPrinterID)
			go gcp.HandleJobs(&p, func() { pm.incrementJobsProcessed(false) })

	return &pm, nil
func (pm *PrinterManager) applyDiff(diff *lib.PrinterDiff, ch chan<- lib.Printer, ignorePrivet bool) {
	switch diff.Operation {
	case lib.RegisterPrinter:
		if pm.gcp != nil {
			if err := pm.gcp.Register(&diff.Printer); err != nil {
				glog.Errorf("Failed to register printer %s: %s", diff.Printer.Name, err)
			glog.Infof("Registered %s in the cloud", diff.Printer.Name)

			if pm.gcp.CanShare() {
				if err := pm.gcp.Share(diff.Printer.GCPID, pm.shareScope); err != nil {
					glog.Errorf("Failed to share printer %s: %s", diff.Printer.Name, err)
				} else {
					glog.Infof("Shared %s", diff.Printer.Name)

		diff.Printer.CUPSJobSemaphore = lib.NewSemaphore(pm.cupsQueueSize)

		if pm.privet != nil && !ignorePrivet {
			err := pm.privet.AddPrinter(diff.Printer, pm.printers.GetByCUPSName)
			if err != nil {
				glog.Warningf("Failed to register %s locally: %s", diff.Printer.Name, err)
			} else {
				glog.Infof("Registered %s locally", diff.Printer.Name)

		ch <- diff.Printer

	case lib.UpdatePrinter:
		if pm.gcp != nil {
			if err := pm.gcp.Update(diff); err != nil {
				glog.Errorf("Failed to update %s: %s", diff.Printer.Name, err)
			} else {
				glog.Infof("Updated %s in the cloud", diff.Printer.Name)

		if pm.privet != nil && !ignorePrivet && diff.DefaultDisplayNameChanged {
			err := pm.privet.UpdatePrinter(diff)
			if err != nil {
				glog.Warningf("Failed to update %s locally: %s", diff.Printer.Name, err)
			} else {
				glog.Infof("Updated %s locally", diff.Printer.Name)

		ch <- diff.Printer

	case lib.DeletePrinter:

		if pm.gcp != nil {
			if err := pm.gcp.Delete(diff.Printer.GCPID); err != nil {
				glog.Errorf("Failed to delete a printer %s: %s", diff.Printer.GCPID, err)
			glog.Infof("Deleted %s in the cloud", diff.Printer.Name)

		if pm.privet != nil && !ignorePrivet {
			err := pm.privet.DeletePrinter(diff.Printer.Name)
			if err != nil {
				glog.Warningf("Failed to delete %s locally: %s", diff.Printer.Name, err)
			} else {
				glog.Infof("Deleted %s locally", diff.Printer.Name)

	case lib.NoChangeToPrinter:
		ch <- diff.Printer

	ch <- lib.Printer{}
func (pm *PrinterManager) applyDiff(diff *lib.PrinterDiff, ch chan<- lib.Printer, ignorePrivet bool) {
	switch diff.Operation {
	case lib.RegisterPrinter:
		if pm.gcp != nil {
			if err := pm.gcp.Register(&diff.Printer); err != nil {
				log.ErrorPrinterf(diff.Printer.Name, "Failed to register: %s", err)
			log.InfoPrinterf(diff.Printer.Name+" "+diff.Printer.GCPID, "Registered in the cloud")

			if pm.gcp.CanShare() {
				if err := pm.gcp.Share(diff.Printer.GCPID, pm.shareScope, gcp.User, true); err != nil {
					log.ErrorPrinterf(diff.Printer.Name, "Failed to share: %s", err)
				} else {
					log.InfoPrinterf(diff.Printer.Name, "Shared")

		diff.Printer.NativeJobSemaphore = lib.NewSemaphore(pm.nativeJobQueueSize)

		if pm.privet != nil && !ignorePrivet {
			err := pm.privet.AddPrinter(diff.Printer, pm.printers.GetByNativeName)
			if err != nil {
				log.WarningPrinterf(diff.Printer.Name, "Failed to register locally: %s", err)
			} else {
				log.InfoPrinterf(diff.Printer.Name, "Registered locally")

		ch <- diff.Printer

	case lib.UpdatePrinter:
		if pm.gcp != nil {
			if err := pm.gcp.Update(diff); err != nil {
				log.ErrorPrinterf(diff.Printer.Name+" "+diff.Printer.GCPID, "Failed to update: %s", err)
			} else {
				log.InfoPrinterf(diff.Printer.Name+" "+diff.Printer.GCPID, "Updated in the cloud")

		if pm.privet != nil && !ignorePrivet && diff.DefaultDisplayNameChanged {
			err := pm.privet.UpdatePrinter(diff)
			if err != nil {
				log.WarningPrinterf(diff.Printer.Name, "Failed to update locally: %s", err)
			} else {
				log.InfoPrinterf(diff.Printer.Name, "Updated locally")

		ch <- diff.Printer

	case lib.DeletePrinter:

		if pm.gcp != nil {
			if err := pm.gcp.Delete(diff.Printer.GCPID); err != nil {
				log.ErrorPrinterf(diff.Printer.Name+" "+diff.Printer.GCPID, "Failed to delete from the cloud: %s", err)
			log.InfoPrinterf(diff.Printer.Name+" "+diff.Printer.GCPID, "Deleted from the cloud")

		if pm.privet != nil && !ignorePrivet {
			err := pm.privet.DeletePrinter(diff.Printer.Name)
			if err != nil {
				log.WarningPrinterf(diff.Printer.Name, "Failed to delete: %s", err)
			} else {
				log.InfoPrinterf(diff.Printer.Name, "Deleted locally")

	case lib.NoChangeToPrinter:
		ch <- diff.Printer

	ch <- lib.Printer{}
func NewPrinterManager(cups *cups.CUPS, gcp *gcp.GoogleCloudPrint, xmpp *xmpp.XMPP, privet *privet.Privet, snmp *snmp.SNMPManager, printerPollInterval string, gcpMaxConcurrentDownload, cupsQueueSize uint, jobFullUsername, ignoreRawPrinters bool, shareScope string) (*PrinterManager, error) {
	// Get the GCP printer list.
	gcpPrinters, queuedJobsCount, err := allGCPPrinters(gcp)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Organize the GCP printers into a map.
	for i := range gcpPrinters {
		gcpPrinters[i].CUPSJobSemaphore = lib.NewSemaphore(cupsQueueSize)
	gcpPrintersByGCPID := lib.NewConcurrentPrinterMap(gcpPrinters)

	// Construct.
	pm := PrinterManager{
		cups:   cups,
		gcp:    gcp,
		xmpp:   xmpp,
		privet: privet,
		snmp:   snmp,

		gcpPrintersByGCPID: gcpPrintersByGCPID,
		downloadSemaphore:  lib.NewSemaphore(gcpMaxConcurrentDownload),

		jobStatsMutex: sync.Mutex{},
		jobsDone:      0,
		jobsError:     0,

		gcpJobsInFlightMutex: sync.Mutex{},
		gcpJobsInFlight:      make(map[string]struct{}),

		cupsQueueSize:     cupsQueueSize,
		jobFullUsername:   jobFullUsername,
		ignoreRawPrinters: ignoreRawPrinters,
		shareScope:        shareScope,

		quit: make(chan struct{}),

	// Sync once before returning, to make sure things are working.
	// Ignore privet updates this first time because Privet always starts
	// with zero printers.
	if err = pm.syncPrinters(true); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Initialize Privet printers.
	if privet != nil {
		for _, printer := range pm.gcpPrintersByGCPID.GetAll() {
			getPrinter := func() (lib.Printer, bool) { return pm.gcpPrintersByGCPID.Get(printer.GCPID) }
			err := privet.AddPrinter(printer, getPrinter)
			if err != nil {
				glog.Warningf("Failed to register %s locally: %s", printer.Name, err)
			} else {
				glog.Infof("Registered %s locally", printer.Name)

	ppi, err := time.ParseDuration(printerPollInterval)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if privet == nil {
		pm.listenNotifications(xmpp.Notifications(), make(chan *lib.Job))
	} else {
		pm.listenNotifications(xmpp.Notifications(), privet.Jobs())

	for gcpID := range queuedJobsCount {
		go pm.handleNewGCPJobs(gcpID)

	return &pm, nil