// New returns a new instance of Master from the given config. // Certain config fields will be set to a default value if unset, // including: // PortalNet // MasterCount // ReadOnlyPort // ReadWritePort // PublicAddress // Certain config fields must be specified, including: // KubeletClient // Public fields: // Handler -- The returned master has a field TopHandler which is an // http.Handler which handles all the endpoints provided by the master, // including the API, the UI, and miscelaneous debugging endpoints. All // these are subject to authorization and authentication. // InsecureHandler -- an http.Handler which handles all the same // endpoints as Handler, but no authorization and authentication is done. // Public methods: // HandleWithAuth -- Allows caller to add an http.Handler for an endpoint // that uses the same authentication and authorization (if any is configured) // as the master's built-in endpoints. // If the caller wants to add additional endpoints not using the master's // auth, then the caller should create a handler for those endpoints, which delegates the // any unhandled paths to "Handler". func New(c *Config) *Master { setDefaults(c) minionRegistry := makeMinionRegistry(c) serviceRegistry := etcd.NewRegistry(c.EtcdHelper, nil) boundPodFactory := &pod.BasicBoundPodFactory{ ServiceRegistry: serviceRegistry, MasterServiceNamespace: c.MasterServiceNamespace, } if c.KubeletClient == nil { glog.Fatalf("master.New() called with config.KubeletClient == nil") } m := &Master{ podRegistry: etcd.NewRegistry(c.EtcdHelper, boundPodFactory), controllerRegistry: etcd.NewRegistry(c.EtcdHelper, nil), serviceRegistry: serviceRegistry, endpointRegistry: etcd.NewRegistry(c.EtcdHelper, nil), bindingRegistry: etcd.NewRegistry(c.EtcdHelper, boundPodFactory), eventRegistry: event.NewEtcdRegistry(c.EtcdHelper, uint64(c.EventTTL.Seconds())), minionRegistry: minionRegistry, client: c.Client, portalNet: c.PortalNet, rootWebService: new(restful.WebService), enableLogsSupport: c.EnableLogsSupport, enableUISupport: c.EnableUISupport, enableSwaggerSupport: c.EnableSwaggerSupport, apiPrefix: c.APIPrefix, corsAllowedOriginList: c.CorsAllowedOriginList, authenticator: c.Authenticator, authorizer: c.Authorizer, admissionControl: c.AdmissionControl, v1beta3: c.EnableV1Beta3, nodeIPCache: NewIPCache(c.Cloud, util.RealClock{}, 30*time.Second), masterCount: c.MasterCount, readOnlyServer: net.JoinHostPort(c.PublicAddress, strconv.Itoa(int(c.ReadOnlyPort))), readWriteServer: net.JoinHostPort(c.PublicAddress, strconv.Itoa(int(c.ReadWritePort))), } if c.RestfulContainer != nil { m.mux = c.RestfulContainer.ServeMux m.handlerContainer = c.RestfulContainer } else { mux := http.NewServeMux() m.mux = mux m.handlerContainer = NewHandlerContainer(mux) } m.masterServices = util.NewRunner(m.serviceWriterLoop, m.roServiceWriterLoop) m.init(c) return m }
// New returns a new instance of Master from the given config. // Certain config fields will be set to a default value if unset, // including: // PortalNet // MasterCount // ReadOnlyPort // ReadWritePort // PublicAddress // Certain config fields must be specified, including: // KubeletClient // Public fields: // Handler -- The returned master has a field TopHandler which is an // http.Handler which handles all the endpoints provided by the master, // including the API, the UI, and miscelaneous debugging endpoints. All // these are subject to authorization and authentication. // InsecureHandler -- an http.Handler which handles all the same // endpoints as Handler, but no authorization and authentication is done. // Public methods: // HandleWithAuth -- Allows caller to add an http.Handler for an endpoint // that uses the same authentication and authorization (if any is configured) // as the master's built-in endpoints. // If the caller wants to add additional endpoints not using the master's // auth, then the caller should create a handler for those endpoints, which delegates the // any unhandled paths to "Handler". func New(c *Config) *Master { setDefaults(c) minionRegistry := makeMinionRegistry(c) serviceRegistry := etcd.NewRegistry(c.EtcdHelper, nil) boundPodFactory := &pod.BasicBoundPodFactory{ ServiceRegistry: serviceRegistry, } if c.KubeletClient == nil { glog.Fatalf("master.New() called with config.KubeletClient == nil") } mx := http.NewServeMux() m := &Master{ podRegistry: etcd.NewRegistry(c.EtcdHelper, boundPodFactory), controllerRegistry: etcd.NewRegistry(c.EtcdHelper, nil), serviceRegistry: serviceRegistry, endpointRegistry: etcd.NewRegistry(c.EtcdHelper, nil), bindingRegistry: etcd.NewRegistry(c.EtcdHelper, boundPodFactory), eventRegistry: event.NewEtcdRegistry(c.EtcdHelper, uint64(c.EventTTL.Seconds())), minionRegistry: minionRegistry, client: c.Client, portalNet: c.PortalNet, mux: mx, handlerContainer: NewHandlerContainer(mx), rootWebService: new(restful.WebService), enableLogsSupport: c.EnableLogsSupport, enableUISupport: c.EnableUISupport, apiPrefix: c.APIPrefix, corsAllowedOriginList: c.CorsAllowedOriginList, authenticator: c.Authenticator, authorizer: c.Authorizer, masterCount: c.MasterCount, readOnlyServer: net.JoinHostPort(c.PublicAddress, strconv.Itoa(int(c.ReadOnlyPort))), readWriteServer: net.JoinHostPort(c.PublicAddress, strconv.Itoa(int(c.ReadWritePort))), } m.masterServices = util.NewRunner(m.serviceWriterLoop, m.roServiceWriterLoop) m.init(c) return m }
// init initializes master. func (m *Master) init(c *Config) { healthzChecks := []healthz.HealthzChecker{} m.clock = util.RealClock{} podStorage := podetcd.NewStorage(c.DatabaseStorage, c.KubeletClient) podRegistry := pod.NewRegistry(podStorage.Pod) podTemplateStorage := podtemplateetcd.NewREST(c.DatabaseStorage) eventRegistry := event.NewEtcdRegistry(c.DatabaseStorage, uint64(c.EventTTL.Seconds())) limitRangeRegistry := limitrange.NewEtcdRegistry(c.DatabaseStorage) resourceQuotaStorage, resourceQuotaStatusStorage := resourcequotaetcd.NewStorage(c.DatabaseStorage) secretStorage := secretetcd.NewStorage(c.DatabaseStorage) serviceAccountStorage := serviceaccountetcd.NewStorage(c.DatabaseStorage) persistentVolumeStorage, persistentVolumeStatusStorage := pvetcd.NewStorage(c.DatabaseStorage) persistentVolumeClaimStorage, persistentVolumeClaimStatusStorage := pvcetcd.NewStorage(c.DatabaseStorage) namespaceStorage, namespaceStatusStorage, namespaceFinalizeStorage := namespaceetcd.NewStorage(c.DatabaseStorage) m.namespaceRegistry = namespace.NewRegistry(namespaceStorage) endpointsStorage := endpointsetcd.NewStorage(c.DatabaseStorage) m.endpointRegistry = endpoint.NewRegistry(endpointsStorage) nodeStorage, nodeStatusStorage := nodeetcd.NewStorage(c.DatabaseStorage, c.KubeletClient) m.nodeRegistry = minion.NewRegistry(nodeStorage) // TODO: split me up into distinct storage registries registry := etcd.NewRegistry(c.DatabaseStorage, podRegistry, m.endpointRegistry) m.serviceRegistry = registry var serviceClusterIPRegistry service.RangeRegistry serviceClusterIPAllocator := ipallocator.NewAllocatorCIDRRange(m.serviceClusterIPRange, func(max int, rangeSpec string) allocator.Interface { mem := allocator.NewAllocationMap(max, rangeSpec) etcd := etcdallocator.NewEtcd(mem, "/ranges/serviceips", "serviceipallocation", c.DatabaseStorage) serviceClusterIPRegistry = etcd return etcd }) m.serviceClusterIPAllocator = serviceClusterIPRegistry var serviceNodePortRegistry service.RangeRegistry serviceNodePortAllocator := portallocator.NewPortAllocatorCustom(m.serviceNodePortRange, func(max int, rangeSpec string) allocator.Interface { mem := allocator.NewAllocationMap(max, rangeSpec) etcd := etcdallocator.NewEtcd(mem, "/ranges/servicenodeports", "servicenodeportallocation", c.DatabaseStorage) serviceNodePortRegistry = etcd return etcd }) m.serviceNodePortAllocator = serviceNodePortRegistry controllerStorage := controlleretcd.NewREST(c.DatabaseStorage) // TODO: Factor out the core API registration m.storage = map[string]rest.Storage{ "pods": podStorage.Pod, "pods/status": podStorage.Status, "pods/log": podStorage.Log, "pods/exec": podStorage.Exec, "pods/portforward": podStorage.PortForward, "pods/proxy": podStorage.Proxy, "pods/binding": podStorage.Binding, "bindings": podStorage.Binding, "podTemplates": podTemplateStorage, "replicationControllers": controllerStorage, "services": service.NewStorage(m.serviceRegistry, m.nodeRegistry, m.endpointRegistry, serviceClusterIPAllocator, serviceNodePortAllocator, c.ClusterName), "endpoints": endpointsStorage, "nodes": nodeStorage, "nodes/status": nodeStatusStorage, "events": event.NewStorage(eventRegistry), "limitRanges": limitrange.NewStorage(limitRangeRegistry), "resourceQuotas": resourceQuotaStorage, "resourceQuotas/status": resourceQuotaStatusStorage, "namespaces": namespaceStorage, "namespaces/status": namespaceStatusStorage, "namespaces/finalize": namespaceFinalizeStorage, "secrets": secretStorage, "serviceAccounts": serviceAccountStorage, "persistentVolumes": persistentVolumeStorage, "persistentVolumes/status": persistentVolumeStatusStorage, "persistentVolumeClaims": persistentVolumeClaimStorage, "persistentVolumeClaims/status": persistentVolumeClaimStatusStorage, "componentStatuses": componentstatus.NewStorage(func() map[string]apiserver.Server { return m.getServersToValidate(c) }), } // establish the node proxy dialer if len(c.SSHUser) > 0 { // Usernames are capped @ 32 if len(c.SSHUser) > 32 { glog.Warning("SSH User is too long, truncating to 32 chars") c.SSHUser = c.SSHUser[0:32] } glog.Infof("Setting up proxy: %s %s", c.SSHUser, c.SSHKeyfile) // public keyfile is written last, so check for that. publicKeyFile := c.SSHKeyfile + ".pub" exists, err := util.FileExists(publicKeyFile) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Error detecting if key exists: %v", err) } else if !exists { glog.Infof("Key doesn't exist, attempting to create") err := m.generateSSHKey(c.SSHUser, c.SSHKeyfile, publicKeyFile) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Failed to create key pair: %v", err) } } m.tunnels = &util.SSHTunnelList{} m.dialer = m.Dial m.setupSecureProxy(c.SSHUser, c.SSHKeyfile, publicKeyFile) m.lastSync = m.clock.Now().Unix() // This is pretty ugly. A better solution would be to pull this all the way up into the // server.go file. httpKubeletClient, ok := c.KubeletClient.(*client.HTTPKubeletClient) if ok { httpKubeletClient.Config.Dial = m.dialer transport, err := client.MakeTransport(httpKubeletClient.Config) if err != nil { glog.Errorf("Error setting up transport over SSH: %v", err) } else { httpKubeletClient.Client.Transport = transport } } else { glog.Errorf("Failed to cast %v to HTTPKubeletClient, skipping SSH tunnel.") } healthzChecks = append(healthzChecks, healthz.NamedCheck("SSH Tunnel Check", m.IsTunnelSyncHealthy)) m.lastSyncMetric = prometheus.NewGaugeFunc(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: "apiserver_proxy_tunnel_sync_latency_secs", Help: "The time since the last successful synchronization of the SSH tunnels for proxy requests.", }, func() float64 { return float64(m.secondsSinceSync()) }) } apiVersions := []string{} if m.v1 { if err := m.api_v1().InstallREST(m.handlerContainer); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Unable to setup API v1: %v", err) } apiVersions = append(apiVersions, "v1") } apiserver.InstallSupport(m.muxHelper, m.rootWebService, c.EnableProfiling, healthzChecks...) apiserver.AddApiWebService(m.handlerContainer, c.APIPrefix, apiVersions) defaultVersion := m.defaultAPIGroupVersion() requestInfoResolver := &apiserver.APIRequestInfoResolver{util.NewStringSet(strings.TrimPrefix(defaultVersion.Root, "/")), defaultVersion.Mapper} apiserver.InstallServiceErrorHandler(m.handlerContainer, requestInfoResolver, apiVersions) // Register root handler. // We do not register this using restful Webservice since we do not want to surface this in api docs. // Allow master to be embedded in contexts which already have something registered at the root if c.EnableIndex { m.mux.HandleFunc("/", apiserver.IndexHandler(m.handlerContainer, m.muxHelper)) } if c.EnableLogsSupport { apiserver.InstallLogsSupport(m.muxHelper) } if c.EnableUISupport { ui.InstallSupport(m.muxHelper, m.enableSwaggerSupport) } if c.EnableProfiling { m.mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/", pprof.Index) m.mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/profile", pprof.Profile) m.mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/symbol", pprof.Symbol) } handler := http.Handler(m.mux.(*http.ServeMux)) // TODO: handle CORS and auth using go-restful // See github.com/emicklei/go-restful/blob/master/examples/restful-CORS-filter.go, and // github.com/emicklei/go-restful/blob/master/examples/restful-basic-authentication.go if len(c.CorsAllowedOriginList) > 0 { allowedOriginRegexps, err := util.CompileRegexps(c.CorsAllowedOriginList) if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Invalid CORS allowed origin, --cors_allowed_origins flag was set to %v - %v", strings.Join(c.CorsAllowedOriginList, ","), err) } handler = apiserver.CORS(handler, allowedOriginRegexps, nil, nil, "true") } m.InsecureHandler = handler attributeGetter := apiserver.NewRequestAttributeGetter(m.requestContextMapper, latest.RESTMapper, "api") handler = apiserver.WithAuthorizationCheck(handler, attributeGetter, m.authorizer) // Install Authenticator if c.Authenticator != nil { authenticatedHandler, err := handlers.NewRequestAuthenticator(m.requestContextMapper, c.Authenticator, handlers.Unauthorized(c.SupportsBasicAuth), handler) if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Could not initialize authenticator: %v", err) } handler = authenticatedHandler } // Install root web services m.handlerContainer.Add(m.rootWebService) // TODO: Make this optional? Consumers of master depend on this currently. m.Handler = handler if m.enableSwaggerSupport { m.InstallSwaggerAPI() } // After all wrapping is done, put a context filter around both handlers if handler, err := api.NewRequestContextFilter(m.requestContextMapper, m.Handler); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Could not initialize request context filter: %v", err) } else { m.Handler = handler } if handler, err := api.NewRequestContextFilter(m.requestContextMapper, m.InsecureHandler); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Could not initialize request context filter: %v", err) } else { m.InsecureHandler = handler } // TODO: Attempt clean shutdown? if m.enableCoreControllers { m.NewBootstrapController().Start() } }
// init initializes master. func (m *Master) init(c *Config) { // TODO: make initialization of the helper part of the Master, and allow some storage // objects to have a newer storage version than the user's default. newerHelper, err := NewEtcdHelper(c.EtcdHelper.Client, "v1beta3", DefaultEtcdPathPrefix) if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Unable to setup storage for v1beta3: %v", err) } podStorage := podetcd.NewStorage(c.EtcdHelper, c.KubeletClient) podRegistry := pod.NewRegistry(podStorage.Pod) podTemplateStorage := podtemplateetcd.NewREST(newerHelper) eventRegistry := event.NewEtcdRegistry(c.EtcdHelper, uint64(c.EventTTL.Seconds())) limitRangeRegistry := limitrange.NewEtcdRegistry(c.EtcdHelper) resourceQuotaStorage, resourceQuotaStatusStorage := resourcequotaetcd.NewStorage(c.EtcdHelper) secretStorage := secretetcd.NewStorage(c.EtcdHelper) serviceAccountStorage := serviceaccountetcd.NewStorage(c.EtcdHelper) persistentVolumeStorage, persistentVolumeStatusStorage := pvetcd.NewStorage(c.EtcdHelper) persistentVolumeClaimStorage, persistentVolumeClaimStatusStorage := pvcetcd.NewStorage(c.EtcdHelper) securityContextConstraintsStorage := sccetcd.NewStorage(c.EtcdHelper) namespaceStorage, namespaceStatusStorage, namespaceFinalizeStorage := namespaceetcd.NewStorage(c.EtcdHelper) m.namespaceRegistry = namespace.NewRegistry(namespaceStorage) endpointsStorage := endpointsetcd.NewStorage(c.EtcdHelper) m.endpointRegistry = endpoint.NewRegistry(endpointsStorage) nodeStorage, nodeStatusStorage := nodeetcd.NewStorage(c.EtcdHelper, c.KubeletClient) m.nodeRegistry = minion.NewRegistry(nodeStorage) // TODO: split me up into distinct storage registries registry := etcd.NewRegistry(c.EtcdHelper, podRegistry, m.endpointRegistry) m.serviceRegistry = registry var portalRangeRegistry service.RangeRegistry portalAllocator := ipallocator.NewAllocatorCIDRRange(m.portalNet, func(max int, rangeSpec string) allocator.Interface { mem := allocator.NewAllocationMap(max, rangeSpec) etcd := etcdallocator.NewEtcd(mem, "/ranges/serviceips", "serviceipallocation", c.EtcdHelper) portalRangeRegistry = etcd return etcd }) m.portalAllocator = portalRangeRegistry var serviceNodePortRegistry service.RangeRegistry serviceNodePortAllocator := portallocator.NewPortAllocatorCustom(m.serviceNodePorts, func(max int, rangeSpec string) allocator.Interface { mem := allocator.NewAllocationMap(max, rangeSpec) etcd := etcdallocator.NewEtcd(mem, "/ranges/servicenodeports", "servicenodeportallocation", c.EtcdHelper) serviceNodePortRegistry = etcd return etcd }) m.serviceNodePortAllocator = serviceNodePortRegistry controllerStorage := controlleretcd.NewREST(c.EtcdHelper) // TODO: Factor out the core API registration m.storage = map[string]rest.Storage{ "pods": podStorage.Pod, "pods/status": podStorage.Status, "pods/log": podStorage.Log, "pods/exec": podStorage.Exec, "pods/portforward": podStorage.PortForward, "pods/proxy": podStorage.Proxy, "pods/binding": podStorage.Binding, "bindings": podStorage.Binding, "podTemplates": podTemplateStorage, "replicationControllers": controllerStorage, "services": service.NewStorage(m.serviceRegistry, m.nodeRegistry, m.endpointRegistry, portalAllocator, serviceNodePortAllocator, c.ClusterName), "endpoints": endpointsStorage, "minions": nodeStorage, "minions/status": nodeStatusStorage, "nodes": nodeStorage, "nodes/status": nodeStatusStorage, "events": event.NewStorage(eventRegistry), "limitRanges": limitrange.NewStorage(limitRangeRegistry), "resourceQuotas": resourceQuotaStorage, "resourceQuotas/status": resourceQuotaStatusStorage, "namespaces": namespaceStorage, "namespaces/status": namespaceStatusStorage, "namespaces/finalize": namespaceFinalizeStorage, "secrets": secretStorage, "serviceAccounts": serviceAccountStorage, "securityContextConstraints": securityContextConstraintsStorage, "persistentVolumes": persistentVolumeStorage, "persistentVolumes/status": persistentVolumeStatusStorage, "persistentVolumeClaims": persistentVolumeClaimStorage, "persistentVolumeClaims/status": persistentVolumeClaimStatusStorage, "componentStatuses": componentstatus.NewStorage(func() map[string]apiserver.Server { return m.getServersToValidate(c, false) }), } apiVersions := []string{} if m.v1beta1 { if err := m.api_v1beta1().InstallREST(m.handlerContainer); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Unable to setup API v1beta1: %v", err) } apiVersions = append(apiVersions, "v1beta1") } if m.v1beta2 { if err := m.api_v1beta2().InstallREST(m.handlerContainer); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Unable to setup API v1beta2: %v", err) } apiVersions = append(apiVersions, "v1beta2") } if m.v1beta3 { if err := m.api_v1beta3().InstallREST(m.handlerContainer); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Unable to setup API v1beta3: %v", err) } apiVersions = append(apiVersions, "v1beta3") } if m.v1 { if err := m.api_v1().InstallREST(m.handlerContainer); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Unable to setup API v1: %v", err) } apiVersions = append(apiVersions, "v1") } apiserver.InstallSupport(m.muxHelper, m.rootWebService) apiserver.AddApiWebService(m.handlerContainer, c.APIPrefix, apiVersions) defaultVersion := m.defaultAPIGroupVersion() requestInfoResolver := &apiserver.APIRequestInfoResolver{util.NewStringSet(strings.TrimPrefix(defaultVersion.Root, "/")), defaultVersion.Mapper} apiserver.InstallServiceErrorHandler(m.handlerContainer, requestInfoResolver, apiVersions) // Register root handler. // We do not register this using restful Webservice since we do not want to surface this in api docs. // Allow master to be embedded in contexts which already have something registered at the root if c.EnableIndex { m.mux.HandleFunc("/", apiserver.IndexHandler(m.handlerContainer, m.muxHelper)) } // TODO: This is now deprecated. Should be removed once client dependencies are gone. apiserver.InstallValidator(m.muxHelper, func() map[string]apiserver.Server { return m.getServersToValidate(c, true) }) if c.EnableLogsSupport { apiserver.InstallLogsSupport(m.muxHelper) } if c.EnableUISupport { ui.InstallSupport(m.muxHelper, m.enableSwaggerSupport) } if c.EnableProfiling { m.mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/", pprof.Index) m.mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/profile", pprof.Profile) m.mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/symbol", pprof.Symbol) } handler := http.Handler(m.mux.(*http.ServeMux)) // TODO: handle CORS and auth using go-restful // See github.com/emicklei/go-restful/blob/master/examples/restful-CORS-filter.go, and // github.com/emicklei/go-restful/blob/master/examples/restful-basic-authentication.go if len(c.CorsAllowedOriginList) > 0 { allowedOriginRegexps, err := util.CompileRegexps(c.CorsAllowedOriginList) if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Invalid CORS allowed origin, --cors_allowed_origins flag was set to %v - %v", strings.Join(c.CorsAllowedOriginList, ","), err) } handler = apiserver.CORS(handler, allowedOriginRegexps, nil, nil, "true") } m.InsecureHandler = handler attributeGetter := apiserver.NewRequestAttributeGetter(m.requestContextMapper, latest.RESTMapper, "api") handler = apiserver.WithAuthorizationCheck(handler, attributeGetter, m.authorizer) // Install Authenticator if c.Authenticator != nil { authenticatedHandler, err := handlers.NewRequestAuthenticator(m.requestContextMapper, c.Authenticator, handlers.Unauthorized(c.SupportsBasicAuth), handler) if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Could not initialize authenticator: %v", err) } handler = authenticatedHandler } // Install root web services m.handlerContainer.Add(m.rootWebService) // TODO: Make this optional? Consumers of master depend on this currently. m.Handler = handler if m.enableSwaggerSupport { m.InstallSwaggerAPI() } // After all wrapping is done, put a context filter around both handlers if handler, err := api.NewRequestContextFilter(m.requestContextMapper, m.Handler); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Could not initialize request context filter: %v", err) } else { m.Handler = handler } if handler, err := api.NewRequestContextFilter(m.requestContextMapper, m.InsecureHandler); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Could not initialize request context filter: %v", err) } else { m.InsecureHandler = handler } // TODO: Attempt clean shutdown? if m.enableCoreControllers { m.NewBootstrapController().Start() } }
// init initializes master. func (m *Master) init(c *Config) { podStorage, bindingStorage, podStatusStorage := podetcd.NewREST(c.EtcdHelper) podRegistry := pod.NewRegistry(podStorage) eventRegistry := event.NewEtcdRegistry(c.EtcdHelper, uint64(c.EventTTL.Seconds())) limitRangeRegistry := limitrange.NewEtcdRegistry(c.EtcdHelper) resourceQuotaStorage, resourceQuotaStatusStorage := resourcequotaetcd.NewREST(c.EtcdHelper) secretRegistry := secret.NewEtcdRegistry(c.EtcdHelper) namespaceStorage := namespaceetcd.NewREST(c.EtcdHelper) m.namespaceRegistry = namespace.NewRegistry(namespaceStorage) // TODO: split me up into distinct storage registries registry := etcd.NewRegistry(c.EtcdHelper, podRegistry) m.serviceRegistry = registry m.endpointRegistry = registry m.nodeRegistry = registry nodeStorage := minion.NewREST(m.nodeRegistry) // TODO: unify the storage -> registry and storage -> client patterns nodeStorageClient := RESTStorageToNodes(nodeStorage) podCache := NewPodCache( c.KubeletClient, nodeStorageClient.Nodes(), podRegistry, ) if c.SyncPodStatus { go util.Forever(podCache.UpdateAllContainers, m.cacheTimeout) go util.Forever(podCache.GarbageCollectPodStatus, time.Minute*30) podStorage = podStorage.WithPodStatus(podCache) } // TODO: Factor out the core API registration m.storage = map[string]apiserver.RESTStorage{ "pods": podStorage, "pods/status": podStatusStorage, "pods/binding": bindingStorage, "bindings": bindingStorage, "replicationControllers": controller.NewREST(registry, podRegistry), "services": service.NewREST(m.serviceRegistry, c.Cloud, m.nodeRegistry, m.portalNet, c.ClusterName), "endpoints": endpoint.NewREST(m.endpointRegistry), "minions": nodeStorage, "nodes": nodeStorage, "events": event.NewREST(eventRegistry), "limitRanges": limitrange.NewREST(limitRangeRegistry), "resourceQuotas": resourceQuotaStorage, "resourceQuotas/status": resourceQuotaStatusStorage, "namespaces": namespaceStorage, "secrets": secret.NewREST(secretRegistry), } apiVersions := []string{"v1beta1", "v1beta2"} if err := m.api_v1beta1().InstallREST(m.handlerContainer); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Unable to setup API v1beta1: %v", err) } if err := m.api_v1beta2().InstallREST(m.handlerContainer); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Unable to setup API v1beta2: %v", err) } if c.EnableV1Beta3 { if err := m.api_v1beta3().InstallREST(m.handlerContainer); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Unable to setup API v1beta3: %v", err) } apiVersions = []string{"v1beta1", "v1beta2", "v1beta3"} } apiserver.InstallSupport(m.muxHelper, m.rootWebService) apiserver.AddApiWebService(m.handlerContainer, c.APIPrefix, apiVersions) // Register root handler. // We do not register this using restful Webservice since we do not want to surface this in api docs. // Allow master to be embedded in contexts which already have something registered at the root if c.EnableIndex { m.mux.HandleFunc("/", apiserver.IndexHandler(m.handlerContainer, m.muxHelper)) } // TODO: use go-restful apiserver.InstallValidator(m.muxHelper, func() map[string]apiserver.Server { return m.getServersToValidate(c) }) if c.EnableLogsSupport { apiserver.InstallLogsSupport(m.muxHelper) } if c.EnableUISupport { ui.InstallSupport(m.muxHelper, m.enableSwaggerSupport) } if c.EnableProfiling { m.mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/", pprof.Index) m.mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/profile", pprof.Profile) m.mux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/symbol", pprof.Symbol) } handler := http.Handler(m.mux.(*http.ServeMux)) // TODO: handle CORS and auth using go-restful // See github.com/emicklei/go-restful/blob/master/examples/restful-CORS-filter.go, and // github.com/emicklei/go-restful/blob/master/examples/restful-basic-authentication.go if len(c.CorsAllowedOriginList) > 0 { allowedOriginRegexps, err := util.CompileRegexps(c.CorsAllowedOriginList) if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Invalid CORS allowed origin, --cors_allowed_origins flag was set to %v - %v", strings.Join(c.CorsAllowedOriginList, ","), err) } handler = apiserver.CORS(handler, allowedOriginRegexps, nil, nil, "true") } m.InsecureHandler = handler attributeGetter := apiserver.NewRequestAttributeGetter(m.requestContextMapper, latest.RESTMapper, "api") handler = apiserver.WithAuthorizationCheck(handler, attributeGetter, m.authorizer) // Install Authenticator if c.Authenticator != nil { authenticatedHandler, err := handlers.NewRequestAuthenticator(m.requestContextMapper, c.Authenticator, handlers.Unauthorized, handler) if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Could not initialize authenticator: %v", err) } handler = authenticatedHandler } // Install root web services m.handlerContainer.Add(m.rootWebService) // TODO: Make this optional? Consumers of master depend on this currently. m.Handler = handler if m.enableSwaggerSupport { m.InstallSwaggerAPI() } // After all wrapping is done, put a context filter around both handlers if handler, err := api.NewRequestContextFilter(m.requestContextMapper, m.Handler); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Could not initialize request context filter: %v", err) } else { m.Handler = handler } if handler, err := api.NewRequestContextFilter(m.requestContextMapper, m.InsecureHandler); err != nil { glog.Fatalf("Could not initialize request context filter: %v", err) } else { m.InsecureHandler = handler } // TODO: Attempt clean shutdown? m.masterServices.Start() }