func (c *MountCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault mount [options] type Mount a logical backend. This command mounts a logical backend for storing and/or generating secrets. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() + ` Mount Options: -description=<desc> Human-friendly description of the purpose for the mount. This shows up in the mounts command. -path=<path> Mount point for the logical backend. This defauls to the type of the mount. -default-lease-ttl=<duration> Default lease time-to-live for this backend. If not specified, uses the global default, or the previously set value. Set to '0' to explicitly set it to use the global default. -max-lease-ttl=<duration> Max lease time-to-live for this backend. If not specified, uses the global default, or the previously set value. Set to '0' to explicitly set it to use the global default. ` return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *AuditEnableCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault audit-enable [options] type [config...] Enable an audit backend. This command enables an audit backend of type "type". Additional options for configuring the audit backend can be specified after the type in the same format as the "vault write" command in key/value pairs. For example, to configure the file audit backend to write audit logs at the path /var/log/audit.log: $ vault audit-enable file file_path=/var/log/audit.log For information on available configuration options, please see the documentation. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() + ` Audit Enable Options: -description=<desc> A human-friendly description for the backend. This shows up only when querying the enabled backends. -path=<path> Specify a unique path for this audit backend. This is purely for referencing this audit backend. By default this will be the backend type. ` return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *UnsealCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault unseal [options] [key] Unseal the vault by entering a portion of the master key. Once all portions are entered, the Vault will be unsealed. Every Vault server initially starts as sealed. It cannot perform any operation except unsealing until it is sealed. Secrets cannot be accessed in any way until the vault is unsealed. This command allows you to enter a portion of the master key to unseal the vault. The unseal key can be specified via the command line, but this is not recommended. The key may then live in your terminal history. This only exists to assist in scripting. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() + ` Unseal Options: -reset Reset the unsealing process by throwing away prior keys in process to unseal the vault. ` return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *WriteCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault write [options] path [data] Write data (secrets or configuration) into Vault. Write sends data into Vault at the given path. The behavior of the write is determined by the backend at the given path. For example, writing to "aws/policy/ops" will create an "ops" IAM policy for the AWS backend (configuration), but writing to "consul/foo" will write a value directly into Consul at that key. Check the documentation of the logical backend you're using for more information on key structure. Data is sent via additional arguments in "key=value" pairs. If value begins with an "@", then it is loaded from a file. Write expects data in the file to be in JSON format. If you want to start the value with a literal "@", then prefix the "@" with a slash: "\@". General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() + ` Write Options: -f | -force Force the write to continue without any data values specified. This allows writing to keys that do not need or expect any fields to be specified. -format=table The format for output. By default it is a whitespace- delimited table. This can also be json or yaml. -field=field If included, the raw value of the specified field will be output raw to stdout. ` return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *MountTuneCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault mount-tune [options] path Tune configuration options for a mounted secret backend. Example: vault mount-tune -default-lease-ttl="24h" secret General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() + ` Mount Options: -default-lease-ttl=<duration> Default lease time-to-live for this backend. If not specified, uses the system default, or the previously set value. Set to 'system' to explicitly set it to use the system default. -max-lease-ttl=<duration> Max lease time-to-live for this backend. If not specified, uses the system default, or the previously set value. Set to 'system' to explicitly set it to use the system default. ` return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *TokenRenewCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault token-renew [options] [token] [increment] Renew an auth token, extending the amount of time it can be used. If a token is given to the command, '/auth/token/renew' will be called with the given token; otherwise, '/auth/token/renew-self' will be called with the client token. This command is similar to "renew", but "renew" is only for leases; this command is only for tokens. An optional increment can be given to request a certain number of seconds to increment the lease. This request is advisory; Vault may not adhere to it at all. If a token is being passed in on the command line, the increment can as well; otherwise it must be passed in via the '-increment' flag. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() + ` Token Renew Options: -increment=3600 The desired increment. If not supplied, Vault will use the default TTL. If supplied, it may still be ignored. This can be submitted as an integer number of seconds or a string duration (e.g. "72h"). -format=table The format for output. By default it is a whitespace- delimited table. This can also be json or yaml. ` return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *RevokeCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault revoke [options] id Revoke a secret by its lease ID. This command revokes a secret by its lease ID that was returned with it. Once the key is revoked, it is no longer valid. With the -prefix flag, the revoke is done by prefix: any secret prefixed with the given partial ID is revoked. Lease IDs are structured in such a way to make revocation of prefixes useful. With the -force flag, the lease is removed from Vault even if the revocation fails. This is meant for certain recovery scenarios and should not be used lightly. This option requires -prefix. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() + ` Revoke Options: -prefix=true Revoke all secrets with the matching prefix. This defaults to false: an exact revocation. -force=true Delete the lease even if the actual revocation operation fails. ` return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *KeyStatusCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault key-status [options] Provides information about the active encryption key. Specifically, the current key term and the key installation time. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *SSHCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault ssh [options] username@ip Establishes an SSH connection with the target machine. This command generates a key and uses it to establish an SSH connection with the target machine. This operation requires that SSH backend is mounted and at least one 'role' be registed with vault at priori. For setting up SSH backends with one-time-passwords, installation of agent in target machines is required. See [] General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() + ` SSH Options: -role Role to be used to create the key. Each IP is associated with a role. To see the associated roles with IP, use "lookup" endpoint. If you are certain that there is only one role associated with the IP, you can skip mentioning the role. It will be chosen by default. If there are no roles associated with the IP, register the CIDR block of that IP using the "roles/" endpoint. -no-exec Shows the credentials but does not establish connection. -mount-point Mount point of SSH backend. If the backend is mounted at 'ssh', which is the default as well, this parameter can be skipped. -format If no-exec option is enabled, then the credentials will be printed out and SSH connection will not be established. The format of the output can be 'json' or 'table'. JSON output is useful when writing scripts. Default is 'table'. -strict-host-key-checking This option corresponds to StrictHostKeyChecking of SSH configuration. If 'sshpass' is employed to enable automated login, then if host key is not "known" to the client, 'vault ssh' command will fail. Set this option to "no" to bypass the host key checking. Defaults to "ask". Can also be specified with VAULT_SSH_STRICT_HOST_KEY_CHECKING environment variable. -user-known-hosts-file This option corresponds to UserKnownHostsFile of SSH configuration. Assigns the file to use for storing the host keys. If this option is set to "/dev/null" along with "-strict-host-key-checking=no", both warnings and host key checking can be avoided while establishing the connection. Defaults to "~/.ssh/known_hosts". Can also be specified with VAULT_SSH_USER_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE environment variable. ` return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *AuthCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault auth [options] [auth-information] Authenticate with Vault with the given token or via any supported authentication backend. By default, the -method is assumed to be token. If not supplied via the command-line, a prompt for input will be shown. If the authentication information is "-", it will be read from stdin. The -method option allows alternative authentication methods to be used, such as userpass, GitHub, or TLS certificates. For these, additional values as "key=value" pairs may be required. For example, to authenticate to the userpass auth backend: $ vault auth -method=userpass username=my-username Use "-method-help" to get help for a specific method. If an auth backend is enabled at a different path, the "-method" flag should still point to the canonical name, and the "-path" flag should be used. If a GitHub auth backend was mounted as "github-private", one would authenticate to this backend via: $ vault auth -method=github -path=github-private The value of the "-path" flag is supplied to auth providers as the "mount" option in the payload to specify the mount point. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() + ` Auth Options: -method=name Outputs help for the authentication method with the given name for the remote server. If this authentication method is not available, exit with code 1. -method-help If set, the help for the selected method will be shown. -methods List the available auth methods. -no-verify Do not verify the token after creation; avoids a use count decrement. -path The path at which the auth backend is enabled. If an auth backend is mounted at multiple paths, this option can be used to authenticate against specific paths. ` return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *InitCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault init [options] Initialize a new Vault server. This command connects to a Vault server and initializes it for the first time. This sets up the initial set of master keys and sets up the backend data store structure. This command can't be called on an already-initialized Vault. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() + ` Init Options: -check Don't actually initialize, just check if Vault is already initialized. A return code of 0 means Vault is initialized; a return code of 2 means Vault is not initialized; a return code of 1 means an error was encountered. -key-shares=5 The number of key shares to split the master key into. -key-threshold=3 The number of key shares required to reconstruct the master key. -stored-shares=0 The number of unseal keys to store. This is not normally available. -pgp-keys If provided, must be a comma-separated list of files on disk containing binary- or base64-format public PGP keys, or Keybase usernames specified as "keybase:<username>". The number of given entries must match 'key-shares'. The output unseal keys will be encrypted and hex-encoded, in order, with the given public keys. If you want to use them with the 'vault unseal' command, you will need to hex decode and decrypt; this will be the plaintext unseal key. -recovery-shares=5 The number of key shares to split the recovery key into. This is not normally available. -recovery-threshold=3 The number of key shares required to reconstruct the recovery key. This is not normally available. -recovery-pgp-keys If provided, behaves like "pgp-keys" but for the recovery key shares. This is not normally available. ` return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *PolicyWriteCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault policy-write [options] name path Write a policy with the given name from the contents of a file or stdin. If the path is "-", the policy is read from stdin. Otherwise, it is loaded from the file at the given path. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *StatusCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault status [options] Outputs the state of the Vault, sealed or unsealed and if HA is enabled. This command outputs whether or not the Vault is sealed. The exit code also reflects the seal status (0 unsealed, 2 sealed, 1 error). General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *UnmountCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault unmount [options] path Unmount a secret backend. This command unmounts a secret backend. All the secrets created by this backend will be revoked and its Vault data will be deleted. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *PolicyListCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault policies [options] [name] List the policies that are available or read a single policy. This command lists the policies that are written to the Vault server. If a name of a policy is specified, that policy is outputted. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *AuditListCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault audit-list [options] List the enabled audit backends. The output lists the enabled audit backends and the options for those backends. The options may contain sensitive information, and therefore only a root Vault user can view this. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *RotateCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault rotate [options] Rotates the backend encryption key which is used to secure data written to the storage backend. This is done by installing a new key which encrypts new data, while old keys are still used to decrypt secrets written previously. This is an online operation and is not disruptive. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *MountsCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault mounts [options] Outputs information about the mounted backends. This command lists the mounted backends, their mount points, the configured TTLs, and a human-friendly description of the mount point. A TTL of 'system' indicates that the system default is being used. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *PolicyDeleteCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault policy-delete [options] name Delete a policy with the given name. Once the policy is deleted, all users associated with the policy will be affected immediately. When a user is associated with a policy that doesn't exist, it is identical to not being associated with that policy. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *AuthCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault auth [options] [token or config...] Authenticate with Vault with the given token or via any supported authentication backend. If no -method is specified, then the token is expected. If it is not given on the command-line, it will be asked via user input. If the token is "-", it will be read from stdin. By specifying -method, alternate authentication methods can be used such as OAuth or TLS certificates. For these, additional values for configuration can be specified with "key=value" pairs just like "vault write". Specify the "-method-help" flag to get help for a specific method. If an auth backend is enabled at a different path, such as enabling "github" at "github-private", the "method" flag should still be "github". The flag "-path" should be used to specify the path at which the auth backend is enabled. For example: "vault auth -method=github -path=github-private token=<github_token>" The value of the "path" flag will be supplied to auth providers as the "mount" option in the payload to specify the mount point. See the "-method-help" for more info. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() + ` Auth Options: -method=name Outputs help for the authentication method with the given name for the remote server. If this authentication method is not available, exit with code 1. -method-help If set, the help for the selected method will be shown. -methods List the available auth methods. -no-verify Do not verify the token after creation; avoids a use count decrement. -path The path at which the auth backend is enabled. If an auth backend is mounted at multiple paths, this option can be used to authenticate against specific paths. ` return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *AuthDisableCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault auth-disable [options] path Disable an already-enabled auth provider. Once the auth provider is disabled, that path cannot be used anymore to authenticate. All access tokens generated via the disabled auth provider will be revoked. This command will block until all tokens are revoked. If the command is exited early, the tokens will still be revoked. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *StepDownCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault step-down [options] Force the Vault node to step down from active duty. This causes the indicated node to give up active status. Note that while the affected node will have a short delay before attempting to grab the lock again, if no other node grabs the lock beforehand, it is possible for the same node to re-grab the lock and become active again. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *DeleteCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault delete [options] path Delete data (secrets or configuration) from Vault. Delete sends a delete operation request to the given path. The behavior of the delete is determined by the backend at the given path. For example, deleting "aws/policy/ops" will delete the "ops" policy for the AWS backend. Use "vault help" for more details on whether delete is supported for a path and what the behavior is. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *AuditDisableCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault audit-disable [options] id Disable an audit backend. Once the audit backend is disabled, no more audit logs will be sent to it. The data associated with the audit backend isn't affected. The "id" parameter should map to the id used with "audit-enable". If no specific ID was specified, then it is the name of the backend (the type of the backend). General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *CapabilitiesCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault capabilities [options] [token] path Fetch the capabilities of a token on a given path. If a token is provided as an argument, the '/sys/capabilities' endpoint will be invoked with the given token; otherwise the '/sys/capabilities-self' endpoint will be invoked with the client token. If a token does not have any capability on a given path, or if any of the policies belonging to the token explicitly have ["deny"] capability, or if the argument path is invalid, this command will respond with a ["deny"]. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *PathHelpCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault path-help [options] path Look up the help for a path. All endpoints in Vault from system paths, secret paths, and credential providers provide built-in help. This command looks up and outputs that help. The command requires that the Vault be unsealed, because otherwise the mount points of the backends are unknown. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *RemountCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault remount [options] from to Remount a mounted secret backend to a new path. This command remounts a secret backend that is already mounted to a new path. All the secrets from the old path will be revoked, but the Vault data associated with the backend will be preserved (such as configuration data). Example: vault remount secret/ generic/ General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *TokenRevokeCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault token-revoke [options] [token|accessor] Revoke one or more auth tokens. This command revokes auth tokens. Use the "revoke" command for revoking secrets. Depending on the flags used, auth tokens can be revoked in multiple ways depending on the "-mode" flag: * Without any value, the token specified and all of its children will be revoked. * With the "orphan" value, only the specific token will be revoked. All of its children will be orphaned. * With the "path" value, tokens created from the given auth path prefix will be deleted, along with all their children. In this case the "token" arg above is actually a "path". This mode does *not* work with token values or parts of token values. Token can be revoked using the token accessor. This can be done by setting the '-accessor' flag. Note that when '-accessor' flag is set, '-mode' should not be set for 'orphan' or 'path'. This is because, a token accessor always revokes the token along with it's child tokens. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() + ` Token Options: -accessor A boolean flag, if set, treats the argument as an accessor of the token. Note that accessor can also be used for looking up the token properties via '/auth/token/lookup-accessor/<accessor>' endpoint. Accessor is used when there is no access to token ID. -mode=value The type of revocation to do. See the documentation above for more information. ` return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *ListCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault list [options] path List data from Vault. Retrieve a listing of available data. The data returned, if any, is backend- and endpoint-specific. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() + ` Read Options: -format=table The format for output. By default it is a whitespace- delimited table. This can also be json or yaml. ` return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }
func (c *AuthCommand) Help() string { helpText := ` Usage: vault auth [options] [token or config...] Authenticate with Vault with the given token or via any supported authentication backend. If no -method is specified, then the token is expected. If it is not given on the command-line, it will be asked via user input. If the token is "-", it will be read from stdin. By specifying -method, alternate authentication methods can be used such as OAuth or TLS certificates. For these, additional values for configuration can be specified with "key=value" pairs just like "vault write". Specify the "-method-help" flag to get help for a specific method. If you've mounted a credential backend to a different path, such as mounting "github" to "github-private", the "method" flag should still be "github." Most credential providers support the "mount" option to specify the mount point. See the "-method-help" for more info. General Options: ` + meta.GeneralOptionsUsage() + ` Auth Options: -method=name Outputs help for the authentication method with the given name for the remote server. If this authentication method is not available, exit with code 1. -method-help If set, the help for the selected method will be shown. -methods List the available auth methods. -no-verify Do not verify the token after creation; avoids a use count decrement. ` return strings.TrimSpace(helpText) }