func TestNewJob(t *testing.T) { mock := upload.NewMock() InjectUploader(mock) store := storage.NewJobStore() InjectJobstore(&store) err := MakeGrayFile(1000, 1000, "/tmp/upload.png") if err != nil { t.Error("Error in creating test file") } defer os.Remove("/tmp/upload.png") req := JobRequest{ "/tmp/upload.png", image.Rect(200, 200, 200, 200), 0, 150, "test.png", } jobid := NewJob(req) if jobid != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected jobid to be %d but was %d\n", 0, jobid) } }
func injectDependencies() { uploader := upload.NewAmazonS3Upload(s3accesskey, s3secretkey, s3bucketname) core.InjectUploader(uploader) store := storage.NewJobStore() core.InjectJobstore(&store) core.InjectStorageReporter(&store) }
func TestAllWithSetup(t *testing.T) { go StartWebServer(portnum) time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) mock = upload.NewMock() core.InjectUploader(mock) store := storage.NewJobStore() core.InjectJobstore(&store) core.InjectStorageReporter(&store) err := MakeGrayFile(1000, 1000, "/tmp/upload.gif") if err != nil { t.Error("Error in creating test file") } defer os.Remove("/tmp/upload.gif") testStartWebserver(t) testStatusOfBadJob(t) testRequestingNewJob(t) testStatusOfExistingJob(t) testStatsReturnsJSON(t) }
func TestTotalCount(t *testing.T) { jobstore := storage.NewJobStore() InjectStorageReporter(&jobstore) stored := TotalCount() if stored != 0 { t.Error("Newly-created JobStore should have total count of 0 but was", stored) } id := jobstore.AssignFreeId() c := make(<-chan entities.StatusMsg) job := entities.CreateJob(id, c) jobstore.AddJob(job) stored = TotalCount() if stored != 1 { t.Error("Newly-created JobStore should have total count of 0 but was", stored) } job.Status = "Done" jobstore.Replace(id, job) stored = jobstore.TotalCount() if stored != 1 { t.Error("Newly-created JobStore should still have total count of 1 but was", stored) } }