// UpdateBlpCheckpoint returns a statement to update a value in the
// _vt.blp_checkpoint table.
func UpdateBlpCheckpoint(uid uint32, pos myproto.ReplicationPosition, timeUpdated int64, txTimestamp int64) string {
	if txTimestamp != 0 {
		return fmt.Sprintf(
			"UPDATE _vt.blp_checkpoint "+
				"SET pos='%v', time_updated=%v, transaction_timestamp=%v "+
				"WHERE source_shard_uid=%v",
			myproto.EncodeReplicationPosition(pos), timeUpdated, txTimestamp, uid)
	} else {
		return fmt.Sprintf(
			"UPDATE _vt.blp_checkpoint "+
				"SET pos='%v', time_updated=%v "+
				"WHERE source_shard_uid=%v",
			myproto.EncodeReplicationPosition(pos), timeUpdated, uid)
// PopulateBlpCheckpoint returns a statement to populate the first value into
// the _vt.blp_checkpoint table.
func PopulateBlpCheckpoint(index uint32, pos myproto.ReplicationPosition, timeUpdated int64, flags string) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO _vt.blp_checkpoint "+
		"(source_shard_uid, pos, time_updated, transaction_timestamp, flags) "+
		"VALUES (%v, '%v', %v, 0, '%v')",
		index, myproto.EncodeReplicationPosition(pos), timeUpdated, flags)