// InitializeTest is to run common initial code for test func InitializeTest(prefix string) { flag.Parse() //log lg.InitializeLog(uint8(*LogFlg), lg.LogOff, 0, prefix, "/var/log/go/test.log") //-v : to show Logs.(-test.v=true) if o.FindParam("-test.v") { lg.Debug("This test can show log in detail.") } //crypt enc.NewCryptDefault() //conf if *ConfFile == "" { *ConfFile = os.Getenv("GOPATH") + "/src/github.com/hiromaily/golibs/config/settings.toml" } conf.New(*ConfFile, true) //json if *JSONFile == "" { //default *JSONFile = os.Getenv("GOPATH") + "/src/github.com/hiromaily/golibs/testdata/json/teachers.json" } //bench if o.FindParam("-test.bench") { lg.Debug("This is bench test.") BenchFlg = true } }
func init() { lg.InitializeLog(lg.DebugStatus, lg.LogOff, 99, "[BookingTeacher]", "/var/log/go/book.log") flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, fmt.Sprintf(usage, os.Args[0])) } //command-line flag.Parse() //signal (Debug) go signal.StartSignal() //cipher _, err := enc.NewCryptDefault() if err != nil { panic(err) } //config conf.New(*tomlPath, true) //conf.Cipher() }