func init() { revel.OnAppStart(func() { // Set the default expiration time. defaultExpiration := time.Hour // The default for the default is one hour. if expireStr, found := revel.Config.String("cache.expires"); found { var err error if defaultExpiration, err = time.ParseDuration(expireStr); err != nil { panic("Could not parse default cache expiration duration " + expireStr + ": " + err.Error()) } } // Use memcached? if revel.Config.BoolDefault("cache.memcached", false) { hosts := strings.Split(revel.Config.StringDefault("cache.hosts", ""), ",") if len(hosts) == 0 { panic("Memcache enabled but no memcached hosts specified!") } Instance = NewMemcachedCache(hosts, defaultExpiration) return } // By default, use the in-memory cache. Instance = NewInMemoryCache(defaultExpiration) }) }
func init() { revel.OnAppStart(Init) revel.InterceptMethod((*GorpController).Begin, revel.BEFORE) revel.InterceptMethod(Application.AddUser, revel.BEFORE) revel.InterceptMethod(Hotels.checkUser, revel.BEFORE) revel.InterceptMethod((*GorpController).Commit, revel.AFTER) revel.InterceptMethod((*GorpController).Rollback, revel.FINALLY) }
func init() { MainCron = cron.New() revel.OnAppStart(func() { if size := revel.Config.IntDefault("jobs.pool", DEFAULT_JOB_POOL_SIZE); size > 0 { workPermits = make(chan struct{}, size) } selfConcurrent = revel.Config.BoolDefault("jobs.selfconcurrent", false) MainCron.Start() fmt.Println("Go to /@jobs to see job status.") }) }
func init() { revel.OnAppStart(func() { fmt.Println("Go to /@tests to run the tests.") }) }
func init() { revel.OnAppStart(func() { jobs.Schedule("@every 1m", BookingCounter{}) }) }