func TestSuiteLinuxSeccompGetcwd() string { // copy the testbin into container var se specs.Seccomp = specs.Seccomp{ DefaultAction: "SCMP_ACT_ALLOW", Syscalls: []*specs.Syscall{ { Name: "getcwd", Action: "SCMP_ACT_ERRNO", }, }, } linuxSpec = setSeccomp(se) result := os.Getenv("GOPATH") if result == "" { log.Fatalf("utils.setBind error GOPATH == nil") } resource := result + "/src/" utils.SetRight(resource, linuxSpec.Process.User.UID, linuxSpec.Process.User.GID) linuxSpec.Spec.Process.Args = []string{"/testtool/linuxseccomp"} testtoolfolder := specs.Mount{"bind", resource, "/testtool", "bind"} linuxSpec.Spec.Mounts = append(linuxSpec.Spec.Mounts, testtoolfolder) info := ",Name=" + se.Syscalls[0].Name + ", Action=" + string(se.Syscalls[0].Action) result, errout := testSeccomp(&linuxSpec, info) var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestSuiteLinuxSeccompGetcwd", se, errout, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestCpuQuota() string { var testResourceCPU specs.Resources = specs.Resources{ CPU: specs.CPU{ Shares: 0, Quota: 20000, Period: 0, RealtimeRuntime: 0, RealtimePeriod: 0, Cpus: "", Mems: "", }, } linuxspec, linuxruntimespec := setResources(testResourceCPU) failinfo := "CPU Quota" c := make(chan bool) go func() { testResources(&linuxspec, &linuxruntimespec) close(c) }() result, err := checkConfigurationFromHost("cpu", "cpu.cfs_quota_us", "20000", failinfo) <-c var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestMemoryLimit", testResourceCPU.CPU, err, result) adaptor.DeleteRun() return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestBlockIOWeight() string { var testResourceBlockIO specs.Resources = specs.Resources{ BlockIO: specs.BlockIO{ Weight: 300, WeightDevice: nil, ThrottleReadBpsDevice: nil, ThrottleWriteBpsDevice: nil, ThrottleReadIOPSDevice: nil, ThrottleWriteIOPSDevice: nil, }, } linuxspec, linuxruntimespec := setResources(testResourceBlockIO) failinfo := "BlockIO Weight" c := make(chan bool) go func() { testResources(&linuxspec, &linuxruntimespec) close(c) }() result, err := checkConfigurationFromHost("blkio", "blkio.weight", "300", failinfo) <-c var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestBlockIOWeight", testResourceBlockIO.BlockIO, err, result) adaptor.DeleteRun() return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestSuiteLinuxGidMappings() string { addTestUser() linuxSpec.Spec.Process.Args = []string{"/bin/bash", "-c", "cat /proc/1/gid_map"} //get uid&gid of test account testuser, _ := user.Lookup("uidgidtest") testuidInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(testuser.Uid, 10, 32) testgidInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(testuser.Uid, 10, 32) //change owner of rootfs gopath := os.Getenv("GOPATH") if gopath == "" { log.Fatalf("utils.setBind error GOPATH == nil") } rootfspath := gopath + "/src/" utils.SetRight(rootfspath, int32(testuidInt), int32(testgidInt)) var uid specs.IDMapping = specs.IDMapping{ HostID: int32(testuidInt), ContainerID: 0, Size: 10, } var gid specs.IDMapping = specs.IDMapping{ HostID: int32(testgidInt), ContainerID: 0, Size: 10, } failinfo := "mapping from Host GID to Container GID failed" linuxSpec = setIDmappings(uid, gid) result, err := testIDmappings(&linuxSpec, true, failinfo) var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestSuiteLinuxGidMappings", gid, err, result) cleanTestUser() return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestLinuxCapabilitiesSETFCAP() string { linuxspec, linuxruntimespec := setCapability("CAP_SETFCAP") linuxspec.Spec.Process.Args = []string{"/sbin/setcap", "CAP_SETFCAP=eip", "/containerend/linuxcapabilities"} capability := linuxspec.Linux.Capabilities configFile := "./config.json" runtimeFile := "./runtime.json" err := configconvert.LinuxSpecToConfig(configFile, &linuxspec) err = configconvert.LinuxRuntimeToConfig(runtimeFile, &linuxruntimespec) out, err := adaptor.StartRunc(configFile, runtimeFile) var result string var errout error if err != nil { result = manager.UNSPPORTED errout = errors.New(string(out) + err.Error()) } else if strings.EqualFold(strings.TrimSpace(string(out)), "") { result = manager.PASSED errout = nil } else { result = manager.FAILED errout = errors.New("test Capabilities CAP_SETFCAP NOT does''t work") } var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestMountTmpfs", capability, errout, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestLinuxApparmorProfile() string { apparmorfile := "testapporprofile" linuxspec := setApparmorProfile(apparmorfile) result, err := testApparmorProfile(&linuxspec) var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestLinuxApparmorProfile", linuxspec.Linux.ApparmorProfile, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestLinuxSelinuxProcessLabel() string { labelin := "system_u:system_r:svirt_lxc_net_t:s0:c124,c675" linuxspec := setSElinuxLabel(labelin) result, err := testSElinuxLabel(&linuxspec) var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestLinuxSelinuxProcessLabel", linuxspec.Linux.SelinuxProcessLabel, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestCgroupspath() string { cgpath := "/cgroupspathtest/testcontainer" linuxspec, linuxruntimespec := setCgroupspath(cgpath) result, err := testCgroupspath(&linuxspec, &linuxruntimespec) var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestCgroupspath", cgpath, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestLinuxApparmorProfile() string { apparmorfile := "testapporprofile" linuxspec, linuxruntimespec := setApparmorProfile(apparmorfile) result, err := testApparmorProfile(&linuxspec, &linuxruntimespec) adaptor.DeleteRun() var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestLinuxApparmorProfile", linuxRuntimeSpec.Linux.ApparmorProfile, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestVersionCorrect() string { linuxspec := setVersion(testValueCorrect) version := linuxspec.Spec.Version result, err := testVersion(&linuxspec) var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestVersionCorrect", version, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestPathError() string { linuxspec := setRoot(true, testPathError) root := linuxspec.Spec.Root lr := specsinit.SetLinuxruntimeMinimum() result, err := testRoot(&linuxspec, &lr, true, testPathError) var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestPathError", root, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestReadOnlyFalse() string { linuxspec := setRoot(false, testPathCorrect) root := linuxspec.Spec.Root lr := specsinit.SetLinuxruntimeMinimum() result, err := testRoot(&linuxspec, &lr, false, testPathCorrect) var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestReadOnlyFalse", root, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestPlatformCorrect() string { linuxspec := setPlatform(runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH) platform := linuxspec.Spec.Platform lr := specsinit.SetLinuxruntimeMinimum() result, err := testPlatform(&linuxspec, &lr, runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH) var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestPlatformCorrect", platform, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestVersionError() string { ls := setVersion(testVauleError) lr := specsinit.SetLinuxruntimeMinimum() version := ls.Spec.Version result, err := testVersion(&ls, &lr, false) var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestVersionError", version, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestSysctlNetIpv4IpForward() string { sysctlInput := make(map[string]string) sysctlInput["net.ipv4.ip_forward"] = "4" failinfo := " set net.ipv4.ip_forward failed" var testResult manager.TestResult linuxspec, linuxruntimespec := setSysctls(sysctlInput) result, err := testSysctls(&linuxspec, &linuxruntimespec, failinfo) testResult.Set("TestSysctlNetIpv4IpForward", sysctlInput, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestMountSysfs() string { opts := []string{} linuxspec, linuxruntimespec := setMount("sysfs", "sysfs", "sysfs", "/mountTest", opts) mount := linuxspec.Spec.Mounts failinfo := "Sysfs failed" result, err := testMount(&linuxspec, &linuxruntimespec, failinfo) var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestMountSysfs", mount, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestMountCgroup() string { opts := []string{"nosuid", "noexec", "nodev", "relatime", "ro"} linuxspec, linuxruntimespec := setMount("cgroup", "cgroup", "cgroup", "/mountTest", opts) mount := linuxspec.Spec.Mounts failinfo := "Cgroup failed" result, err := testMount(&linuxspec, &linuxruntimespec, failinfo) var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestMountCgroup", mount, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestSysctlNetCoreSomaxconn() string { sysctlInput := make(map[string]string) sysctlInput["net.core.somaxconn"] = "192" failinfo := " set net.core.somaxconn" var testResult manager.TestResult linuxspec, linuxruntimespec := setSysctls(sysctlInput) result, err := testSysctls(&linuxspec, &linuxruntimespec, failinfo) testResult.Set("TestSysctlNetCoreSomaxconn", sysctlInput, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestRootfsPropagationShare() string { mkdir() mode := "share" linuxspec := setRootfsPropagation(mode) result, err := testRootfsPropagationHost(&linuxspec, "linuxrootfspropagation") var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestRootfsPropagationShare", linuxspec.Linux.RootfsPropagation, err, result) rmdir() return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestRlimitNOFILESoft() string { var rlimitstest specs.Rlimit = specs.Rlimit{ Type: syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, Soft: uint64(2048), Hard: uint64(4096), } var testResult manager.TestResult linuxspec := setRlimits(rlimitstest) result, err := testRlimits(&linuxspec, "-n", strconv.FormatUint(rlimitstest.Soft, 10), true) testResult.Set("TestRlimitNOFILESoft", rlimitstest.Soft, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestNetPathEmpty() string { ns := specs.Namespace{Type: "network", Path: ""} ls := setNetSpec(ns) result, err := TestPathEmpty(&ls, "/proc/*/ns/net") var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestNetPathEmpty", ns, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestIpcPathUnempty() string { ns := specs.Namespace{Type: "ipc", Path: "/proc/1/ns/ipc"} ls := setIpcSpec(ns) result, err := TestPathUnEmpty(&ls, ns.Path) var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestIpcPathUnempty", ns, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestRlimitNOFILEHard() string { var rlimitstest specs.Rlimit = specs.Rlimit{ Type: "RLIMIT_NOFILE", Soft: uint64(1024), Hard: uint64(20480), } var testResult manager.TestResult linuxspec, linuxruntimespec := setRlimits(rlimitstest) result, err := testRlimits(&linuxspec, &linuxruntimespec, "-n", strconv.FormatUint(rlimitstest.Hard, 10), false) testResult.Set("TestRlimitNOFILEHard", rlimitstest.Hard, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestPidPathEmpty() string { ns := specs.Namespace{Type: "pid", Path: ""} ls, lrs := setPidSpec(ns) result, err := TestPathEmpty(&ls, &lrs, "/proc/*/ns/pid") var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestPidPathEmpty", ns, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestPlatformErr() string { osErr := "osErr" archErr := "archErr" linuxspec := setPlatform(osErr, archErr) platform := linuxspec.Spec.Platform lr := specsinit.SetLinuxruntimeMinimum() result, err := testPlatform(&linuxspec, &lr, osErr, archErr) var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestPlatformErr", platform, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestMntPathEmpty() string { ns := specs.Namespace{Type: "mount", Path: ""} ls := linuxSpec ls.Process.Args = append(ls.Process.Args, "/bin/readlink", "/proc/self/ns/mnt") result, err := TestPathEmpty(&ls, "/proc/*/ns/mnt") var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestMntPathEmpty", ns, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestUtsPathUnempty() string { ns := specs.Namespace{Type: "uts", Path: "/proc/1/ns/uts"} ls, lrs := setUtsSpec(ns) result, err := TestPathUnEmpty(&ls, &lrs, ns.Path) var testResult manager.TestResult testResult.Set("TestUtsPathUnempty", ns, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestLinuxHooksPrestart() string { var pre []specs.Hook = []specs.Hook{ { Path: "/bin/bash", Args: []string{"-c", "touch /testHooksPrestart.txt"}, Env: []string{""}, }, } var testResult manager.TestResult linuxspec, linuxruntimespec := setHooks(pre, true) info := "may be not support" result, err := testHooks(&linuxspec, &linuxruntimespec, "testHooksPrestart.txt", info) testResult.Set("TestSuiteLinuxHooksPrestart", pre, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
func TestSuiteLinuxHooksPrestart() string { var pre []specs.Hook = []specs.Hook{ { Path: "/bin/bash", Args: []string{"-c", "touch /testHooksPrestart.txt"}, Env: []string{""}, }, } var testResult manager.TestResult linuxspec := setHooks(pre, true) info := " :Prestart Path=" + pre[0].Path result, err := testHooks(&linuxspec, "testHooksPrestart.txt", info) testResult.Set("TestSuiteLinuxHooksPrestart", linuxspec.Hooks.Prestart, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }
// The test func for TestCase TestVersionCorrect func TestVersionCorrect() string { // Set result to spec.Version, and get specs.LinuxSpec obj ls := setVersion(testValueCorrect) // Get smallest specs.LinuxRuntimeSpec obj lr := specsinit.SetLinuxruntimeMinimum() version := ls.Spec.Version // Do test result, err := testVersion(&ls, &lr, true) var testResult manager.TestResult // Set reusult to TestResult testResult.Set("TestVersionCorrect", version, err, result) return testResult.Marshal() }