func (inv *Inventory) MarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { occupiedSlots := 0 for i := range inv.slots { if inv.slots[i].Count > 0 { occupiedSlots++ } } itemList := &nbt.List{nbt.TagCompound, make([]nbt.ITag, 0, occupiedSlots)} for i := range inv.slots { slot := &inv.slots[i] if slot.Count > 0 { slotTag := nbt.NewCompound() slotTag.Set("Slot", &nbt.Byte{int8(i)}) if err = slot.MarshalNbt(slotTag); err != nil { return } itemList.Value = append(itemList.Value, slotTag) } } tag.Set("Items", itemList) return nil }
func (inv *Inventory) UnmarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { itemList, ok := tag.Lookup("Items").(*nbt.List) if !ok { return errors.New("bad inventory - not a list") } for _, slotTagITag := range itemList.Value { slotTag, ok := slotTagITag.(*nbt.Compound) if !ok { return errors.New("inventory slot not a compound") } var slotIdTag *nbt.Byte if slotIdTag, ok = slotTag.Lookup("Slot").(*nbt.Byte); !ok { return errors.New("Slot ID not a byte") } slotId := SlotId(slotIdTag.Value) if err = inv.SlotUnmarshalNbt(slotTag, slotId); err != nil { return } } return nil }
func (item *Item) UnmarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { if err = item.PointObject.UnmarshalNbt(tag); err != nil { return } itemInfo, ok := tag.Lookup("Item").(*nbt.Compound) if !ok { return errors.New("bad item data") } // Grab the basic item data id, idOk := itemInfo.Lookup("id").(*nbt.Short) count, countOk := itemInfo.Lookup("Count").(*nbt.Byte) data, dataOk := itemInfo.Lookup("Damage").(*nbt.Short) if !idOk || !countOk || !dataOk { return errors.New("bad item data") } item.Slot = Slot{ ItemTypeId: ItemTypeId(id.Value), Count: ItemCount(count.Value), Data: ItemData(data.Value), } return nil }
func (music *musicTileEntity) MarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { if err = music.tileEntity.MarshalNbt(tag); err != nil { return } tag.Set("id", &nbt.String{"Music"}) tag.Set("note", &nbt.Byte{int8(music.note)}) return nil }
func (recordPlayer *recordPlayerTileEntity) MarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { if err = recordPlayer.tileEntity.MarshalNbt(tag); err != nil { return } tag.Set("id", &nbt.String{"RecordPlayer"}) tag.Set("Record", &nbt.Int{recordPlayer.record}) return nil }
func (object *Object) MarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { objTypeName, ok := ObjNameByType[object.ObjTypeId] if !ok { return errors.New("unknown object type") } if err = object.PointObject.MarshalNbt(tag); err != nil { return } tag.Set("id", &nbt.String{objTypeName}) // TODO unknown fields return }
func (item *Item) MarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { if err = item.PointObject.MarshalNbt(tag); err != nil { return } tag.Set("id", &nbt.String{"Item"}) tag.Set("Item", &nbt.Compound{map[string]nbt.ITag{ "id": &nbt.Short{int16(item.ItemTypeId)}, "Count": &nbt.Byte{int8(item.Count)}, "Damage": &nbt.Short{int16(item.Data)}, }}) return nil }
func (music *musicTileEntity) UnmarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { if err = music.tileEntity.UnmarshalNbt(tag); err != nil { return } if noteTag, ok := tag.Lookup("note").(*nbt.Byte); !ok { return errors.New("missing or incorrect type for Music note") } else { music.note = NotePitch(noteTag.Value) } return nil }
func (recordPlayer *recordPlayerTileEntity) UnmarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { if err = recordPlayer.tileEntity.UnmarshalNbt(tag); err != nil { return } if recordTag, ok := tag.Lookup("Record").(*nbt.Int); !ok { return errors.New("missing or incorrect type for RecordPlayer Record") } else { recordPlayer.record = recordTag.Value } return nil }
func (sign *signTileEntity) UnmarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { if err = sign.tileEntity.UnmarshalNbt(tag); err != nil { return } var textTags [4]*nbt.String var ok bool if textTags[0], ok = tag.Lookup("Text1").(*nbt.String); !ok { return errors.New("tile entity sign missing or bad type Text1") } if textTags[1], ok = tag.Lookup("Text2").(*nbt.String); !ok { return errors.New("tile entity sign missing or bad type Text2") } if textTags[2], ok = tag.Lookup("Text3").(*nbt.String); !ok { return errors.New("tile entity sign missing or bad type Text3") } if textTags[3], ok = tag.Lookup("Text4").(*nbt.String); !ok { return errors.New("tile entity sign missing or bad type Text4") } for i, textTag := range textTags { sign.text[i] = textTag.Value } return nil }
func (obj *PointObject) UnmarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { // Position within the chunk if obj.position, err = nbtutil.ReadAbsXyz(tag, "Pos"); err != nil { return } obj.LastSentPosition = *obj.position.ToAbsIntXyz() // Motion if obj.velocity, err = nbtutil.ReadAbsVelocity(tag, "Motion"); err != nil { return } obj.LastSentVelocity = *obj.velocity.ToVelocity() if onGround, ok := tag.Lookup("OnGround").(*nbt.Byte); ok { obj.onGround = onGround.Value != 0 } return nil }
func (mobSpawner *mobSpawnerTileEntity) UnmarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { if err = mobSpawner.tileEntity.UnmarshalNbt(tag); err != nil { return } if entityIdTag, ok := tag.Lookup("EntityId").(*nbt.String); !ok { return errors.New("missing or incorrect type for MobSpawner EntityId") } else { mobSpawner.entityMobType = entityIdTag.Value } if delayTag, ok := tag.Lookup("Delay").(*nbt.Short); !ok { return errors.New("missing or incorrect type for MobSpawner Delay") } else { mobSpawner.delay = Ticks(delayTag.Value) } return nil }
func (object *Object) UnmarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { if err = object.PointObject.UnmarshalNbt(tag); err != nil { return } var typeName string if entityObjectId, ok := tag.Lookup("id").(*nbt.String); !ok { return errors.New("missing object type id") } else { typeName = entityObjectId.Value } var ok bool if object.ObjTypeId, ok = ObjTypeByName[typeName]; !ok { return errors.New("unknown object type id") } // TODO load orientation return }
func (inv *FurnaceInventory) UnmarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { if err = inv.Inventory.UnmarshalNbt(tag); err != nil { return } if burnTimeTag, ok := tag.Lookup("BurnTime").(*nbt.Short); !ok { return errors.New("Bad or missing BurnTime tag in Furnace NBT") } else { inv.burnTime = Ticks(burnTimeTag.Value) // We don't know what the burnTimeMax was, as it is not stored, so taking // BurnTime for this value as well. inv.burnTimeMax = inv.burnTime } if cookTimeTag, ok := tag.Lookup("CookTime").(*nbt.Short); !ok { return errors.New("Bad or missing CookTime tag in Furnace NBT") } else { inv.cookTime = Ticks(cookTimeTag.Value) } return nil }
func (mobSpawner *mobSpawnerTileEntity) MarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { if err = mobSpawner.tileEntity.MarshalNbt(tag); err != nil { return } tag.Set("id", &nbt.String{"MobSpawner"}) tag.Set("EntityId", &nbt.String{mobSpawner.entityMobType}) tag.Set("Delay", &nbt.Short{int16(mobSpawner.delay)}) return nil }
func (sign *signTileEntity) MarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { if err = sign.tileEntity.MarshalNbt(tag); err != nil { return } tag.Set("id", &nbt.String{"Sign"}) tag.Set("Text1", &nbt.String{sign.text[0]}) tag.Set("Text2", &nbt.String{sign.text[1]}) tag.Set("Text3", &nbt.String{sign.text[2]}) tag.Set("Text4", &nbt.String{sign.text[3]}) return nil }
func (s *Slot) UnmarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { var ok bool var idTag, damageTag *nbt.Short var countTag *nbt.Byte if idTag, ok = tag.Lookup("id").(*nbt.Short); !ok { return errors.New("id tag not Short") } if countTag, ok = tag.Lookup("Count").(*nbt.Byte); !ok { return errors.New("Count tag not Byte") } if damageTag, ok = tag.Lookup("Damage").(*nbt.Short); !ok { return errors.New("Damage tag not Short") } s.ItemTypeId = ItemTypeId(idTag.Value) s.Count = ItemCount(countTag.Value) s.Data = ItemData(damageTag.Value) return }
func (inv *FurnaceInventory) MarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { tag.Set("id", &nbt.String{"Furnace"}) tag.Set("BurnTime", &nbt.Short{int16(inv.burnTime)}) tag.Set("CookTime", &nbt.Short{int16(inv.cookTime)}) return inv.Inventory.MarshalNbt(tag) }
func (s *Slot) MarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { tag.Set("id", &nbt.Short{int16(s.ItemTypeId)}) tag.Set("Count", &nbt.Byte{int8(s.Count)}) tag.Set("Damage", &nbt.Short{int16(s.Data)}) return nil }
func (inv *DispenserInventory) MarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { tag.Set("id", &nbt.String{"Trap"}) return inv.Inventory.MarshalNbt(tag) }
func (mob *Mob) UnmarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { if err = mob.PointObject.UnmarshalNbt(tag); err != nil { return } if mob.look, err = nbtutil.ReadLookDegrees(tag, "Rotation"); err != nil { return } // TODO _ = tag.Lookup("Air").(*nbt.Short).Value _ = tag.Lookup("AttackTime").(*nbt.Short).Value _ = tag.Lookup("DeathTime").(*nbt.Short).Value _ = tag.Lookup("FallDistance").(*nbt.Float).Value _ = tag.Lookup("Fire").(*nbt.Short).Value _ = tag.Lookup("Health").(*nbt.Short).Value _ = tag.Lookup("HurtTime").(*nbt.Short).Value return nil }
func (mob *Mob) MarshalNbt(tag *nbt.Compound) (err error) { mobTypeName, ok := MobNameByType[mob.mobType] if !ok { return errors.New("unknown mob type") } if err = mob.PointObject.MarshalNbt(tag); err != nil { return } tag.Set("id", &nbt.String{mobTypeName}) tag.Set("Rotation", &nbt.List{nbt.TagFloat, []nbt.ITag{ &nbt.Float{float32(mob.look.Yaw)}, &nbt.Float{float32(mob.look.Pitch)}, }}) // TODO tag.Set("Air", &nbt.Short{0}) tag.Set("AttackTime", &nbt.Short{0}) tag.Set("DeathTime", &nbt.Short{0}) tag.Set("FallDistance", &nbt.Float{0}) tag.Set("Fire", &nbt.Short{0}) tag.Set("Health", &nbt.Short{0}) tag.Set("HurtTime", &nbt.Short{0}) return nil }