func (se *stateEncryptorImpl) Encrypt(msg []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	var b = make([]byte, 8)
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b, se.counter)

	se.node.Debugf("Encrypting with counter [% x].", b)
	//	se.log.Infof("Encrypting with txNonce  ", utils.EncodeBase64(se.txNonce))

	nonce := primitives.HMACTruncated(se.nonceStateKey, b, se.nonceSize)


	// Seal will append the output to the first argument; the usage
	// here appends the ciphertext to the nonce. The final parameter
	// is any additional data to be authenticated.
	out := se.gcmEnc.Seal(nonce, nonce, msg, se.invokeTxNonce)

	return append(se.invokeTxNonce, out...), nil
func (se *queryStateEncryptor) Decrypt(raw []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	if len(raw) == 0 {
		// A nil ciphertext decrypts to nil
		return nil, nil

	if len(raw) <= primitives.NonceSize {
		return nil, utils.ErrDecrypt

	// raw consists of (txNonce, ct)
	txNonce := raw[:primitives.NonceSize]
	//	se.log.Infof("Decrypting with txNonce  ", utils.EncodeBase64(txNonce))
	ct := raw[primitives.NonceSize:]

	nonce := make([]byte, se.nonceSize)
	copy(nonce, ct)

	key := primitives.HMACTruncated(se.deployTxKey, append([]byte{3}, txNonce...), primitives.AESKeyLength)
	//	se.log.Infof("Decrypting with key  ", utils.EncodeBase64(key))
	c, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	gcm, err := cipher.NewGCM(c)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	se.nonceSize = se.gcmEnc.NonceSize()

	out, err := gcm.Open(nil, nonce, ct[se.nonceSize:], txNonce)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, utils.ErrDecrypt
	return out, nil
//getAttributeKey returns the attributeKey derived from the preK0 to the attributeName.
func getAttributeKey(preK0 []byte, attributeName string) []byte {
	return primitives.HMACTruncated(preK0, []byte(attributeName), 32)
func (validator *validatorImpl) getStateEncryptor1_2(deployTx, executeTx *obc.Transaction) (StateEncryptor, error) {
	// Check nonce
	if deployTx.Nonce == nil || len(deployTx.Nonce) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("Invalid deploy nonce.")
	if executeTx.Nonce == nil || len(executeTx.Nonce) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("Invalid invoke nonce.")
	// Check ChaincodeID
	if deployTx.ChaincodeID == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("Invalid deploy chaincodeID.")
	if executeTx.ChaincodeID == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("Invalid execute chaincodeID.")
	// Check that deployTx and executeTx refers to the same chaincode
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(deployTx.ChaincodeID, executeTx.ChaincodeID) {
		return nil, utils.ErrDifferentChaincodeID
	// Check the confidentiality protocol version
	if deployTx.ConfidentialityProtocolVersion != executeTx.ConfidentialityProtocolVersion {
		return nil, utils.ErrDifferrentConfidentialityProtocolVersion

	validator.Debugf("Parsing transaction. Type [%s]. Confidentiality Protocol Version [%s]", executeTx.Type.String(), executeTx.ConfidentialityProtocolVersion)

	deployStateKey, err := validator.getStateKeyFromTransaction(deployTx)

	if executeTx.Type == obc.Transaction_CHAINCODE_QUERY {
		validator.Debug("Parsing Query transaction...")

		executeStateKey, err := validator.getStateKeyFromTransaction(executeTx)

		// Compute deployTxKey key from the deploy transaction. This is used to decrypt the actual state
		// of the chaincode
		deployTxKey := primitives.HMAC(deployStateKey, deployTx.Nonce)

		// Compute the key used to encrypt the result of the query
		//queryKey := utils.HMACTruncated(executeStateKey, append([]byte{6}, executeTx.Nonce...), utils.AESKeyLength)

		// Init the state encryptor
		se := queryStateEncryptor{}
		err = se.init(validator.nodeImpl, executeStateKey, deployTxKey)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		return &se, nil

	// Compute deployTxKey key from the deploy transaction
	deployTxKey := primitives.HMAC(deployStateKey, deployTx.Nonce)

	// Mask executeTx.Nonce
	executeTxNonce := primitives.HMACTruncated(deployTxKey, primitives.Hash(executeTx.Nonce), primitives.NonceSize)

	// Compute stateKey to encrypt the states and nonceStateKey to generates IVs. This
	// allows validators to reach consesus
	stateKey := primitives.HMACTruncated(deployTxKey, append([]byte{3}, executeTxNonce...), primitives.AESKeyLength)
	nonceStateKey := primitives.HMAC(deployTxKey, append([]byte{4}, executeTxNonce...))

	// Init the state encryptor
	se := stateEncryptorImpl{}
	err = se.init(validator.nodeImpl, stateKey, nonceStateKey, deployTxKey, executeTxNonce)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &se, nil