// RegisterSysCC registers the given system chaincode with the peer
func RegisterSysCC(syscc *SystemChaincode) error {
	if peer.SecurityEnabled() {
		sysccLogger.Warning(fmt.Sprintf("Currently system chaincode does support security(%s,%s)", syscc.Name, syscc.Path))
		return nil
	if !syscc.Enabled || !isWhitelisted(syscc) {
		sysccLogger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("system chaincode (%s,%s) disabled", syscc.Name, syscc.Path))
		return nil

	err := inproccontroller.Register(syscc.Path, syscc.Chaincode)
	if err != nil {
		errStr := fmt.Sprintf("could not register (%s,%v): %s", syscc.Path, syscc, err)
		return fmt.Errorf(errStr)

	chaincodeID := &protos.ChaincodeID{Path: syscc.Path, Name: syscc.Name}
	spec := protos.ChaincodeSpec{Type: protos.ChaincodeSpec_Type(protos.ChaincodeSpec_Type_value["GOLANG"]), ChaincodeID: chaincodeID, CtorMsg: &protos.ChaincodeInput{Args: syscc.InitArgs}}

	if deployErr := deploySysCC(context.Background(), &spec); deployErr != nil {
		errStr := fmt.Sprintf("deploy chaincode failed: %s", deployErr)
		return fmt.Errorf(errStr)

	sysccLogger.Info("system chaincode %s(%s) registered", syscc.Name, syscc.Path)
	return err
// Deploy deploys the supplied chaincode image to the validators through a transaction
func (d *Devops) Deploy(ctx context.Context, spec *pb.ChaincodeSpec) (*pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec, error) {
	// get the deployment spec
	chaincodeDeploymentSpec, err := d.getChaincodeBytes(ctx, spec)

	if err != nil {
		devopsLogger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error deploying chaincode spec: %v\n\n error: %s", spec, err))
		return nil, err

	// Now create the Transactions message and send to Peer.

	transID := chaincodeDeploymentSpec.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeID.Name

	var tx *pb.Transaction
	var sec crypto.Client

	if peer.SecurityEnabled() {
		if devopsLogger.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
			devopsLogger.Debugf("Initializing secure devops using context %s", spec.SecureContext)
		sec, err = crypto.InitClient(spec.SecureContext, nil)
		defer crypto.CloseClient(sec)

		// remove the security context since we are no longer need it down stream
		spec.SecureContext = ""

		if nil != err {
			return nil, err

		if devopsLogger.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
			devopsLogger.Debugf("Creating secure transaction %s", transID)
		tx, err = sec.NewChaincodeDeployTransaction(chaincodeDeploymentSpec, transID, spec.Attributes...)
		if nil != err {
			return nil, err
	} else {
		if devopsLogger.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
			devopsLogger.Debugf("Creating deployment transaction (%s)", transID)
		tx, err = pb.NewChaincodeDeployTransaction(chaincodeDeploymentSpec, transID)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error deploying chaincode: %s ", err)

	if devopsLogger.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
		devopsLogger.Debugf("Sending deploy transaction (%s) to validator", tx.Uuid)
	resp := d.coord.ExecuteTransaction(tx)
	if resp.Status == pb.Response_FAILURE {
		err = fmt.Errorf(string(resp.Msg))

	return chaincodeDeploymentSpec, err
func (d *Devops) invokeOrQuery(ctx context.Context, chaincodeInvocationSpec *pb.ChaincodeInvocationSpec, attributes []string, invoke bool) (*pb.Response, error) {

	if chaincodeInvocationSpec.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeID.Name == "" {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("name not given for invoke/query")

	// Now create the Transactions message and send to Peer.
	var customIDgenAlg = strings.ToLower(chaincodeInvocationSpec.IdGenerationAlg)
	var id string
	var generr error
	if customIDgenAlg != "" {
		id, generr = util.GenerateIDWithAlg(customIDgenAlg, chaincodeInvocationSpec.ChaincodeSpec.CtorMsg.Args[0])
		if generr != nil {
			return nil, generr
	} else {
		id = util.GenerateUUID()
	devopsLogger.Infof("Transaction ID: %v", id)
	var transaction *pb.Transaction
	var err error
	var sec crypto.Client
	if peer.SecurityEnabled() {
		if devopsLogger.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
			devopsLogger.Debugf("Initializing secure devops using context %s", chaincodeInvocationSpec.ChaincodeSpec.SecureContext)
		sec, err = crypto.InitClient(chaincodeInvocationSpec.ChaincodeSpec.SecureContext, nil)
		defer crypto.CloseClient(sec)
		// remove the security context since we are no longer need it down stream
		chaincodeInvocationSpec.ChaincodeSpec.SecureContext = ""
		if nil != err {
			return nil, err

	transaction, err = d.createExecTx(chaincodeInvocationSpec, attributes, id, invoke, sec)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if devopsLogger.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) {
		devopsLogger.Debugf("Sending invocation transaction (%s) to validator", transaction.Uuid)
	resp := d.coord.ExecuteTransaction(transaction)
	if resp.Status == pb.Response_FAILURE {
		err = fmt.Errorf(string(resp.Msg))
	} else {
		if !invoke && nil != sec && viper.GetBool("security.privacy") {
			if resp.Msg, err = sec.DecryptQueryResult(transaction, resp.Msg); nil != err {
				devopsLogger.Errorf("Failed decrypting query transaction result %s", string(resp.Msg[:]))
				//resp = &pb.Response{Status: pb.Response_FAILURE, Msg: []byte(err.Error())}
	return resp, err