func TestLatticeNewAndFree(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { la := New(dic.SysDic(), nil) if la == nil { t.Fatal("unexpected error: cannot new a lattice") } if la.Input != "" { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: lattice input initialize error, %+v", la.Input) } if len(la.Output) != 0 { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: lattice output initialize error, %+v", la.Output) } if len(la.list) != 0 { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: lattice list initialize error, %+v", la.list) } la.Build("すべては科学する心に宿るのだ") la.Free() // renew la = New(dic.SysDic(), nil) if la == nil { t.Fatal("unexpected error: cannot new a lattice") } if la.Input != "" { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: lattice input initialize error, %+v", la.Input) } if len(la.Output) != 0 { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: lattice output initialize error, %+v", la.Output) } if len(la.list) != 0 { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: lattice list initialize error, %+v", la.list) } la.Free() } }
func TestLatticeBuild01(t *testing.T) { la := New(dic.SysDic(), nil) if la == nil { t.Error("cannot new a lattice") } defer la.Free() inp := "" la.Build(inp) if la.Input != inp { t.Errorf("got %v, expected %v", la.Input, inp) } boseos := node{ID: -1} if len(la.list) != 2 { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected has 2 eos/bos nodes", la.list) } else if len(la.list[0]) != 1 || *la.list[0][0] != boseos { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected %v", *la.list[0][0], boseos) } else if len(la.list[1]) != 1 || *la.list[1][0] != boseos { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected %v", *la.list[1][0], boseos) } if len(la.Output) != 0 { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected empty", la.Output) } if la.dic == nil { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: dic is nil") } if la.udic != nil { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected empty", la.udic) } }
func TestLatticeBuild03(t *testing.T) { const udicPath = "../../_sample/userdic.txt" udic, e := dic.NewUserDic(udicPath) if e != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: cannot load user dic, %v", e) } la := New(dic.SysDic(), udic) if la == nil { t.Fatal("cannot new a lattice") } defer la.Free() inp := "朝青龍" la.Build(inp) if la.Input != inp { t.Errorf("got %v, expected %v", la.Input, inp) } if la.list[3][0].Class != USER { t.Errorf("%+v", la) } if len(la.Output) != 0 { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected empty", la.Output) } if la.dic == nil { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: dic is nil") } if la.udic == nil { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected not empty", la.udic) } }
func TestLatticeBuild05(t *testing.T) { la := New(dic.SysDic(), nil) if la == nil { t.Fatal("cannot new a lattice") } defer la.Free() inp := "ポポピポンポコナーノ" var b bytes.Buffer for i, step := 0, utf8.RuneCountInString(inp); i < maximumUnknownWordLength; i = i + step { if _, e := b.WriteString(inp); e != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: create the test input, %v", b.String()) } } la.Build(b.String()) for i := range la.list { for j := range la.list[i] { l := utf8.RuneCountInString(la.list[i][j].Surface) if l > maximumUnknownWordLength { t.Errorf("too long unknown word, %v", l) } } } }
func TestLatticeBuild04(t *testing.T) { la := New(dic.SysDic(), nil) if la == nil { t.Fatal("cannot new a lattice") } defer la.Free() inp := "ポポピ" la.Build(inp) if la.Input != inp { t.Errorf("got %v, expected %v", la.Input, inp) } bos := node{ID: -1} eos := node{ID: -1, Start: 3} if len(la.list) != 5 { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected has 2 eos/bos nodes", la.list) } else if len(la.list[0]) != 1 || *la.list[0][0] != bos { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected %v", *la.list[0][0], bos) } else if len(la.list[len(la.list)-1]) != 1 || *la.list[len(la.list)-1][0] != eos { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected %v", *la.list[len(la.list)-1][0], eos) } expected := 7 if len(la.list[1]) != expected { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected %v", len(la.list[1]), expected) } else { l := la.list[1] callAndResponse := []struct { in int out node }{ {in: 0, out: node{98477, 0, KNOWN, 0, 1285, 1285, 4279, "ポ", nil}}, {in: 1, out: node{31, 0, UNKNOWN, 0, 1289, 1289, 13581, "ポ", nil}}, {in: 2, out: node{32, 0, UNKNOWN, 0, 1285, 1285, 9461, "ポ", nil}}, {in: 3, out: node{33, 0, UNKNOWN, 0, 1293, 1293, 13661, "ポ", nil}}, {in: 4, out: node{34, 0, UNKNOWN, 0, 1292, 1292, 10922, "ポ", nil}}, {in: 5, out: node{35, 0, UNKNOWN, 0, 1288, 1288, 10521, "ポ", nil}}, {in: 6, out: node{36, 0, UNKNOWN, 0, 3, 3, 14138, "ポ", nil}}, } for _, cr := range callAndResponse { if *l[] != cr.out { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected %v", l[], cr.out) } } } if len(la.Output) != 0 { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected empty", la.Output) } if la.dic == nil { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: dic is nil") } if la.udic != nil { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected empty", la.udic) } }
func TestLatticeBuild02(t *testing.T) { la := New(dic.SysDic(), nil) if la == nil { t.Fatal("cannot new a lattice") } defer la.Free() inp := "あ" la.Build(inp) if la.Input != inp { t.Errorf("got %v, expected %v", la.Input, inp) } bos := node{ID: -1} eos := node{ID: -1, Start: 1} if len(la.list) != 3 { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected has 2 eos/bos nodes", la.list) } else if len(la.list[0]) != 1 || *la.list[0][0] != bos { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected %v", *la.list[0][0], bos) } else if len(la.list[2]) != 1 || *la.list[2][0] != eos { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected %v", *la.list[2][0], eos) } expected := 4 if len(la.list[1]) != expected { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected %v", len(la.list[1]), expected) } else { l := la.list[1] callAndResponse := []struct { in int out node }{ {in: 0, out: node{122, 0, KNOWN, 0, 3, 3, 5549, "あ", nil}}, {in: 1, out: node{123, 0, KNOWN, 0, 776, 776, 6690, "あ", nil}}, {in: 2, out: node{124, 0, KNOWN, 0, 2, 2, 4262, "あ", nil}}, {in: 3, out: node{125, 0, KNOWN, 0, 1118, 1118, 9035, "あ", nil}}, } for _, cr := range callAndResponse { if *l[] != cr.out { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected %v", l[], cr.out) } } } if len(la.Output) != 0 { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected empty", la.Output) } if la.dic == nil { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: dic is nil") } if la.udic != nil { t.Errorf("lattice initialize error: got %v, expected empty", la.udic) } }
func TestForward(t *testing.T) { la := New(dic.SysDic(), nil) if la == nil { t.Fatal("unexpected error: cannot new a lattice") } la.Forward(Normal) la.Forward(Search) la.Forward(Extended) for _, m := range []TokenizeMode{Normal, Search, Extended} { la.Build("わたしまけましたわ") la.Forward(m) } }
func TestFeatures02(t *testing.T) { tok := Token{ ID: 0, Class: TokenClass(lattice.UNKNOWN), Start: 0, End: 1, Surface: "", } tok.dic = dic.SysDic() f := tok.Features() expected := []string{"名詞", "一般", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*"} if !reflect.DeepEqual(f, expected) { t.Errorf("got %v, expected %v", f, expected) } }
func TestLatticeString(t *testing.T) { la := New(dic.SysDic(), nil) if la == nil { t.Fatal("cannot new a lattice") } defer la.Free() expected := "" str := la.String() if str != expected { t.Errorf("got %v, expected: %v", str, expected) } la.Build("わたしまけましたわ") str = la.String() if str == "" { t.Errorf("got empty string") } }
func TestLatticeDot(t *testing.T) { la := New(dic.SysDic(), nil) if la == nil { t.Fatal("cannot new a lattice") } defer la.Free() expected := "graph lattice {\n\tdpi=48;\n\tgraph [style=filled, rankdir=LR]\n}\n" var b bytes.Buffer la.Dot(&b) if b.String() != expected { t.Errorf("got %v, expected: %v", b.String(), expected) } b.Reset() la.Build("わたしまけましたわ") la.Dot(&b) if b.String() == "" { t.Errorf("got empty string") } }
func TestFeatures04(t *testing.T) { tok := Token{ ID: 0, Class: DUMMY, Start: 0, End: 1, Surface: "", } tok.dic = dic.SysDic() if udic, e := dic.NewUserDic("../_sample/userdic.txt"); e != nil { t.Fatalf("build user dic error: %v", e) } else { tok.udic = udic } f := tok.Features() if len(f) != 0 { t.Errorf("got %v, expected empty", f) } }
func TestFeatures03(t *testing.T) { tok := Token{ ID: 0, Class: TokenClass(lattice.USER), Start: 0, End: 1, Surface: "", } tok.dic = dic.SysDic() if udic, e := dic.NewUserDic("../_sample/userdic.txt"); e != nil { t.Fatalf("build user dic error: %v", e) } else { tok.udic = udic } f := tok.Features() expected := []string{"カスタム名詞", "日本/経済/新聞", "ニホン/ケイザイ/シンブン"} if !reflect.DeepEqual(f, expected) { t.Errorf("got %v, expected %v", f, expected) } }
// SysDic returns the system dictionary. func SysDic() Dic { return Dic{dic.SysDic()} }