// MarkFriday combines a fs.FilReader with a markdown processor which then pipes into a fs.FileWriter to save the output
func MarkFriday(m MarkConfig) flux.Reactor {
	if m.Ext == "" {
		m.Ext = ".md"

	var markdown flux.Reactor

	if m.Sanitize {
		markdown = BlackMonday()
	} else {
		markdown = BlackFriday()

	reader := fs.FileReader()

	// reader.React(flux.SimpleMuxer(func(root flux.Reactor, data interface{}) {
	// 	log.Printf("reader %s", data)
	// }), true)

	writer := fs.FileWriter(func(path string) string {
		var dir string

		if m.PathMux != nil {
			dir = m.PathMux(m, path)
		} else {
			//get the current directory of the path
			cdir := filepath.Dir(path)

			//if we have a preset folder replace it
			if m.SaveDir != "" {
				cdir = m.SaveDir

			// strip out the directory from the path and only use the base name
			base := filepath.Base(path)

			//combine with the dir for the final path
			dir = filepath.Join(cdir, base)

		//grab our own extension
		ext := strings.Replace(m.Ext, ".", "", -1)

		//strip off the extension and add ours
		return strings.Replace(dir, filepath.Ext(dir), fmt.Sprintf(".%s", ext), -1)

	stack := flux.ReactStack(reader)
	stack.Bind(FileRead2RenderFile(), true)
	stack.Bind(markdown, true)
	stack.Bind(RenderFile2FileWrite(), true)
	stack.Bind(MutateFileWrite(m.BeforeWrite), true)
	stack.Bind(writer, true)

	return stack
// MarkFridayStream returns a flux.Reactor that takes the given config and generates a markdown auto-converter, when
// it recieves any signals,it will stream down each file and convert the markdown input and save into the desired output path
func MarkFridayStream(m MarkStreamConfig) (flux.Reactor, error) {
	streamer, err := fs.StreamListings(fs.ListingConfig{
		Path:      m.InputDir,
		Validator: m.Validator,
		Mux:       m.Mux,

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	absPath, _ := filepath.Abs(m.InputDir)

	markdown := MarkFriday(MarkConfig{
		SaveDir:     m.SaveDir,
		Ext:         m.Ext,
		Sanitize:    m.Sanitize,
		BeforeWrite: m.BeforeWrite,
		PathMux: func(m MarkConfig, path string) string {
			//we find the index of the absolute path we need to index
			index := strings.Index(path, absPath)

			// log.Printf("absolute: indexing path %s with %s -> %d", path, absPath, index)

			//if we found one then strip the absolute path and combine with SaveDir
			if index != -1 {
				return filepath.Join(m.SaveDir, strings.Replace(path, absPath, "./", 1))

			//we didnt find one so we find the base, backtrack a step,strip that off and combine with the SaveDir
			base := filepath.Join(filepath.Base(path), "..")
			index = strings.Index(path, base)

			// log.Printf("fallback: indexing path %s with %s -> %d", path, base, index)

			return filepath.Join(m.SaveDir, strings.Replace(path, base, "./", 1))

	stack := flux.ReactStack(streamer)
	stack.Bind(markdown, true)

	return stack, nil
// JSLauncher returns a reactor that on receiving a signal builds the gopherjs package as giving in the config and writes it out using a FileWriter
func JSLauncher(config JSBuildConfig) flux.Reactor {
	stack := flux.ReactStack(JSBuildLauncher(config))
	stack.Bind(fs.FileWriter(nil), true)
	return stack