func (p *printer) MocknetLinks(mn Mocknet) {
	links := mn.Links()

	fmt.Fprintf(p.w, "Mocknet link map:\n")
	for p1, lm := range links {
		fmt.Fprintf(p.w, "\t%s linked to:\n", peer.ID(p1))
		for p2, l := range lm {
			fmt.Fprintf(p.w, "\t\t%s (%d links)\n", peer.ID(p2), len(l))
	fmt.Fprintf(p.w, "\n")
func TestQueue(t *testing.T) {

	p1 := peer.ID("11140beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a31") // these aren't valid, because need to hex-decode.
	p2 := peer.ID("11140beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a32") // these aren't valid, because need to hex-decode.
	p3 := peer.ID("11140beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33") // these aren't valid, because need to hex-decode.
	p4 := peer.ID("11140beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a34") // these aren't valid, because need to hex-decode.
	p5 := peer.ID("11140beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a31") // these aren't valid, because need to hex-decode.
	// but they work.

	// these are the peer.IDs' XORKeySpace Key values:
	// [228 47 151 130 156 102 222 232 218 31 132 94 170 208 80 253 120 103 55 35 91 237 48 157 81 245 57 247 66 150 9 40]
	// [26 249 85 75 54 49 25 30 21 86 117 62 85 145 48 175 155 194 210 216 58 14 241 143 28 209 129 144 122 28 163 6]
	// [78 135 26 216 178 181 224 181 234 117 2 248 152 115 255 103 244 34 4 152 193 88 9 225 8 127 216 158 226 8 236 246]
	// [125 135 124 6 226 160 101 94 192 57 39 12 18 79 121 140 190 154 147 55 44 83 101 151 63 255 94 179 51 203 241 51]

	pq := NewXORDistancePQ("11140beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a31")

	// should come out as: p1, p4, p3, p2

	if d := pq.Dequeue(); d != p1 && d != p5 {
		t.Error("ordering failed")

	if d := pq.Dequeue(); d != p1 && d != p5 {
		t.Error("ordering failed")

	if d := pq.Dequeue(); d != p1 && d != p5 {
		t.Error("ordering failed")

	if pq.Dequeue() != p4 {
		t.Error("ordering failed")

	if pq.Dequeue() != p3 {
		t.Error("ordering failed")

	if pq.Dequeue() != p2 {
		t.Error("ordering failed")

func ReadHeader(r io.Reader) (src, dst peer.ID, err error) {

	mhr := mh.NewReader(r)

	s, err := mhr.ReadMultihash()
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", err

	d, err := mhr.ReadMultihash()
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", err

	return peer.ID(s), peer.ID(d), nil
// ID returns the ID of a given Conn.
func ID(c Conn) string {
	l := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", c.LocalMultiaddr(), c.LocalPeer().Pretty())
	r := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", c.RemoteMultiaddr(), c.RemotePeer().Pretty())
	lh := u.Hash([]byte(l))
	rh := u.Hash([]byte(r))
	ch := u.XOR(lh, rh)
	return peer.ID(ch).Pretty()
// RandPeerID generates random "valid" peer IDs. it does not NEED to generate
// keys because it is as if we lost the key right away. fine to read randomness
// and hash it. to generate proper keys and corresponding PeerID, use:
//  sk, pk, _ := testutil.RandKeyPair()
//  id, _ := peer.IDFromPublicKey(pk)
func RandPeerID() (peer.ID, error) {
	buf := make([]byte, 16)
	if _, err := io.ReadFull(u.NewTimeSeededRand(), buf); err != nil {
		return "", err
	h := u.Hash(buf)
	return peer.ID(h), nil
func TestCallbacksWork(t *testing.T) {
	fake := new(FakeStream)

	var sent int64
	var recv int64

	sentCB := func(n int64, proto protocol.ID, p peer.ID) {
		sent += n

	recvCB := func(n int64, proto protocol.ID, p peer.ID) {
		recv += n

	ms := newMeteredStream(fake, protocol.ID("TEST"), peer.ID("PEER"), recvCB, sentCB)

	toWrite := int64(100000)
	toRead := int64(100000)

	fake.ReadBuf = io.LimitReader(randbo.New(), toRead)
	writeData := io.LimitReader(randbo.New(), toWrite)

	n, err := io.Copy(ms, writeData)
	if err != nil {

	if n != toWrite {
		t.Fatal("incorrect write amount")

	if toWrite != sent {
		t.Fatal("incorrectly reported writes", toWrite, sent)

	n, err = io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, ms)
	if err != nil {

	if n != toRead {
		t.Fatal("incorrect read amount")

	if toRead != recv {
		t.Fatal("incorrectly reported reads")
func newPeerTime(t time.Time) peer.ID {
	s := fmt.Sprintf("hmmm time: %v", t)
	h := u.Hash([]byte(s))
	return peer.ID(h)