func (t *ForeignModsTest) ReadDir_ContentsInRoot() {
	// Set up contents.
	createTime := t.mtimeClock.Now()
				// File
				"foo": "taco",

				// Directory
				"bar/": "",

				// File
				"baz": "burrito",

	// ReadDir

	entries, err := fusetesting.ReadDirPicky(t.mfs.Dir())
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	AssertEq(3, len(entries), "Names: %v", getFileNames(entries))
	var e os.FileInfo

	// bar
	e = entries[0]
	ExpectEq("bar", e.Name())
	ExpectEq(0, e.Size())
	ExpectEq(dirPerms|os.ModeDir, e.Mode())
	ExpectEq(1, e.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Nlink)
	ExpectEq(currentUid(), e.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Uid)
	ExpectEq(currentGid(), e.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Gid)

	// baz
	e = entries[1]
	ExpectEq("baz", e.Name())
	ExpectEq(len("burrito"), e.Size())
	ExpectEq(filePerms, e.Mode())
	ExpectThat(e, fusetesting.MtimeIsWithin(createTime, timeSlop))
	ExpectEq(1, e.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Nlink)
	ExpectEq(currentUid(), e.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Uid)
	ExpectEq(currentGid(), e.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Gid)

	// foo
	e = entries[2]
	ExpectEq("foo", e.Name())
	ExpectEq(len("taco"), e.Size())
	ExpectEq(filePerms, e.Mode())
	ExpectThat(e, fusetesting.MtimeIsWithin(createTime, timeSlop))
	ExpectEq(1, e.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Nlink)
	ExpectEq(currentUid(), e.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Uid)
	ExpectEq(currentGid(), e.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Gid)
func (t *MemFSTest) Mkdir_TwoLevels() {
	var err error
	var fi os.FileInfo
	var stat *syscall.Stat_t
	var entries []os.FileInfo

	// Create a directory within the root.
	err = os.Mkdir(path.Join(t.Dir, "parent"), 0700)
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	// Create a child of that directory.
	createTime := time.Now()
	err = os.Mkdir(path.Join(t.Dir, "parent/dir"), 0754)
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	// Stat the directory.
	fi, err = os.Stat(path.Join(t.Dir, "parent/dir"))
	stat = fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)

	AssertEq(nil, err)
	ExpectEq("dir", fi.Name())
	ExpectEq(0, fi.Size())
	ExpectEq(os.ModeDir|applyUmask(0754), fi.Mode())
	ExpectThat(fi, fusetesting.MtimeIsWithin(createTime, timeSlop))
	ExpectThat(fi, fusetesting.BirthtimeIsWithin(createTime, timeSlop))

	ExpectNe(0, stat.Ino)
	ExpectEq(1, stat.Nlink)
	ExpectEq(currentUid(), stat.Uid)
	ExpectEq(currentGid(), stat.Gid)
	ExpectEq(0, stat.Size)

	// Check the parent's mtime.
	fi, err = os.Stat(path.Join(t.Dir, "parent"))
	AssertEq(nil, err)
	ExpectThat(fi, fusetesting.MtimeIsWithin(createTime, timeSlop))

	// Read the directory.
	entries, err = fusetesting.ReadDirPicky(path.Join(t.Dir, "parent/dir"))

	AssertEq(nil, err)
	ExpectThat(entries, ElementsAre())

	// Read the parent.
	entries, err = fusetesting.ReadDirPicky(path.Join(t.Dir, "parent"))

	AssertEq(nil, err)
	AssertEq(1, len(entries))

	fi = entries[0]
	ExpectEq("dir", fi.Name())
	ExpectEq(os.ModeDir|applyUmask(0754), fi.Mode())
func (t *MemFSTest) Rmdir_Empty() {
	var err error
	var entries []os.FileInfo

	// Create two levels of directories.
	err = os.MkdirAll(path.Join(t.Dir, "foo/bar"), 0754)
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	// Remove the leaf.
	rmTime := time.Now()
	err = os.Remove(path.Join(t.Dir, "foo/bar"))
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	// There should be nothing left in the parent.
	entries, err = fusetesting.ReadDirPicky(path.Join(t.Dir, "foo"))

	AssertEq(nil, err)
	ExpectThat(entries, ElementsAre())

	// Check the parent's mtime.
	fi, err := os.Stat(path.Join(t.Dir, "foo"))
	AssertEq(nil, err)
	ExpectThat(fi, fusetesting.MtimeIsWithin(rmTime, timeSlop))

	// Remove the parent.
	err = os.Remove(path.Join(t.Dir, "foo"))
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	// Now the root directory should be empty, too.
	entries, err = fusetesting.ReadDirPicky(t.Dir)

	AssertEq(nil, err)
	ExpectThat(entries, ElementsAre())
func (t *MemFSTest) Rmdir_OpenedForReading() {
	var err error

	// Create a directory.
	createTime := time.Now()
	err = os.Mkdir(path.Join(t.Dir, "dir"), 0700)
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	// Open the directory for reading.
	f, err := os.Open(path.Join(t.Dir, "dir"))
	defer func() {
		if f != nil {
			ExpectEq(nil, f.Close())

	AssertEq(nil, err)

	// Remove the directory.
	err = os.Remove(path.Join(t.Dir, "dir"))
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	// Create a new directory, with the same name even, and add some contents
	// within it.
	err = os.MkdirAll(path.Join(t.Dir, "dir/foo"), 0700)
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	err = os.MkdirAll(path.Join(t.Dir, "dir/bar"), 0700)
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	err = os.MkdirAll(path.Join(t.Dir, "dir/baz"), 0700)
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	// We should still be able to stat the open file handle. It should show up as
	// unlinked.
	fi, err := f.Stat()

	ExpectEq("dir", fi.Name())
	ExpectThat(fi, fusetesting.MtimeIsWithin(createTime, timeSlop))
	ExpectEq(0, fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Nlink)

	// Attempt to read from the directory. This shouldn't see any junk from the
	// new directory. It should either succeed with an empty result or should
	// return ENOENT.
	names, err := f.Readdirnames(0)

	if err != nil {
		ExpectThat(err, Error(HasSubstr("no such file")))
	} else {
		ExpectThat(names, ElementsAre())
func (t *MemFSTest) ModifyExistingFile_InSubDir() {
	var err error
	var n int
	var fi os.FileInfo
	var stat *syscall.Stat_t

	// Create a sub-directory.
	dirName := path.Join(t.Dir, "dir")
	err = os.Mkdir(dirName, 0700)
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	// Write a file.
	fileName := path.Join(dirName, "foo")

	createTime := time.Now()
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, []byte("Hello, world!"), 0600)
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	// Open the file and modify it.
	f, err := os.OpenFile(fileName, os.O_WRONLY, 0400)
	t.ToClose = append(t.ToClose, f)
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	modifyTime := time.Now()
	n, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("H"), 0)
	AssertEq(nil, err)
	AssertEq(1, n)

	// Stat the file.
	fi, err = os.Stat(fileName)
	stat = fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)

	AssertEq(nil, err)
	ExpectEq("foo", fi.Name())
	ExpectEq(len("Hello, world!"), fi.Size())
	ExpectEq(applyUmask(0600), fi.Mode())
	ExpectThat(fi, fusetesting.MtimeIsWithin(modifyTime, timeSlop))
	ExpectThat(fi, fusetesting.BirthtimeIsWithin(createTime, timeSlop))

	ExpectNe(0, stat.Ino)
	ExpectEq(1, stat.Nlink)
	ExpectEq(currentUid(), stat.Uid)
	ExpectEq(currentGid(), stat.Gid)
	ExpectEq(len("Hello, world!"), stat.Size)

	// Read the file back.
	slice, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName)
	AssertEq(nil, err)
	ExpectEq("Hello, world!", string(slice))
func (t *MemFSTest) Chtimes() {
	var err error
	fileName := path.Join(t.Dir, "foo")

	// Create a file.
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, []byte(""), 0600)
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	// Chtimes it.
	expectedMtime := time.Now().Add(123 * time.Second).Round(time.Second)
	err = os.Chtimes(fileName, time.Now(), expectedMtime)
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	// Stat it.
	fi, err := os.Stat(fileName)
	AssertEq(nil, err)
	ExpectThat(fi, fusetesting.MtimeIsWithin(expectedMtime, timeSlop))
func (t *MemFSTest) CreateNewFile_InSubDir() {
	var err error
	var fi os.FileInfo
	var stat *syscall.Stat_t

	// Create a sub-dir.
	dirName := path.Join(t.Dir, "dir")
	err = os.Mkdir(dirName, 0700)
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	// Write a file.
	fileName := path.Join(dirName, "foo")
	const contents = "Hello\x00world"

	createTime := time.Now()
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, []byte(contents), 0400)
	AssertEq(nil, err)

	// Stat it.
	fi, err = os.Stat(fileName)
	stat = fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t)

	AssertEq(nil, err)
	ExpectEq("foo", fi.Name())
	ExpectEq(len(contents), fi.Size())
	ExpectEq(applyUmask(0400), fi.Mode())
	ExpectThat(fi, fusetesting.MtimeIsWithin(createTime, timeSlop))
	ExpectThat(fi, fusetesting.BirthtimeIsWithin(createTime, timeSlop))

	ExpectNe(0, stat.Ino)
	ExpectEq(1, stat.Nlink)
	ExpectEq(currentUid(), stat.Uid)
	ExpectEq(currentGid(), stat.Gid)
	ExpectEq(len(contents), stat.Size)

	// Read it back.
	slice, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName)
	AssertEq(nil, err)
	ExpectEq(contents, string(slice))