Listen - Bind to the http endpoint as per configured address, and begin serving requests. This is
simply a helper function that calls http.ListenAndServe
func (i *InternalServer) Listen() error {
	if len(i.config.Address) == 0 {
		return ErrInvalidURLAddr
	if i.config.SSL.Enabled {
		if len(i.config.SSL.CertificatePath) == 0 || len(i.config.SSL.PrivateKeyPath) == 0 {
			return ErrInvalidSSLConfig
		// If the static paths are relative then we use the location of the binary to resolve it.
		if err := binpath.FromBinaryIfRelative(&i.config.SSL.CertificatePath); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("relative path for certificate could not be resolved: %v", err)
		if err := binpath.FromBinaryIfRelative(&i.config.SSL.PrivateKeyPath); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("relative path for private key could not be resolved: %v", err)
	i.logger.Infof("Serving internal admin requests at address: %v%v\n", i.config.Address, i.config.Path)
	var err error
	if i.config.SSL.Enabled {
		err = http.ListenAndServeTLS(
	} else {
		err = http.ListenAndServe(i.config.Address, i.mux)
	return err
NewInternalServer - Create a new leaps InternalServer.
func NewInternalServer(
	admin LeapAdmin,
	config InternalServerConfig,
	logger *log.Logger,
	stats *log.Stats,
) (*InternalServer, error) {
	auth, err := NewAuthMiddleware(config.HTTPAuth, logger, stats)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	httpServer := InternalServer{
		config: config,
		admin:  admin,
		logger: logger.NewModule(":http_admin"),
		stats:  stats,
		mux:    http.NewServeMux(),
		auth:   auth,

	// Register handling for static files
	if len(httpServer.config.StaticFilePath) > 0 {
		if len(httpServer.config.Path) == 0 {
			return nil, ErrInvalidStaticPath
		// If the static file path is relative then we use the location of the binary to resolve it.
		if err := binpath.FromBinaryIfRelative(&httpServer.config.StaticFilePath); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("relative path for static files could not be resolved: %v", err)
			httpServer.auth.WrapHandler( // Auth wrap
				http.StripPrefix(httpServer.config.Path, // File strip prefix wrap
					http.FileServer(http.Dir(httpServer.config.StaticFilePath))))) // File serve handler


	return &httpServer, nil
accountsFromFile - Extract a map of username and password hashes from a htpasswd file. MD5 hashes
are not supported, use SHA1 instead.
func (a *AuthMiddleware) accountsFromFile(filePath string) error {
	// If the file path is relative then we use the location of the binary to resolve it.
	if err := path.FromBinaryIfRelative(&filePath); err != nil {
		return err
	r, err := os.Open(filePath)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	CSVReader := csv.NewReader(r)
	CSVReader.Comma = ':'
	CSVReader.Comment = '#'
	CSVReader.FieldsPerRecord = 2

	userHashes, err := CSVReader.ReadAll()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	a.accounts = map[string]string{}
	for _, userHash := range userHashes {
		a.accounts[userHash[0]] = userHash[1]
	return nil