// Parse html dom here and record the parse result that we want to Page. // Package goquery (http://godoc.org/github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery) is used to parse html. func (this *MyPageProcesser) Process(p *page.Page) { if !p.IsSucc() { println(p.Errormsg()) return } query := p.GetHtmlParser() query.Find(`div[class="wx-rb bg-blue wx-rb_v1 _item"]`).Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) { name := s.Find("div.txt-box > h3").Text() href, _ := s.Attr("href") fmt.Printf("WeName:%v link:http://http://weixin.sogou.com%v \r\n", name, href) // the entity we want to save by Pipeline p.AddField("name", name) p.AddField("href", href) }) next_page_href, _ := query.Find("#sogou_next").Attr("href") if next_page_href == "" { p.SetSkip(true) } else { p.AddTargetRequestWithHeaderFile("http://weixin.sogou.com/weixin"+next_page_href, "html", "weixin.sogou.com.json") } }