文件: keys.go 项目: jllopis/try6
// newKey realiza la generación y codificación de las claves RSA en codificación PEM.
func newKey() *Key {
	privateKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
	if err != nil {
		log.LogE("failed to generate private key", "pkg", "try6", "func", "NewKey(string) *Key", "error", err.Error())
		return nil
	privPEM := pem.EncodeToMemory(
			Type:  "RSA PRIVATE KEY",
			Bytes: x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(privateKey),
	pubKeyPKIX, err := x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(&privateKey.PublicKey)
	if err != nil {
		log.LogE("failed to generate DER public key", "pkg", "try6", "func", "NewKey(string) *Key", "error", err.Error())
		return nil

	pubPEM := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
		Type:  "RSA PUBLIC KEY",
		Bytes: pubKeyPKIX,

	return &Key{
		PubKey:  pubPEM,
		PrivKey: privPEM,
文件: keys.go 项目: jllopis/try6
// NewKey genera una pareja de claves RSA de 2048 bits. Las clave privada se codifica como PKCS1 y la pública como PKIX.
// Ambas en formato PEM.
func NewKey(uid string) *Key {
	if uid == "" {
		log.LogE("new key needs an account", "pkg", "try6", "func", "NewKey(string) *Key")
		return nil
	k := newKey()
	k.AccountID = uid
	return k
文件: keys.go 项目: jllopis/try6
// SaveKey persist the key data to the database
func (d *DefaultStore) SaveKey(key *try6.Key) error {
	log.LogD("Saving Key", "pkg", "store", "func", "SaveKey(*try6.Key)", "data", key)
	now := time.Now().UTC()
	key.Updated = now
	if key.ID == "" {
		// New Key
		key.Created = now
		key.Status = "active"
		if err := d.C.InsertInto("keys").Blacklist("id", "deleted").Record(key).Returning("*").QueryStruct(key); err != nil {
			log.LogE("error saving key", "pkg", "store", "func", "SaveKey(*try6.Key)", "error", err.Error())
			return err
	} else {
		if err := d.C.Update("keys").SetBlacklist(key, "id", "created").Where("id=$1", key.ID).Returning("*").QueryStruct(key); err != nil {
			log.LogE("error updating key", "pkg", "store", "func", "SaveKey(*try6.Key)", "error", err.Error())
			return err

	log.LogD("key inserted", "pkg", "store", "func", "SaveKey(*try6.Key)", "data", key)
	return nil
文件: tenant.go 项目: jllopis/try6
// CreateTenant creates a new tenant with the data provided in try6.CreateTenantData.
// The steps are:
//   1. Create a new tenant in the database
//   2. Create the admin directory for the tenant where the tenant admin accounts will live
//   3. If an account is provided (it is created in a previous step), it will be assigned as default admin account
//      If no account is provide, a new one is created and made the default admin account. In this case an RSA Key pair is created for the account
//   4. A default scope is created for admin purposes. As the account, it can be created prior to the call to NewTenant and be used here
//   5. Maps the admin scope to the admin directory so the tenant can modify it
// It is responsability of the caller that the account and scope data are valid for the tenant administration. Usually, the account will be created
// as part of a registration process and will be used here leaving the scope and directory data empty so it will be created here.
func (d *DefaultStore) CreateTenant(data *try6.CreateTenantData) error {
	now := time.Now().UTC()
	if data.TData.ID != "" {
		log.LogE("error creating tenant", "pkg", "store", "func", "CreateTenant(*try6.CreateTenantData)", "error", tryerr.ErrIDNotNull.Error())
		return tryerr.ErrIDNotNull

	// 1. Create Tenant
	log.LogD("creating tenant", "pkg", "store", "func", "CreateTenant(*try6.CreateTenantData)", "data", data)
	if err := d.SaveTenant(data.TData); err != nil {
		log.LogE("error creating tenant", "pkg", "store", "func", "CreateTenant(*try6.CreateTenantData)", "error", err.Error())
		return err

	// 2. Create Tenant Admin Directory.
	if data.Dir == nil {
		// directory does not exist. Create!
		data.Dir = &try6.Directory{
			Created: now,
			Updated: now,
		log.LogD("data directory not provided. creating new", "pkg", "store", "func", "CreateTenant(*try6.CreateTenantData)", "directory", data.Dir)

	data.Dir.TenantUID = data.TData.ID

	if data.Dir.Label == "" {
		data.Dir.Label = "Default Admin Directory"
	if data.Dir.Description == "" {
		data.Dir.Description = "Default directory to hold administrative accounts for this tenant"
	if data.Dir.Status == "" {
		data.Dir.Status = "active"

	if err := d.SaveDirectory(data.Dir); err != nil {
		log.LogE("Could not create Directory", "pkg", "store", "func", "CreateTenant(*try6.CreateTenantData)", "error", err)
		return err
	// 3. Add acc to Tenant Admin Directory as default admin account
	if data.Acc == nil {
		log.LogE("nil account", "pkg", "store", "func", "CreateTenant(*try6.CreateTenantData)", "error", "an admin account is needed")
		return tryerr.ErrAccountNotProvided
	if data.Acc.ID == "" {
		// New account
		if err := data.Acc.UpdatePassword(data.Acc.Password); err != nil {
			log.LogW("Could not update password for admin account", "pkg", "store", "func", "CreateTenant(*try6.CreateTenantData)", "error", err)
		if err := d.SaveAccount(data.Dir.ID, data.Acc); err != nil {
			log.LogE("Could not create admin account", "pkg", "store", "func", "CreateTenant(*try6.CreateTenantData)", "error", err)
			return err

		// 4. Create RSA Keys for acc as it is new
		k := try6.NewKey(data.Acc.ID)
		if err := d.SaveKey(k); err != nil {
			log.LogE("Could not create rsa key for admin account", "pkg", "store", "func", "CreateTenant(*try6.CreateTenantData)", "error", err)
			return err
	} else {
		// account exists. Must add it to the admin directory
		if _, err := d.C.Upsert("directory_account").Columns("directory_id", "account_id", "created", "updated").Record(&try6.DirectoryAccount{
			DirectoryID: data.Dir.ID,
			AccountID:   data.Acc.ID,
			Created:     now,
			Updated:     now,
		}).Where("directory_id=$1 AND account_id=$2", data.Dir.ID, data.Acc.ID).Exec(); err != nil {
			log.LogE("error updating directory", "pkg", "store", "func", "CreateTenant(*try6.CreateTenantData)", "error", err.Error())
			return err

	var aki []string
	if err := d.C.Select("id").From("keys").Where("account_id=$1 AND deleted IS NULL", data.Acc.ID).QuerySlice(&aki); err != nil {
		log.LogW("account has no rsa keys", "pkg", "store", "func", "CreateTenant(*try6.CreateTenantData)", "error", err.Error())

	// 5. Create the default admin scope for the tenant to give access to the tenant management)
	if data.Scope == nil {
		// directory does not exist. Create!
		data.Scope = &try6.Scope{
			Created: now,
			Updated: now,
		log.LogD("data scope not provided. creating new", "pkg", "store", "func", "CreateTenant(*try6.CreateTenantData)", "scope", data.Scope)

	data.Scope.TenantID = data.TData.ID
	if data.Scope.Label == "" {
		data.Scope.Label = "Default Admin Scope"
	if data.Scope.Description == "" {
		data.Scope.Description = "Default scope to administer this tenant"
	if data.Scope.Status == "" {
		data.Scope.Status = "active"
	if err := d.SaveScope(data.Scope); err != nil {
		log.LogE("Could not create admin Scope", "pkg", "store", "func", "CreateTenant(*try6.CreateTenantData)", "error", err)
		return err
	// 6. Map the admin app with the admin directory created
	if _, err := d.C.Upsert("directory_scope").Columns("directory_id", "scope_id", "priority", "is_default_account_store", "is_default_group_store", "is_default_rbac_store", "created", "updated").Record(&try6.DirectoryScope{
		DirectoryID:         data.Dir.ID,
		ScopeID:             data.Scope.ID,
		Priority:            1,
		IsDefaultAccStore:   true,
		IsDefaultGroupStore: true,
		IsDefaultRBACStore:  true,
		Created:             now,
		Updated:             now,
	}).Where("directory_id=$1 AND scope_id=$2", data.Dir.ID, data.Scope.ID).Exec(); err != nil {
		log.LogE("error updating directory_scope", "pkg", "store", "func", "CreateTenant(*try6.CreateTenantData)", "error", err.Error())
		return err

	log.LogD("New tenant created", "pkg", "tenant", "func", "CreateTenant(*try6.CreateTenantData)", "tenantID", data.TData.ID, "directoryID", data.Scope.ID, "adminID", data.Acc.ID, "Account Keys", aki, "ScopeID", data.Scope.ID)
	return nil