func newapp(args []string) { if len(args) == 0 { eprintf(newShortDesc) } filepath.Join(peony.GetPeonyPath(), "templates") importPath := args[0] gopath := build.Default.GOPATH if gopath == "" { eprintf("please set the GOPATH\n", importPath) } if filepath.IsAbs(importPath) { eprintf("importpath[%s] looks like the file path.\n", importPath) } if _, err := build.Import(importPath, "", build.FindOnly); err == nil { eprintf("importpath[%s] already exist.\n", importPath) } if _, err := build.Import(peony.PEONY_IMPORTPATH, "", build.FindOnly); err != nil { eprintf("peony source is required.\n") } tmplatesPath := filepath.Join(peony.GetPeonyPath(), "templates") errorsPath := filepath.Join(peony.GetPeonyPath(), "views", "errors") srcPath := filepath.Join(filepath.SplitList(gopath)[0], "src") appPath := filepath.Join(srcPath, filepath.FromSlash(importPath)) if err := os.Mkdir(appPath, 0777); err != nil { eprintf("mdir app dir error, %s\n", err.Error()) } if err := copyDir(tmplatesPath, appPath); err != nil { eprintf("copy dir error, %s\n", err.Error()) } if err := copyDir(errorsPath, filepath.Join(appPath, "app", "views", "errors")); err != nil { eprintf("copy dir error, %s\n", err.Error()) } appName := filepath.Base(filepath.FromSlash(importPath)) param := map[string]string{ "AppName": appName, "ImportPath": importPath, "SecKey": peony.GenSecKey(), } if err := genConfig(appPath, param); err != nil { eprintf("generator configure error, %s\n", err.Error()) } fmt.Println("app already is ready, please execute command: peony run", importPath) }
func tryTarErrors(srcDir, appName string, tarWriter *tar.Writer) { errorsDir := filepath.Join(srcDir, "app", "views", "errors") _, err := os.Stat(errorsDir) if err == nil { return } if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) { return } path := peony.GetPeonyPath() errsPath := filepath.Join(path, "views", "errors") filepath.Walk(errsPath, func(srcPath string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { if info.IsDir() { return nil } srcFile, err := os.Open(srcPath) panicOnError(err, "Failed to read source file") defer srcFile.Close() header := &tar.Header{ Name: filepath.Join(appName, "app", strings.TrimLeft(srcPath[len(path):], string(os.PathSeparator))), Size: info.Size(), Mode: int64(info.Mode()), ModTime: info.ModTime(), } targzWrite(tarWriter, header, srcFile) return nil }) }
func NewAgent(app *peony.App) (agent *Agent, err error) { agent = &Agent{app: app} port := peony.GetRandomListenPort() targetSvrUrl := &url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: fmt.Sprintf("", port)} agent.proxy = httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy(targetSvrUrl) agent.notifier = peony.NewNotifier() agent.forceRefresh = true var binPath string binPath, err = GetBinPath(app) if err != nil { return } agent.AppPort = port agent.appBinPath = binPath //watch template. template should first watched by notifier agent.templateLoader = peony.NewTemplateLoader([]string{ path.Join(path.Join(peony.GetPeonyPath(), "views")), }) agent.templateLoader.FuncMap["IsDevMode"] = func() bool { return true } if err := agent.templateLoader.Refresh(); err != nil { panic(err) } agent.notifier.Watch(agent) return }