// NewServer returns a Server func NewServer() (*Server, error) { s := new(Server) s.Server = httptest.NewServer(nil) s.oldHandler = s.Server.Config.Handler s.Mux = httprouter.New() s.Server.Config.Handler = s.Mux key, err := ioutil.ReadFile(TestKeyFile) if err != nil { return nil, err } authentication, err := auth.NewAuth(TestAccount, string(key), "rsa-sha256") s.Creds = &auth.Credentials{ UserAuthentication: authentication, SdcKeyId: TestKeyID, SdcEndpoint: auth.Endpoint{URL: s.Server.URL}, } s.API = local.New(s.Server.URL, TestAccount) s.API.SetupHTTP(s.Mux) return s, nil }
func (ca *localCloudAPIServer) setupServer(c *gc.C) { // Set up the HTTP server. ca.Server = httptest.NewServer(nil) c.Assert(ca.Server, gc.NotNil) mux := http.NewServeMux() ca.Server.Config.Handler = mux cloudapi := lc.New(ca.Server.URL, testUser) cloudapi.SetupHTTP(mux) c.Logf("Started local CloudAPI service at: %v", ca.Server.URL) }
func (s *LocalTests) SetUpSuite(c *gc.C) { // Set up the HTTP server. s.Server = httptest.NewServer(nil) s.oldHandler = s.Server.Config.Handler s.Mux = httprouter.New() s.Server.Config.Handler = s.Mux // Set up a Joyent CloudAPI service. authentication, err := auth.NewAuth("localtest", string(privateKey), "rsa-sha256") c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) s.creds = &auth.Credentials{ UserAuthentication: authentication, SdcKeyId: "", SdcEndpoint: auth.Endpoint{URL: s.Server.URL}, } s.cloudapi = lc.New(s.creds.SdcEndpoint.URL, s.creds.UserAuthentication.User) s.cloudapi.SetupHTTP(s.Mux) }
func (s *CloudAPISuite) SetUpSuite(c *gc.C) { s.service = lc.New(testServiceURL, testUserAccount) }
func (s *CloudAPIHTTPSuite) SetUpSuite(c *gc.C) { s.HTTPSuite.SetUpSuite(c) c.Assert(s.Server.URL[:7], gc.Equals, "http://") s.service = lc.New(s.Server.URL, testUserAccount) }