func TestUaAuth(t *testing.T) {
	uaauth := UserAgentAuthentication{
		UserAgent:         "user-agent",
		UserAgentPassword: "******",
	header1 := uaauth.header("request-id", "session-id", "rets-version")
	testutils.Assert(t, "Digest 052c1af08431d3cc9717a37f9d6de169" == header1, "bad auth")

	header2 := uaauth.header("", "", "rets-version")
	testutils.Assert(t, "Digest 73cc7ccfe417292b1155c5ccee7fbdab" == header2, "bad auth")
func TestFieldTransfer(t *testing.T) {
	type Tester struct {
		Bob string
		foo string
		Baz string
	test := &Tester{}
		"Bob": "foo",
		"Foo": "bar",
		"baz": "blah",
	testutils.Equals(t, "foo", test.Bob)
	testutils.Assert(t, "" == test.foo, "shouldnt be able to set lower case fields")
	testutils.Assert(t, "blah" == test.Baz, "should be case insensitive")
func TestSearchCompactParseCompact(t *testing.T) {
	body := ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(compactDecoded))

	cr, err := NewCompactSearchResult(body)
	testutils.Ok(t, err)

	testutils.Assert(t, StatusOK == cr.Response.Code, "bad code")
	testutils.Assert(t, "V2.7.0 2315: Success" == cr.Response.Text, "bad text")

	testutils.Assert(t, 10 == int(cr.Count), "bad count")
	testutils.Assert(t, 6 == len(cr.Columns), "bad header count")

	testutils.Assert(t, "A,B,C,D,E,F" == strings.Join(cr.Columns, ","), "bad headers")

	counter := 0
	maxRows, err := cr.ForEach(func(row Row, err error) error {
		if strings.Join(row, ",") != "1,2,3,4,,6" {
			t.Errorf("bad row %d: %s", counter, row)

		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("error parsing body at row %d: %s", counter, err.Error())
		counter = counter + 1
		return nil
	testutils.Ok(t, err)

	testutils.Assert(t, 8 == counter, "bad count")
	testutils.Assert(t, maxRows, "bad max rows")

func TestParseCompactData(t *testing.T) {
	body := ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(compact))
	decoder := DefaultXMLDecoder(body, false)
	token, err := decoder.Token()
	testutils.Ok(t, err)
	start, ok := token.(xml.StartElement)
	testutils.Assert(t, ok, "should be a start element")
	testutils.Equals(t, "METADATA-ELEMENT", start.Name.Local)
	cm, err := NewCompactData(start, decoder, "	")
	testutils.Ok(t, err)
	testutils.Equals(t, "METADATA-ELEMENT", cm.Element)
	testutils.Equals(t, "Dog", cm.Attr["Cat"])
	testutils.Equals(t, 2, len(cm.CompactRows))
	testutils.Equals(t, 2, len(cm.Columns()))
func TestCompactEntry(t *testing.T) {
	body := ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(compact))
	decoder := DefaultXMLDecoder(body, false)
	token, err := decoder.Token()
	testutils.Ok(t, err)
	start, ok := token.(xml.StartElement)
	testutils.Assert(t, ok, "should be a start element")
	cm, err := NewCompactData(start, decoder, "	")
	testutils.Ok(t, err)
	type Test struct {
		ResourceID, Standardname string
	row1 := Test{}
	maps := cm.Entries()
	testutils.Equals(t, "ActiveAgent", row1.ResourceID)
	testutils.Equals(t, "ActiveAgent", row1.Standardname)
func TestSearchCompactParseSearchQuit(t *testing.T) {
	noEnd := strings.Split(compactDecoded, "<MAXROWS/>")[0]
	body := ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(noEnd))

	cr, err := NewCompactSearchResult(body)
	testutils.Ok(t, err)

	rowsFound := 0
	cr.ForEach(func(data Row, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			testutils.Assert(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "EOF"), "found something not eof")
			return err
		testutils.Equals(t, "1,2,3,4,,6", strings.Join(data, ","))
		return nil
	testutils.Equals(t, 8, rowsFound)
func TestGetObjects(t *testing.T) {
	headers := http.Header{}
	headers.Add("Content-Type", contentType)
	response := GetObjectResponse{
		response: &http.Response{
			Header: headers,
			Body:   ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(multipartBody)),
	defer response.Close()
	var objects []*Object
	response.ForEach(func(o *Object, err error) error {
		testutils.Ok(t, err)
		objects = append(objects, o)
		return nil

	o1 := objects[0]
	testutils.Equals(t, true, o1.Preferred)
	testutils.Equals(t, "image/jpeg", o1.ContentType)
	testutils.Equals(t, "123456", o1.ContentID)
	testutils.Equals(t, 1, o1.ObjectID)
	testutils.Equals(t, "<binary data 1>", string(o1.Blob))
	testutils.Equals(t, "123456", o1.ObjectData["ListingKey"])
	testutils.Equals(t, "2013-05-01T12:34:34.8-0500", o1.ObjectData["ListDate"])

	o2 := objects[1]
	testutils.Equals(t, 2, o2.ObjectID)
	testutils.Equals(t, "1a234234234", o2.UID)

	o3 := objects[2]
	testutils.Equals(t, 3, o3.ObjectID)
	testutils.Equals(t, "Outhouse", o3.Description)
	testutils.Equals(t, "The urinal", o3.SubDescription)

	o4 := objects[3]
	testutils.Equals(t, true, o4.RetsError)

	testutils.Equals(t, "text/xml", o4.ContentType)
	testutils.Equals(t, "There is no object with that Object-ID", o4.RetsMessage.Text)
	testutils.Equals(t, StatusObjectNotFound, o4.RetsMessage.Code)

	o5 := objects[4]
	testutils.Equals(t, "http://www.simpleboundary.com/image-5.jpg", o5.Location)
	testutils.Equals(t, "image/jpeg", o5.ContentType)
	testutils.Equals(t, "123457", o5.ContentID)
	testutils.Equals(t, 5, o5.ObjectID)
	testutils.Equals(t, "", string(o5.Blob))

	o6 := objects[5]
	testutils.Equals(t, "http://www.simpleboundary.com/image-6.jpg", o6.Location)
	testutils.Equals(t, "image/jpeg", o6.ContentType)
	testutils.Equals(t, "123457", o6.ContentID)
	testutils.Equals(t, 6, o6.ObjectID)
	testutils.Equals(t, "<binary data 6>", string(o6.Blob))
	testutils.Assert(t, o6.RetsMessage == nil, "should not be the zerod object")

	o7 := objects[6]
	testutils.Equals(t, "http://www.simpleboundary.com/image-7.jpg", o7.Location)
	testutils.Equals(t, "image/jpeg", o7.ContentType)
	testutils.Equals(t, "123457", o7.ContentID)
	testutils.Equals(t, 7, o7.ObjectID)
	testutils.Equals(t, "", string(o7.Blob))
	testutils.Equals(t, "Found it!", o7.RetsMessage.Text)
