//replace ResponseWriter with a monitorable one, return logger func (m *monitorableWriter) Log() { duration := time.Now().Sub(m.t0) if m.Code == 0 { m.Code = 200 } if m.opts.Filter != nil && !m.opts.Filter(m.r, m.Code, duration, m.Size) { return //skip } cc := m.colorCode() size := "" if m.Size > 0 { size = sizestr.ToString(m.Size) } buff := bytes.Buffer{} m.opts.formatTmpl.Execute(&buff, &struct { *Colors Timestamp, Method, Path, CodeColor string Code int Duration, Size, IP string }{ m.opts.Colors, m.t0.Format(m.opts.TimeFormat), m.method, m.path, cc, m.Code, fmtDuration(duration), size, m.ip, }) //fmt is threadsafe :) fmt.Fprint(m.opts.Writer, buff.String()) }
//replace ResponseWriter with a monitorable one, return logger func (m *MonitorableWriter) Log() { now := time.Now() if m.Code == 0 { m.Code = 200 } b := bytes.Buffer{} b.WriteString(now.Format(TimeFormat) + " ") b.WriteString(m.method + " ") b.WriteString(m.path + " ") b.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(m.Code) + " ") dur := integerRegexp.ReplaceAllString(now.Sub(m.t0).String(), "") b.WriteString(dur) if m.Size > 0 { b.WriteString(" " + sizestr.ToString(m.Size)) } if m.ip != "::1" && m.ip != "" { b.WriteString(" (" + m.ip + ")") } b.WriteString("\n") Writer.Write(b.Bytes()) }