func (i *importer) makeUnitDoc(s description.Application, u description.Unit) (*unitDoc, error) {
	// NOTE: if we want to support units having different charms deployed
	// than the application recomments and migrate that, then we should serialize
	// the charm url for each unit rather than grabbing the applications charm url.
	// Currently the units charm url matching the application is a precondiation
	// to migration.
	charmUrl, err := charm.ParseURL(s.CharmURL())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	var subordinates []string
	if subs := u.Subordinates(); len(subs) > 0 {
		for _, s := range subs {
			subordinates = append(subordinates, s.Id())

	return &unitDoc{
		Name:                   u.Name(),
		Application:            s.Name(),
		Series:                 s.Series(),
		CharmURL:               charmUrl,
		Principal:              u.Principal().Id(),
		Subordinates:           subordinates,
		StorageAttachmentCount: i.unitStorageAttachmentCount(u.Tag()),
		MachineId:              u.Machine().Id(),
		Tools:                  i.makeTools(u.Tools()),
		Life:                   Alive,
		PasswordHash:           u.PasswordHash(),
	}, nil
func (e *exporter) setUnitPayloads(exUnit description.Unit, payloads []payload.FullPayloadInfo) error {
	unitID := exUnit.Tag().Id()
	machineID := exUnit.Machine().Id()
	for _, payload := range payloads {
		if payload.Machine != machineID {
			return errors.NotValidf("payload for unit %q reports wrong machine %q (should be %q)", unitID, payload.Machine, machineID)
		args := description.PayloadArgs{
			Name:   payload.Name,
			Type:   payload.Type,
			RawID:  payload.ID,
			State:  payload.Status,
			Labels: payload.Labels,
	return nil