func (t *LiveTests) TestSetupGlobalGroupExposesCorrectPorts(c *gc.C) { t.PrepareOnce(c) groupName := "juju-test-group-" + randomName() // Make sure things are clean before we start, and will be clean when we finish cleanup := func() { c.Check(openstack.DiscardSecurityGroup(t.Env, groupName), gc.IsNil) } cleanup() defer cleanup() statePort := 12345 // Default 37017 apiPort := 34567 // Default 17070 group, err := openstack.SetUpGlobalGroup(t.Env, groupName, statePort, apiPort) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) // We default to exporting 22, statePort, apiPort, and icmp/udp/tcp on // all ports to other machines inside the same group // TODO(jam): 2013-09-18 // We shouldn't be exposing the API and State ports on all the machines // that *aren't* hosting the state server. (And once we finish // client-via-API we can disable the State port as well.) stringRules := make([]string, 0, len(group.Rules)) for _, rule := range group.Rules { ruleStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s %d %d %q %q", *rule.IPProtocol, *rule.FromPort, *rule.ToPort, rule.IPRange["cidr"], rule.Group.Name, ) stringRules = append(stringRules, ruleStr) } // We don't care about the ordering, so we sort the result, and compare it. expectedRules := []string{ `tcp 22 22 "" ""`, fmt.Sprintf(`tcp %d %d "" ""`, statePort, statePort), fmt.Sprintf(`tcp %d %d "" ""`, apiPort, apiPort), fmt.Sprintf(`tcp 1 65535 "" "%s"`, groupName), fmt.Sprintf(`udp 1 65535 "" "%s"`, groupName), fmt.Sprintf(`icmp -1 -1 "" "%s"`, groupName), } sort.Strings(stringRules) sort.Strings(expectedRules) c.Check(stringRules, gc.DeepEquals, expectedRules) }
func (t *LiveTests) TestEnsureGroupSetsGroupId(c *gc.C) { t.PrepareOnce(c) rules := []nova.RuleInfo{ { // First group explicitly asks for all services IPProtocol: "tcp", FromPort: 22, ToPort: 22, Cidr: "", }, { // Second group should only allow access from within the group IPProtocol: "tcp", FromPort: 1, ToPort: 65535, }, } groupName := "juju-test-group-" + randomName() // Make sure things are clean before we start, and clean when we are done cleanup := func() { c.Check(openstack.DiscardSecurityGroup(t.Env, groupName), gc.IsNil) } cleanup() defer cleanup() group, err := openstack.EnsureGroup(t.Env, groupName, rules) c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) c.Check(group.Rules, gc.HasLen, 2) c.Check(*group.Rules[0].IPProtocol, gc.Equals, "tcp") c.Check(*group.Rules[0].FromPort, gc.Equals, 22) c.Check(*group.Rules[0].ToPort, gc.Equals, 22) c.Check(group.Rules[0].IPRange["cidr"], gc.Equals, "") c.Check(group.Rules[0].Group.Name, gc.Equals, "") c.Check(group.Rules[0].Group.TenantId, gc.Equals, "") c.Check(*group.Rules[1].IPProtocol, gc.Equals, "tcp") c.Check(*group.Rules[1].FromPort, gc.Equals, 1) c.Check(*group.Rules[1].ToPort, gc.Equals, 65535) c.Check(group.Rules[1].IPRange, gc.HasLen, 0) c.Check(group.Rules[1].Group.Name, gc.Equals, groupName) c.Check(group.Rules[1].Group.TenantId, gc.Equals, group.TenantId) }