文件: resource.go 项目: bac/juju
func (st resourceState) setResource(pendingID, applicationID, userID string, chRes charmresource.Resource, r io.Reader) (resource.Resource, error) {
	id := newResourceID(applicationID, chRes.Name)

	res := resource.Resource{
		Resource:      chRes,
		ID:            id,
		PendingID:     pendingID,
		ApplicationID: applicationID,
	if r != nil {
		// TODO(ericsnow) Validate the user ID (or use a tag).
		res.Username = userID
		res.Timestamp = st.currentTimestamp()

	if err := res.Validate(); err != nil {
		return res, errors.Annotate(err, "bad resource metadata")

	if r == nil {
		if err := st.persist.SetResource(res); err != nil {
			return res, errors.Trace(err)
	} else {
		if err := st.storeResource(res, r); err != nil {
			return res, errors.Trace(err)

	return res, nil
func (p ResourcePersistence) setUnitResource(unitID string, res resource.Resource, progress *int64) error {
	stored, err := p.getStored(res)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	// TODO(ericsnow) Ensure that stored.Resource matches res? If we do
	// so then the following line is unnecessary.
	stored.Resource = res

	if err := res.Validate(); err != nil {
		return errors.Annotate(err, "bad resource")

	buildTxn := func(attempt int) ([]txn.Op, error) {
		// This is an "upsert".
		var ops []txn.Op
		switch attempt {
		case 0:
			ops = newInsertUnitResourceOps(unitID, stored, progress)
		case 1:
			ops = newUpdateUnitResourceOps(unitID, stored, progress)
			// Either insert or update will work so we should not get here.
			return nil, errors.New("setting the resource failed")
		// No pending resources so we always do this here.
		ops = append(ops, p.base.ServiceExistsOps(res.ServiceID)...)
		return ops, nil
	if err := p.base.Run(buildTxn); err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	return nil
func (ResourceSuite) TestValidateZeroValue(c *gc.C) {
	var res resource.Resource

	err := res.Validate()

	c.Check(errors.Cause(err), jc.Satisfies, errors.IsNotValid)
	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `.*bad info.*`)
func (ResourceSuite) TestValidateUploadNotUsed(c *gc.C) {
	res := resource.Resource{
		Resource:  newFullCharmResource(c, "spam"),
		ID:        "a-service/spam",
		ServiceID: "a-service",

	err := res.Validate()

	c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
文件: resource_test.go 项目: bac/juju
func (ResourceSuite) TestValidateUploadNotUsed(c *gc.C) {
	res := resource.Resource{
		Resource:      newFullCharmResource(c, "spam"),
		ID:            "a-application/spam",
		ApplicationID: "a-application",

	err := res.Validate()

	c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
func (ResourceSuite) TestValidateMissingID(c *gc.C) {
	res := resource.Resource{
		Resource:  newFullCharmResource(c, "spam"),
		ServiceID: "a-service",
		Username:  "******",
		Timestamp: time.Now(),

	err := res.Validate()

	c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
func (ResourceSuite) TestValidateMissingServiceID(c *gc.C) {
	res := resource.Resource{
		Resource:  newFullCharmResource(c, "spam"),
		ID:        "a-service/spam",
		Username:  "******",
		Timestamp: time.Now(),

	err := res.Validate()

	c.Check(errors.Cause(err), jc.Satisfies, errors.IsNotValid)
	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `.*missing service ID.*`)
文件: resource_test.go 项目: bac/juju
func (ResourceSuite) TestValidateUploadUsed(c *gc.C) {
	res := resource.Resource{
		Resource:      newFullCharmResource(c, "spam"),
		ID:            "a-application/spam",
		ApplicationID: "a-application",
		Username:      "******",
		Timestamp:     time.Now(),

	err := res.Validate()

	c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
func (ResourceSuite) TestValidateBadInfo(c *gc.C) {
	var charmRes charmresource.Resource
	c.Assert(charmRes.Validate(), gc.NotNil)

	res := resource.Resource{
		Resource: charmRes,

	err := res.Validate()

	c.Check(errors.Cause(err), jc.Satisfies, errors.IsNotValid)
	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `.*bad info.*`)
func (ResourceSuite) TestValidateUploadPending(c *gc.C) {
	res := resource.Resource{
		Resource:  newFullCharmResource(c, "spam"),
		ID:        "a-service/spam",
		PendingID: "some-unique-ID",
		ServiceID: "a-service",
		Username:  "******",
		Timestamp: time.Now(),

	err := res.Validate()

	c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
文件: resource_test.go 项目: bac/juju
func (ResourceSuite) TestValidateMissingTimestamp(c *gc.C) {
	res := resource.Resource{
		Resource:      newFullCharmResource(c, "spam"),
		ID:            "a-application/spam",
		ApplicationID: "a-application",
		Username:      "******",
		Timestamp:     time.Time{},

	err := res.Validate()

	c.Check(errors.Cause(err), jc.Satisfies, errors.IsNotValid)
	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `.*missing timestamp.*`)
文件: helpers_test.go 项目: OSBI/juju
func (helpersSuite) TestAPI2Resource(c *gc.C) {
	now := time.Now()
	res, err := api.API2Resource(api.Resource{
		CharmResource: api.CharmResource{
			Name:        "spam",
			Type:        "file",
			Path:        "spam.tgz",
			Description: "you need it",
			Origin:      "upload",
			Revision:    1,
			Fingerprint: []byte(fingerprint),
			Size:        10,
		ID:        "a-service/spam",
		PendingID: "some-unique-ID",
		ServiceID: "a-service",
		Username:  "******",
		Timestamp: now,
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	fp, err := charmresource.NewFingerprint([]byte(fingerprint))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	expected := resource.Resource{
		Resource: charmresource.Resource{
			Meta: charmresource.Meta{
				Name:        "spam",
				Type:        charmresource.TypeFile,
				Path:        "spam.tgz",
				Description: "you need it",
			Origin:      charmresource.OriginUpload,
			Revision:    1,
			Fingerprint: fp,
			Size:        10,
		ID:        "a-service/spam",
		PendingID: "some-unique-ID",
		ServiceID: "a-service",
		Username:  "******",
		Timestamp: now,
	err = expected.Validate()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	c.Check(res, jc.DeepEquals, expected)
func newResource(c *gc.C, name, serviceID, username, content string) resource.Resource {
	var timestamp time.Time
	if username != "" {
		timestamp = time.Now().UTC()
	res := resource.Resource{
		Resource:  NewCharmResource(c, name, content),
		ID:        serviceID + "/" + name,
		PendingID: "",
		ServiceID: serviceID,
		Username:  username,
		Timestamp: timestamp,
	err := res.Validate()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	return res
文件: helpers_test.go 项目: bac/juju
func (HelpersSuite) TestResource2API(c *gc.C) {
	fp, err := charmresource.NewFingerprint([]byte(fingerprint))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	now := time.Now()
	res := resource.Resource{
		Resource: charmresource.Resource{
			Meta: charmresource.Meta{
				Name:        "spam",
				Type:        charmresource.TypeFile,
				Path:        "spam.tgz",
				Description: "you need it",
			Origin:      charmresource.OriginUpload,
			Revision:    1,
			Fingerprint: fp,
			Size:        10,
		ID:            "a-application/spam",
		PendingID:     "some-unique-ID",
		ApplicationID: "a-application",
		Username:      "******",
		Timestamp:     now,
	err = res.Validate()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	apiRes := api.Resource2API(res)

	c.Check(apiRes, jc.DeepEquals, api.Resource{
		CharmResource: api.CharmResource{
			Name:        "spam",
			Type:        "file",
			Path:        "spam.tgz",
			Description: "you need it",
			Origin:      "upload",
			Revision:    1,
			Fingerprint: []byte(fingerprint),
			Size:        10,
		ID:            "a-application/spam",
		PendingID:     "some-unique-ID",
		ApplicationID: "a-application",
		Username:      "******",
		Timestamp:     now,
文件: resource.go 项目: bac/juju
func newResource(c *gc.C, name, applicationID, username, content string) resource.Resource {
	var timestamp time.Time
	if username != "" {
		// TODO(perrito666) 2016-05-02 lp:1558657
		timestamp = time.Now().UTC()
	res := resource.Resource{
		Resource:      NewCharmResource(c, name, content),
		ID:            applicationID + "/" + name,
		PendingID:     "",
		ApplicationID: applicationID,
		Username:      username,
		Timestamp:     timestamp,
	err := res.Validate()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	return res
func (ResourceSuite) TestRevisionStringNone(c *gc.C) {
	res := resource.Resource{
		Resource: charmresource.Resource{
			Meta: charmresource.Meta{
				Name:        "foo",
				Type:        charmresource.TypeFile,
				Path:        "foo.tgz",
				Description: "you need it",
			Origin: charmresource.OriginUpload,
		ServiceID: "svc",

	err := res.Validate()
	c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	c.Check(res.RevisionString(), gc.Equals, "-")
文件: mongo.go 项目: OSBI/juju
// doc2basicResource returns the resource info represented by the doc.
func doc2basicResource(doc resourceDoc) (resource.Resource, error) {
	var res resource.Resource

	resType, err := charmresource.ParseType(doc.Type)
	if err != nil {
		return res, errors.Annotate(err, "got invalid data from DB")

	origin, err := charmresource.ParseOrigin(doc.Origin)
	if err != nil {
		return res, errors.Annotate(err, "got invalid data from DB")

	fp, err := resource.DeserializeFingerprint(doc.Fingerprint)
	if err != nil {
		return res, errors.Annotate(err, "got invalid data from DB")

	res = resource.Resource{
		Resource: charmresource.Resource{
			Meta: charmresource.Meta{
				Name:        doc.Name,
				Type:        resType,
				Path:        doc.Path,
				Description: doc.Description,
			Origin:      origin,
			Revision:    doc.Revision,
			Fingerprint: fp,
			Size:        doc.Size,
		ID:        doc.ID,
		PendingID: doc.PendingID,
		ServiceID: doc.ServiceID,
		Username:  doc.Username,
		Timestamp: doc.Timestamp,
	if err := res.Validate(); err != nil {
		return res, errors.Annotate(err, "got invalid data from DB")
	return res, nil
func (ResourceSuite) TestRevisionStringTime(c *gc.C) {
	res := resource.Resource{
		Resource: charmresource.Resource{
			Meta: charmresource.Meta{
				Name:        "foo",
				Type:        charmresource.TypeFile,
				Path:        "foo.tgz",
				Description: "you need it",
			Origin: charmresource.OriginUpload,
		ServiceID: "svc",
		Username:  "******",
		Timestamp: time.Date(2012, 7, 8, 15, 59, 5, 5, time.UTC),

	err := res.Validate()
	c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	c.Check(res.RevisionString(), gc.Equals, "2012-07-08 15:59:05 +0000 UTC")
文件: resource_test.go 项目: bac/juju
func (ResourceSuite) TestRevisionStringNumber(c *gc.C) {
	res := resource.Resource{
		Resource: charmresource.Resource{
			Meta: charmresource.Meta{
				Name:        "foo",
				Type:        charmresource.TypeFile,
				Path:        "foo.tgz",
				Description: "you need it",
			Origin:   charmresource.OriginStore,
			Revision: 7,
		ApplicationID: "svc",
		Username:      "******",
		Timestamp:     time.Date(2012, 7, 8, 15, 59, 5, 5, time.UTC),

	err := res.Validate()
	c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	c.Check(res.RevisionString(), gc.Equals, "7")
// SetResource sets the info for the resource.
func (p ResourcePersistence) SetResource(res resource.Resource) error {
	stored, err := p.getStored(res)
	if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
		stored = storedResource{Resource: res}
	} else if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	// TODO(ericsnow) Ensure that stored.Resource matches res? If we do
	// so then the following line is unnecessary.
	stored.Resource = res

	if err := res.Validate(); err != nil {
		return errors.Annotate(err, "bad resource")

	buildTxn := func(attempt int) ([]txn.Op, error) {
		// This is an "upsert".
		var ops []txn.Op
		switch attempt {
		case 0:
			ops = newInsertResourceOps(stored)
		case 1:
			ops = newUpdateResourceOps(stored)
			// Either insert or update will work so we should not get here.
			return nil, errors.New("setting the resource failed")
		if stored.PendingID == "" {
			// Only non-pending resources must have an existing service.
			ops = append(ops, p.base.ServiceExistsOps(res.ServiceID)...)
		return ops, nil
	if err := p.base.Run(buildTxn); err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	return nil
// StageResource adds the resource in a separate staging area
// if the resource isn't already staged. If it is then
// errors.AlreadyExists is returned. A wrapper around the staged
// resource is returned which supports both finalizing and removing
// the staged resource.
func (p ResourcePersistence) StageResource(res resource.Resource, storagePath string) (*StagedResource, error) {
	if storagePath == "" {
		return nil, errors.Errorf("missing storage path")

	if err := res.Validate(); err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "bad resource")

	stored := storedResource{
		Resource:    res,
		storagePath: storagePath,
	staged := &StagedResource{
		base:   p.base,
		id:     res.ID,
		stored: stored,
	if err := staged.stage(); err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	return staged, nil
文件: helpers.go 项目: OSBI/juju
// API2Resource converts an API Resource struct into
// a resource.Resource.
func API2Resource(apiRes Resource) (resource.Resource, error) {
	var res resource.Resource

	charmRes, err := API2CharmResource(apiRes.CharmResource)
	if err != nil {
		return res, errors.Trace(err)

	res = resource.Resource{
		Resource:  charmRes,
		ID:        apiRes.ID,
		PendingID: apiRes.PendingID,
		ServiceID: apiRes.ServiceID,
		Username:  apiRes.Username,
		Timestamp: apiRes.Timestamp,

	if err := res.Validate(); err != nil {
		return res, errors.Trace(err)

	return res, nil
文件: helpers_test.go 项目: bac/juju
func (HelpersSuite) TestAPIResult2ServiceResourcesOkay(c *gc.C) {
	fp, err := charmresource.NewFingerprint([]byte(fingerprint))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	now := time.Now()
	expected := resource.Resource{
		Resource: charmresource.Resource{
			Meta: charmresource.Meta{
				Name:        "spam",
				Type:        charmresource.TypeFile,
				Path:        "spam.tgz",
				Description: "you need it",
			Origin:      charmresource.OriginUpload,
			Revision:    1,
			Fingerprint: fp,
			Size:        10,
		ID:            "a-application/spam",
		PendingID:     "some-unique-ID",
		ApplicationID: "a-application",
		Username:      "******",
		Timestamp:     now,
	err = expected.Validate()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	unitExpected := resource.Resource{
		Resource: charmresource.Resource{
			Meta: charmresource.Meta{
				Name:        "unitspam",
				Type:        charmresource.TypeFile,
				Path:        "unitspam.tgz",
				Description: "you need it",
			Origin:      charmresource.OriginUpload,
			Revision:    1,
			Fingerprint: fp,
			Size:        10,
		ID:            "a-application/spam",
		PendingID:     "some-unique-ID",
		ApplicationID: "a-application",
		Username:      "******",
		Timestamp:     now,
	err = unitExpected.Validate()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	apiRes := api.Resource{
		CharmResource: api.CharmResource{
			Name:        "spam",
			Type:        "file",
			Path:        "spam.tgz",
			Description: "you need it",
			Origin:      "upload",
			Revision:    1,
			Fingerprint: []byte(fingerprint),
			Size:        10,
		ID:            "a-application/spam",
		PendingID:     "some-unique-ID",
		ApplicationID: "a-application",
		Username:      "******",
		Timestamp:     now,

	unitRes := api.Resource{
		CharmResource: api.CharmResource{
			Name:        "unitspam",
			Type:        "file",
			Path:        "unitspam.tgz",
			Description: "you need it",
			Origin:      "upload",
			Revision:    1,
			Fingerprint: []byte(fingerprint),
			Size:        10,
		ID:            "a-application/spam",
		PendingID:     "some-unique-ID",
		ApplicationID: "a-application",
		Username:      "******",
		Timestamp:     now,

	fp2, err := charmresource.GenerateFingerprint(strings.NewReader("boo!"))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	chRes := api.CharmResource{
		Name:        "unitspam2",
		Type:        "file",
		Path:        "unitspam.tgz2",
		Description: "you need it2",
		Origin:      "upload",
		Revision:    2,
		Fingerprint: fp2.Bytes(),
		Size:        11,

	chExpected := charmresource.Resource{
		Meta: charmresource.Meta{
			Name:        "unitspam2",
			Type:        charmresource.TypeFile,
			Path:        "unitspam.tgz2",
			Description: "you need it2",
		Origin:      charmresource.OriginUpload,
		Revision:    2,
		Fingerprint: fp2,
		Size:        11,

	resources, err := api.APIResult2ServiceResources(api.ResourcesResult{
		Resources: []api.Resource{
		CharmStoreResources: []api.CharmResource{
		UnitResources: []api.UnitResources{
				Entity: params.Entity{
					Tag: "unit-foo-0",
				Resources: []api.Resource{
				DownloadProgress: map[string]int64{
					unitRes.Name: 8,
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	serviceResource := resource.ServiceResources{
		Resources: []resource.Resource{
		CharmStoreResources: []charmresource.Resource{
		UnitResources: []resource.UnitResources{
				Tag: names.NewUnitTag("foo/0"),
				Resources: []resource.Resource{
				DownloadProgress: map[string]int64{
					unitRes.Name: 8,

	c.Check(resources, jc.DeepEquals, serviceResource)
文件: helpers_test.go 项目: OSBI/juju
func (helpersSuite) TestAPIResult2ServiceResourcesBadUnitTag(c *gc.C) {
	fp, err := charmresource.NewFingerprint([]byte(fingerprint))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	now := time.Now()
	expected := resource.Resource{
		Resource: charmresource.Resource{
			Meta: charmresource.Meta{
				Name:        "spam",
				Type:        charmresource.TypeFile,
				Path:        "spam.tgz",
				Description: "you need it",
			Origin:      charmresource.OriginUpload,
			Revision:    1,
			Fingerprint: fp,
			Size:        10,
		ID:        "a-service/spam",
		PendingID: "some-unique-ID",
		ServiceID: "a-service",
		Username:  "******",
		Timestamp: now,
	err = expected.Validate()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	unitExpected := resource.Resource{
		Resource: charmresource.Resource{
			Meta: charmresource.Meta{
				Name:        "unitspam",
				Type:        charmresource.TypeFile,
				Path:        "unitspam.tgz",
				Description: "you need it",
			Origin:      charmresource.OriginUpload,
			Revision:    1,
			Fingerprint: fp,
			Size:        10,
		ID:        "a-service/spam",
		PendingID: "some-unique-ID",
		ServiceID: "a-service",
		Username:  "******",
		Timestamp: now,
	err = unitExpected.Validate()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	apiRes := api.Resource{
		CharmResource: api.CharmResource{
			Name:        "spam",
			Type:        "file",
			Path:        "spam.tgz",
			Description: "you need it",
			Origin:      "upload",
			Revision:    1,
			Fingerprint: []byte(fingerprint),
			Size:        10,
		ID:        "a-service/spam",
		PendingID: "some-unique-ID",
		ServiceID: "a-service",
		Username:  "******",
		Timestamp: now,

	unitRes := api.Resource{
		CharmResource: api.CharmResource{
			Name:        "unitspam",
			Type:        "file",
			Path:        "unitspam.tgz",
			Description: "you need it",
			Origin:      "upload",
			Revision:    1,
			Fingerprint: []byte(fingerprint),
			Size:        10,
		ID:        "a-service/spam",
		PendingID: "some-unique-ID",
		ServiceID: "a-service",
		Username:  "******",
		Timestamp: now,

	_, err = api.APIResult2ServiceResources(api.ResourcesResult{
		Resources: []api.Resource{
		UnitResources: []api.UnitResources{
				Entity: params.Entity{
				Resources: []api.Resource{
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, ".*got bad data from server.*")
文件: helpers_test.go 项目: OSBI/juju
func (helpersSuite) TestAPIResult2ServiceResourcesOkay(c *gc.C) {
	fp, err := charmresource.NewFingerprint([]byte(fingerprint))
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	now := time.Now()
	expected := resource.Resource{
		Resource: charmresource.Resource{
			Meta: charmresource.Meta{
				Name:        "spam",
				Type:        charmresource.TypeFile,
				Path:        "spam.tgz",
				Description: "you need it",
			Origin:      charmresource.OriginUpload,
			Revision:    1,
			Fingerprint: fp,
			Size:        10,
		ID:        "a-service/spam",
		PendingID: "some-unique-ID",
		ServiceID: "a-service",
		Username:  "******",
		Timestamp: now,
	err = expected.Validate()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	unitExpected := resource.Resource{
		Resource: charmresource.Resource{
			Meta: charmresource.Meta{
				Name:        "unitspam",
				Type:        charmresource.TypeFile,
				Path:        "unitspam.tgz",
				Description: "you need it",
			Origin:      charmresource.OriginUpload,
			Revision:    1,
			Fingerprint: fp,
			Size:        10,
		ID:        "a-service/spam",
		PendingID: "some-unique-ID",
		ServiceID: "a-service",
		Username:  "******",
		Timestamp: now,
	err = unitExpected.Validate()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	apiRes := api.Resource{
		CharmResource: api.CharmResource{
			Name:        "spam",
			Type:        "file",
			Path:        "spam.tgz",
			Description: "you need it",
			Origin:      "upload",
			Revision:    1,
			Fingerprint: []byte(fingerprint),
			Size:        10,
		ID:        "a-service/spam",
		PendingID: "some-unique-ID",
		ServiceID: "a-service",
		Username:  "******",
		Timestamp: now,

	unitRes := api.Resource{
		CharmResource: api.CharmResource{
			Name:        "unitspam",
			Type:        "file",
			Path:        "unitspam.tgz",
			Description: "you need it",
			Origin:      "upload",
			Revision:    1,
			Fingerprint: []byte(fingerprint),
			Size:        10,
		ID:        "a-service/spam",
		PendingID: "some-unique-ID",
		ServiceID: "a-service",
		Username:  "******",
		Timestamp: now,

	resources, err := api.APIResult2ServiceResources(api.ResourcesResult{
		Resources: []api.Resource{
		UnitResources: []api.UnitResources{
				Entity: params.Entity{
					Tag: "unit-foo-0",
				Resources: []api.Resource{
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	serviceResource := resource.ServiceResources{
		Resources: []resource.Resource{
		UnitResources: []resource.UnitResources{
				Tag: names.NewUnitTag("foo/0"),
				Resources: []resource.Resource{

	c.Check(resources, jc.DeepEquals, serviceResource)