// setProxyCommand sets the proxy command option. func (c *SSHCommon) setProxyCommand(options *ssh.Options) error { apiServerHost, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(c.apiAddr) if err != nil { return errors.Errorf("failed to get proxy address: %v", err) } juju, err := getJujuExecutable() if err != nil { return errors.Errorf("failed to get juju executable path: %v", err) } // TODO(mjs) 2016-05-09 LP #1579592 - It would be good to check the // host key of the controller machine being used for proxying // here. This isn't too serious as all traffic passing through the // controller host is encrypted and the host key of the ultimate // target host is verified but it would still be better to perform // this extra level of checking. options.SetProxyCommand( juju, "ssh", "--proxy=false", "--no-host-key-checks", "--pty=false", "ubuntu@"+apiServerHost, "-q", "nc %h %p", ) return nil }
func (s *SSHGoCryptoCommandSuite) TestProxyCommand(c *gc.C) { realNetcat, err := exec.LookPath("nc") if err != nil { c.Skip("skipping test, couldn't find netcat: %v") return } netcat := filepath.Join(c.MkDir(), "nc") err = ioutil.WriteFile(netcat, []byte("#!/bin/sh\necho $0 \"$@\" > $0.args && exec "+realNetcat+" \"$@\""), 0755) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) private, _, err := ssh.GenerateKey("test-server") c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) key, err := cryptossh.ParsePrivateKey([]byte(private)) client, err := ssh.NewGoCryptoClient(key) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) server := newServer(c) var opts ssh.Options port := server.listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port opts.SetProxyCommand(netcat, "-q0", "%h", "%p") opts.SetPort(port) cmd := client.Command("", testCommand, &opts) server.cfg.PublicKeyCallback = func(_ cryptossh.ConnMetadata, pubkey cryptossh.PublicKey) (*cryptossh.Permissions, error) { return nil, nil } go server.run(c) out, err := cmd.Output() c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) c.Assert(string(out), gc.Equals, "abc value\n") // Ensure the proxy command was executed with the appropriate arguments. data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(netcat + ".args") c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) c.Assert(string(data), gc.Equals, fmt.Sprintf("%s -q0 %v\n", netcat, port)) }
func (s *SSHCommandSuite) TestSetStrictHostKeyChecking(c *gc.C) { commandPattern := fmt.Sprintf("%s%%s -o PasswordAuthentication no -o ServerAliveInterval 30 localhost %s 123", s.fakessh, echoCommand) tests := []struct { input ssh.StrictHostChecksOption expected string }{ {ssh.StrictHostChecksNo, "no"}, {ssh.StrictHostChecksYes, "yes"}, {ssh.StrictHostChecksAsk, "ask"}, {ssh.StrictHostChecksUnset, ""}, {ssh.StrictHostChecksOption(999), ""}, } for _, t := range tests { var opts ssh.Options opts.SetStrictHostKeyChecking(t.input) expectedOpt := "" if t.expected != "" { expectedOpt = " -o StrictHostKeyChecking " + t.expected } s.assertCommandArgs(c, s.commandOptions([]string{echoCommand, "123"}, &opts), fmt.Sprintf(commandPattern, expectedOpt)) } }
func (s *SSHCommandSuite) TestCommandPort(c *gc.C) { var opts ssh.Options opts.SetPort(2022) s.assertCommandArgs(c, s.commandOptions([]string{echoCommand, "123"}, &opts), fmt.Sprintf("%s -o StrictHostKeyChecking no -o PasswordAuthentication no -o ServerAliveInterval 30 -p 2022 localhost %s 123", s.fakessh, echoCommand), ) }
func (s *SSHCommandSuite) TestCommandSetKnownHostsFile(c *gc.C) { var opts ssh.Options opts.SetKnownHostsFile("/tmp/known hosts") s.assertCommandArgs(c, s.commandOptions([]string{echoCommand, "123"}, &opts), fmt.Sprintf("%s -o StrictHostKeyChecking no -o PasswordAuthentication no -o ServerAliveInterval 30 -o UserKnownHostsFile \"/tmp/known hosts\" localhost %s 123", s.fakessh, echoCommand), ) }
// NewSshInstanceConfigurator creates new sshInstanceConfigurator. func NewSshInstanceConfigurator(host string) InstanceConfigurator { options := ssh.Options{} options.SetIdentities("/var/lib/juju/system-identity") return &sshInstanceConfigurator{ client: ssh.DefaultClient, host: "ubuntu@" + host, options: &options, } }
func (s *SSHCommandSuite) TestCopy(c *gc.C) { var opts ssh.Options opts.EnablePTY() opts.AllowPasswordAuthentication() opts.SetIdentities("x", "y") opts.SetPort(2022) err := s.client.Copy([]string{"/tmp/blah", "[email protected]:baz"}, &opts) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) out, err := ioutil.ReadFile(s.fakescp + ".args") c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) // EnablePTY has no effect for Copy c.Assert(string(out), gc.Equals, s.fakescp+" -o StrictHostKeyChecking no -o ServerAliveInterval 30 -i x -i y -P 2022 /tmp/blah [email protected]:baz\n") // Try passing extra args err = s.client.Copy([]string{"/tmp/blah", "[email protected]:baz", "-r", "-v"}, &opts) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) out, err = ioutil.ReadFile(s.fakescp + ".args") c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) c.Assert(string(out), gc.Equals, s.fakescp+" -o StrictHostKeyChecking no -o ServerAliveInterval 30 -i x -i y -P 2022 /tmp/blah [email protected]:baz -r -v\n") // Try interspersing extra args err = s.client.Copy([]string{"-r", "/tmp/blah", "-v", "[email protected]:baz"}, &opts) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) out, err = ioutil.ReadFile(s.fakescp + ".args") c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) c.Assert(string(out), gc.Equals, s.fakescp+" -o StrictHostKeyChecking no -o ServerAliveInterval 30 -i x -i y -P 2022 -r /tmp/blah -v [email protected]:baz\n") }
// setProxyCommand sets the proxy command option. func (c *SSHCommon) setProxyCommand(options *ssh.Options) error { apiServerHost, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(c.apiAddr) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to get proxy address: %v", err) } juju, err := getJujuExecutable() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to get juju executable path: %v", err) } options.SetProxyCommand(juju, "ssh", "--proxy=false", "--pty=false", apiServerHost, "nc", "%h", "%p") return nil }
// runViaSSH runs script in the remote machine with address addr. func runViaSSH(addr string, script string) error { // This is taken from cmd/juju/ssh.go there is no other clear way to set user userAddr := "ubuntu@" + addr sshOptions := ssh.Options{} sshOptions.SetIdentities("/var/lib/juju/system-identity") userCmd := sshCommand(userAddr, []string{"sudo", "-n", "bash", "-c " + utils.ShQuote(script)}, &sshOptions) var stderrBuf bytes.Buffer userCmd.Stderr = &stderrBuf if err := userCmd.Run(); err != nil { return errors.Annotatef(err, "ssh command failed: %q", stderrBuf.String()) } return nil }
func (s *SSHCommandSuite) TestCommandClientKeys(c *gc.C) { defer overrideGenerateKey(c).Restore() clientKeysDir := c.MkDir() defer ssh.ClearClientKeys() err := ssh.LoadClientKeys(clientKeysDir) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) ck := filepath.Join(clientKeysDir, "juju_id_rsa") var opts ssh.Options opts.SetIdentities("x", "y") s.assertCommandArgs(c, s.commandOptions([]string{echoCommand, "123"}, &opts), fmt.Sprintf("%s -o StrictHostKeyChecking no -o PasswordAuthentication no -o ServerAliveInterval 30 -i x -i y -i %s localhost %s 123", s.fakessh, ck, echoCommand), ) }
// getSSHOptions configures and returns SSH options and proxy settings. func (c *SSHCommon) getSSHOptions(enablePty bool) (*ssh.Options, error) { var options ssh.Options // TODO(waigani) do not save fingerprint only until this bug is addressed: // lp:892552. Also see lp:1334481. options.SetKnownHostsFile("/dev/null") if enablePty { options.EnablePTY() } var err error if c.proxy, err = c.proxySSH(); err != nil { return nil, err } else if c.proxy { if err := c.setProxyCommand(&options); err != nil { return nil, err } } return &options, nil }
func (s *SSHCommandSuite) TestCommandDefaultIdentities(c *gc.C) { var opts ssh.Options tempdir := c.MkDir() def1 := filepath.Join(tempdir, "def1") def2 := filepath.Join(tempdir, "def2") s.PatchValue(ssh.DefaultIdentities, []string{def1, def2}) // If no identities are specified, then the defaults aren't added. s.assertCommandArgs(c, s.commandOptions([]string{echoCommand, "123"}, &opts), fmt.Sprintf("%s -o StrictHostKeyChecking no -o PasswordAuthentication no -o ServerAliveInterval 30 localhost %s 123", s.fakessh, echoCommand), ) // If identities are specified, then the defaults are must added. // Only the defaults that exist on disk will be added. err := ioutil.WriteFile(def2, nil, 0644) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) opts.SetIdentities("x", "y") s.assertCommandArgs(c, s.commandOptions([]string{echoCommand, "123"}, &opts), fmt.Sprintf("%s -o StrictHostKeyChecking no -o PasswordAuthentication no -o ServerAliveInterval 30 -i x -i y -i %s localhost %s 123", s.fakessh, def2, echoCommand), ) }
func (s *SSHGoCryptoCommandSuite) TestCommand(c *gc.C) { private, _, err := ssh.GenerateKey("test-server") c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) key, err := cryptossh.ParsePrivateKey([]byte(private)) client, err := ssh.NewGoCryptoClient(key) c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) server := newServer(c) var opts ssh.Options opts.SetPort(server.listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port) cmd := client.Command("", testCommand, &opts) checkedKey := false server.cfg.PublicKeyCallback = func(conn cryptossh.ConnMetadata, pubkey cryptossh.PublicKey) (*cryptossh.Permissions, error) { c.Check(pubkey, gc.DeepEquals, key.PublicKey()) checkedKey = true return nil, nil } go server.run(c) out, err := cmd.Output() c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil) c.Assert(string(out), gc.Equals, "abc value\n") c.Assert(checkedKey, jc.IsTrue) }
// InitUbuntuUser adds the ubuntu user if it doesn't // already exist, updates its ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, // and enables passwordless sudo for it. // // InitUbuntuUser will initially attempt to login as // the ubuntu user, and verify that passwordless sudo // is enabled; only if this is false will there be an // attempt with the specified login. // // authorizedKeys may be empty, in which case the file // will be created and left empty. // // stdin and stdout will be used for remote sudo prompts, // if the ubuntu user must be created/updated. func InitUbuntuUser(host, login, authorizedKeys string, stdin io.Reader, stdout io.Writer) error { logger.Infof("initialising %q, user %q", host, login) // To avoid unnecessary prompting for the specified login, // initUbuntuUser will first attempt to ssh to the machine // as "ubuntu" with password authentication disabled, and // ensure that it can use sudo without a password. // // Note that we explicitly do not allocate a PTY, so we // get a failure if sudo prompts. cmd := ssh.Command("ubuntu@"+host, []string{"sudo", "-n", "true"}, nil) if cmd.Run() == nil { logger.Infof("ubuntu user is already initialised") return nil } // Failed to login as ubuntu (or passwordless sudo is not enabled). // Use specified login, and execute the initUbuntuScript below. if login != "" { host = login + "@" + host } script := fmt.Sprintf(initUbuntuScript, utils.ShQuote(authorizedKeys)) var options ssh.Options options.AllowPasswordAuthentication() options.EnablePTY() cmd = ssh.Command(host, []string{"sudo", "/bin/bash -c " + utils.ShQuote(script)}, &options) var stderr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdin = stdin cmd.Stdout = stdout // for sudo prompt cmd.Stderr = &stderr if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil { if stderr.Len() != 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("%v (%v)", err, strings.TrimSpace(stderr.String())) } return err } return nil }
// getSSHOptions configures SSH options based on command line // arguments and the SSH targets specified. func (c *SSHCommon) getSSHOptions(enablePty bool, targets ...*resolvedTarget) (*ssh.Options, error) { var options ssh.Options if c.noHostKeyChecks { options.SetStrictHostKeyChecking(ssh.StrictHostChecksNo) options.SetKnownHostsFile("/dev/null") } else { knownHostsPath, err := c.generateKnownHosts(targets) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } // There might not be a custom known_hosts file if the SSH // targets are specified using arbitrary hostnames or // addresses. In this case, the user's personal known_hosts // file is used. if knownHostsPath != "" { // When a known_hosts file has been generated, enforce // strict host key checking. options.SetStrictHostKeyChecking(ssh.StrictHostChecksYes) options.SetKnownHostsFile(knownHostsPath) } else { // If the user's personal known_hosts is used, also use // the user's personal StrictHostKeyChecking preferences. options.SetStrictHostKeyChecking(ssh.StrictHostChecksUnset) } } if enablePty { options.EnablePTY() } if c.proxy { if err := c.setProxyCommand(&options); err != nil { return nil, err } } return &options, nil }