func (p ProvisionUI) DisplayAndPromptSecret(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.DisplayAndPromptSecretArg) ([]byte, error) {
	if p.role == libkb.KexRoleProvisioner {
		// This is the provisioner device (device X)
		// For command line app, all secrets are entered on the provisioner only:
		p.parent.Output("Enter the verification code from your other device here:\n\n")
		ret, err := PromptWithChecker(PromptDescriptorProvisionPhrase, p.parent, "Verification code", false, libkb.CheckNotEmpty)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		secret, err := libkb.NewKex2SecretFromPhrase(ret)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		sbytes := secret.Secret()
		return sbytes[:], nil


	if p.role == libkb.KexRoleProvisionee {
		// this is the provisionee device (device Y)
		// For command line app, the provisionee displays secrets only

		p.parent.Output("Type this verification code into your other device:\n\n")
		p.parent.Output("\t" + arg.Phrase + "\n\n")
		p.parent.Output("If you are using the command line client on your other device, run this command:\n\n")
		p.parent.Output("\tkeybase device add\n\n")
		p.parent.Output("It will then prompt you for the verification code above.\n\n")

		if arg.OtherDeviceType == keybase1.DeviceType_MOBILE {
			encodings, err := qrcode.Encode(arg.Secret)
			// ignoring any of these errors...phrase above will suffice.
			if err == nil {
				p.parent.Output("Or, scan this QR Code with the keybase app on your mobile phone:\n\n")
				fname := path.Join(os.TempDir(), "keybase_qr.png")
				f, ferr := os.Create(fname)
				if ferr == nil {
					p.parent.Printf("\nThere's also a PNG version in %s that might work better.\n\n", fname)
		return nil, nil

	return nil, libkb.InvalidArgumentError{Msg: fmt.Sprintf("invalid ProvisionUI role: %d", p.role)}
func (p ProvisionUI) DisplayAndPromptSecret(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.DisplayAndPromptSecretArg) (keybase1.SecretResponse, error) {
	var resp keybase1.SecretResponse
	if p.role == libkb.KexRoleProvisioner {
		// This is the provisioner device (device X)

		// In development mode, show the QR code.  This is just to
		// make frontend development easier.
		if (arg.OtherDeviceType == keybase1.DeviceType_MOBILE) &&
			(p.parent.G().Env.GetRunMode() == libkb.DevelRunMode) {

			encodings, err := qrcode.Encode([]byte(arg.Phrase))
			// ignoring any of these errors...phrase above will suffice.
			if err == nil {
				p.parent.Output("[DEVEL ONLY] Scan this QR Code with the keybase app on your mobile phone:\n\n")
				fname := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "keybase_qr.png")
				f, ferr := os.Create(fname)
				if ferr == nil {
					p.parent.Printf("\nThere's also a PNG version in %s that might work better.\n\n", fname)

		// For command line app, all secrets are entered on the provisioner only:
		p.parent.Output("\nEnter the verification code from your other device here.  To get\n")
		p.parent.Output("a verification code, run 'keybase login' on your other device.\n\n")

		ret, err := PromptWithChecker(PromptDescriptorProvisionPhrase, p.parent, "Verification code", false, libkb.CheckKex2SecretPhrase)
		if err != nil {
			return resp, err
		resp.Phrase = ret
		return resp, nil


	if p.role == libkb.KexRoleProvisionee {
		// this is the provisionee device (device Y)
		// For command line app, the provisionee displays secrets only

		p.parent.Output("Type this verification code into your other device:\n\n")
		p.parent.Output("\t" + arg.Phrase + "\n\n")
		p.parent.Output("If you are using the command line client on your other device, run this command:\n\n")
		p.parent.Output("\tkeybase device add\n\n")
		p.parent.Output("It will then prompt you for the verification code above.\n\n")

		if arg.OtherDeviceType == keybase1.DeviceType_MOBILE {
			encodings, err := qrcode.Encode([]byte(arg.Phrase))
			// ignoring any of these errors...phrase above will suffice.
			if err == nil {
				p.parent.Output("Or, scan this QR Code with the keybase app on your mobile phone:\n\n")
				fname := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "keybase_qr.png")
				f, ferr := os.Create(fname)
				if ferr == nil {
					p.parent.Printf("\nThere's also a PNG version in %s that might work better.\n\n", fname)
		return resp, nil

	return resp, libkb.InvalidArgumentError{Msg: fmt.Sprintf("invalid ProvisionUI role: %d", p.role)}